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TC, you just missed the most important part of this thread title: 2012.......Year of the Soccer-Moms/SONY Confirmed. Watch out ladies, Sony are coming for you!! :lol:
[QUOTE="Xaero_Gravity"]Man, Moron of The Yearis definitely going to be a tight race this year. AtariKidX, finalstar2007, casharmy, and loosingENDS all seem determined to win.casharmy
$#!+ for brains, wut the ****.
A moron fits what you are doing here,not having a clue about what you are doing. Being out spoken doesn't make you a moron, it makes you infamous. Idiot.
I've only seen 1 instance where finalstar2007 made a bad statement, posting about games he like doesent' make him a moron dimwit. EVERY single post I have made has a reason behind it. I don't make moronic posts, regardless if you agree with me or not dumbass
the fact that you freak out about everything is enough. let's not forget your dumbass posts that are already in some ppl's sigs :lol:
Sony still dominated the last two years as far as exclusive content goes. They were still able to continue to close the gap on 360 as well. The reason Sony isn't perceived as winning 2010 and 2011 is the unusual amount of good multiplatform games. That was especially true this year with Batman AC, Portal 2, Battlefield 3, MW3, LA Noire, etc. Even though these games are also on PS3, it gave 360 gamers a reason to be content with their system and claim Sony's exclusives are irrelevant. We know Sony will win the exclusive argument again next year. The question is, will there be enough big multiplatform releases to keep 360 gamers from looking elsewhere? There is Mass Effect 3, but COD will be the only big multiplatform release from this year to get an entry next year. Then there is Ghost Recon, Counter Strike GO, and Transformers Fall of Cybertron if they can step up and be a big player. Right now, I dont see it. I think the last couple of years have been the exception rather than the rule. It's never been a good thing to try to let your game library skate by without a solid exclusive lineup.-ArchAngeL-777-
The problem for me is that the exclusives don't cover a very large range of tastes. If you're into linear action adventure games, then you're probably very happy about the ps3's exclusives. But if you're into open world or sandbox games, sports games, space games, strategy games, fighting games platformers and/or oddball indie games, then there isn't much for you in the way of exclusives. And the exclusives that do cover those areas are usually overshadowed by multiplats that do it better.
God of War 4 was confirmed? Seriously? How else can they possibly milk that ****. At least make a Norse or Egyptian God of War game. Please don't make it about Kratos again. Im so sick of his ugly brutish face.
[QUOTE="aaronmullan"]God of War IV isn't announced. Lolderp.AtariKidXGod of War 4 is under Development....
Well you bump an old thread to tell news that was just
TLG is vaporware, so is Versus 13
forget about them
The last of us is going to be another generic zombie game, but more movie like and press x to win
cool story bro,the top picture is a horror game i forget the name of,and twisted metal are the only two that will be good so without further adue COOL FUKING STORY BRO!!!
cool story bro,the top picture is a horror game i forget the name of,and twisted metal are the only two that will be good so without further adue COOL FUKING STORY BRO!!!
people remember the games not the hardware my friend ... PS3 library = memorable games 360 = Kinect.[QUOTE="rasengan2552"][QUOTE="StrongDeadlift"] :lol:He doesnt even know the NAME of the game he's hyping. Shows you how much he cares about his PS3 exclusives ;).
As for me, I dont give a f*ck about PS3 (or this generation in general) anymore. Im ready for next gen. I'll wait around for the re-reveal of the Wii-U and see what its all about, and if its cheap/worth it i'll get it. Other than that, PS3 lost this generation dude, just give it up.......5 years from now, people are going to look back and remember PS3 as one of the biggest failures EVER, and wont give a damn about all these "exclusives". That being said, Sony isnt even giving them the support they deserve anyways.
I say f*ck the PS3. no PS4, no care.
Im not going to speak on the quality of the games themselves, but if we are talking about what will be remembered, then you HAVE to take relevance into account. And in terms of relevance, people are going to look back at the xbox360 and remember Halo, Gears, Forza, and Call of Duty (which might as well be called a 360 exclusive. Thats the platform it will be associated with reguardless), as well as their advancements in Xbox Live (which is basically a synonym for "online gaming"). The 360 is going to be remembered this gen as the industry standard platform.
Again, in terms of RELEVANCE, the only thing PS3 has that will legitimately be remembered/relevant in the real world will be Uncharted and Gran Turismo. (and maybe Metal Gear Solid 4). In reality, while exclusives DO matter, not only did they come too little too late, but Sony doesnt even give them ANY mainstream marketing. The mainstream simply doesnt care about PS3 exclusives, and most people outside of the internet dont even know they exist. (again, outside of Uncharted, Gran Turismo, and Metal Gear). Again, im not speaking on the quality of those games, but in terms of RELEVANCE, and its Sony's fault. Sony failed these games by not agressively marketing them and giving them any market penetration. Nobody is going to talk about them/remember them 5 years from now. They are going to remember the PS3 as the console that launched at $600, with NO GAMES for 2 years, and was inferior in every possible way to the 360 in features (minus Blu Ray player). Not to mention the PSN hack, etc...
Neither system will be remembered for its games. 360 will be remembered for RROD and PS3 for being hacked.
The PS3 seems to be lacking this year from what we know is coming, most likely because they have a new handheld out and are fighting on two fronts :|.
oh man :lol:
You cows just don't stop.
Another year,another thread saying it will be year of the ps3.Every year we get this crap :lol:
And every year u be jelly for not owning a ps3. :Doh man :lol:
You cows just don't stop.
Another year,another thread saying it will be year of the ps3.Every year we get this crap :lol:
[QUOTE="freedomfreak"]And every year u be jelly for not owning a ps3. :D rofl. Yes,I cry myself to sleep.oh man :lol:
You cows just don't stop.
Another year,another thread saying it will be year of the ps3.Every year we get this crap :lol:IBeVanquished
Actually like every year, it is 360 year
Of course every year is considered PS3 year at first, then reality kicks in, like in 2011 that PS3 had zero games to buy
Witcher 2, Fable Journey >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FF13vs (worst game on earth probably when released, if FF13 and FF13-2 are any indication), Ni no Kuni (multiplatform, terrible developer from WKC1-2 series, boring gameplay)
Halo 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> infinite >>>>>>>>>>> Starhawk, Dust 514
Draco, Ryse, Alan Wake 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fairytales like GOW4 that does not even exist
Clas 4 Zombie MMO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The last of Us
Dust Elysian Tale >>>>>>>>>> anything on PS3
Skyrim expansions, Mass Effect 3 KINECT only on 360
Not a suprise, PS3 has been best console every year since 2008
Though its pretty sad that Wii and 360 have become completely irrelevant :,(
Not a suprise, PS3 has been best console every year since 2008
Though its pretty sad that Wii and 360 have become completely irrelevant :,(
Very true, PS3 has become the best console to avoid, that is why 360 sells double or triple every single month in US
Actually like every year, it is 360 year
Of course every year is considered PS3 year at first, then reality kicks in, like in 2011 that PS3 had zero games to buy
Witcher 2, Fable Journey >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FF13vs (worst game on earth probably when released, if FF13 and FF13-2 are any indication), Ni no Kuni (multiplatform, terrible developer from WKC1-2 series, boring gameplay)
Halo 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> infinite >>>>>>>>>>> Starhawk, Dust 514
Draco, Ryse, Alan Wake 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fairytales like GOW4 that does not even exist
Clas 4 Zombie MMO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The last of Us
Dust Elysian Tale >>>>>>>>>> anything on PS3
Skyrim expansions, Mass Effect 3 KINECT only on 360
Not a suprise, PS3 has been best console every year since 2008
Though its pretty sad that Wii and 360 have become completely irrelevant :,(
Very true, PS3 has become the best console to avoid, that is why 360 sells double or triple every single month in US
no it isn't, please just stop you are doing my effing head in now, i am normally a civil person but you just post too much BS dude, the Ps3 i still outselling the 360 on a month by month basis worldwide, you know, that place OUTSIDE of the USA and please stop putting Skyrim DLC down as exclusive to the 360, it has not even arrived yet and 30 days is hardly what i would call exclusive,it's timed exclusive DLC not a friggin game dude, you could at least try to be objective sometimes, would it kill you to say something good about the Ps3? stupid question, of course it would,it would be like putting water on the wicked witch of the east, you would have a total meltdown, The ps3 is a better blu-ray player than the 360, how about them apples sunshine.[QUOTE="IBeVanquished"]
Not a suprise, PS3 has been best console every year since 2008
Though its pretty sad that Wii and 360 have become completely irrelevant :,(
Very true, PS3 has become the best console to avoid, that is why 360 sells double or triple every single month in US
Hey you can't tell them the true facts! Let them use their own "logic" for this. On topic my opinion is Twisted Metal is the only smei cool thing here. I liked Twisted Metal 3 and 4 as a kid but playing them again I just can't do it the controllers are terrible. But hey they might make a good game Twisted Metal Head On for the PSP was awesome. However IMO Halo 4 will be the game of the year but we'll never know until it comes out.
Wasn't 2011 the year of the PS3 too and it didn't deliver since most of it's games were irrelevant in terms of sales and awards...just saying.
Wasn't 2011 the year of the PS3 too and it didn't deliver since most of it's games were irrelevant in terms of sales and awards...just saying.
You can keep your sales as long we get our games...just saying too.
Very true, PS3 has become the best console to avoid, that is why 360 sells double or triple every single month in US
no it isn't, please just stop you are doing my effing head in now, i am normally a civil person but you just post too much BS dude, the Ps3 i still outselling the 360 on a month by month basis worldwide, you know, that place OUTSIDE of the USA and please stop putting Skyrim DLC down as exclusive to the 360, it has not even arrived yet and 30 days is hardly what i would call exclusive,it's timed exclusive DLC not a friggin game dude, you could at least try to be objective sometimes, would it kill you to say something good about the Ps3? stupid question, of course it would,it would be like putting water on the wicked witch of the east, you would have a total meltdown, The ps3 is a better blu-ray player than the 360, how about them apples sunshine. Put him on your ignore list dude. I did, and alot of other people have it seems. The guy is a tool. Quoting games for his system that are not even out yet as if they are gold. He is almost making me want them to be turd, just so he looks even more of a tool lol.PC + PS3
Perfect flavor
360 by itself is good if you don't PC game, it has all the major multiplats
If you have a PC, 360 is landfill
Pretty much the sum total of gaming.
LOL... the cows do this every F'IN year.... and the only year they've been right is 2011.
They weren't. 5 games in the metagame vs the PC.
The generation is over.
Nintendo won in sales, Xbox in games.
PS3 finished last, and was the generation's biggest failure financially.
I agree with this statement as Nintendo is not the absolute winner as it just sold more due to being family friendly and cheaper.But Xbox had the best games(exclusives and multiplats) and ps3 made alot of losses and as an xbox 360 and wii owner it is probably a better idea for me to put a graphics card into my pc than to buy a ps3.
The generation is over.
Nintendo won in sales, Xbox in games.
PS3 finished last, and was the generation's biggest failure financially.
I agree with this statement as Nintendo is not the absolute winner as it just sold more due to being family friendly and cheaper.But Xbox had the best games(exclusives and multiplats) and ps3 made alot of losses and as an xbox 360 and wii owner it is probably a better idea for me to put a graphics card into my pc than to buy a ps3.
Why oh why do you have a Xbox and a PC. You should of got a PS3 PC combo and enjoyed the better multiplates on PC and grabbed all the PS3 exclusives....FAIL!!!!!
Sadly tc, you aren't gonna win with this group of lemmings That system wars has become lately. Most ps3 owners are busy enjoying theirany many games both exclusive and multiplat. Any real gamer would see that having a system with mad exclusives and the same multiplaTs as the competing console as the winner in games, but Xbots here don't care about games. For them it's all about this stupid forum and having fellow lemmings agree with them. They would rather have kinect games, ads on the console OS, $60 a year tax fees, an cross game chat so they can chat instead of enjoying an immersive story. They are blind and were brainwashed by ms this gen. M$ suckered all these fools into paying double even triple or more for the console... After 5-6 years of xblive gold they have flat out bought the $400 launch price console twice, add in RROD and the price soars even more. Logical people would be pissed an never do business with that company again, but instead it makes them more loyal because they shelled out that loot an need to Justify that cost. 360 hasnt had great exclusive games in years but they don't care, now they say "the gen is over" , as their exuse. What gamer wouldn't wan more great highly funded fun games to play? It makes no sense to me. Everything about the 360 is a rip an aestically ugly, right down to the ugly lime green, orange and purple cases that detract from the boxart... I would hate to have those cases displayed on the wall. Well my rant is over. I am only posting here because I am at work right now on lunch, otherwise I would be playing some MGS3 hd right now.Midnightshade29
Sadly tc, you aren't gonna win with this group of lemmings That system wars has become lately. Most ps3 owners are busy enjoying theirany many games both exclusive and multiplat. Any real gamer would see that having a system with mad exclusives and the same multiplaTs as the competing console as the winner in games, but Xbots here don't care about games. For them it's all about this stupid forum and having fellow lemmings agree with them. They would rather have kinect games, ads on the console OS, $60 a year tax fees, an cross game chat so they can chat instead of enjoying an immersive story. They are blind and were brainwashed by ms this gen. M$ suckered all these fools into paying double even triple or more for the console... After 5-6 years of xblive gold they have flat out bought the $400 launch price console twice, add in RROD and the price soars even more. Logical people would be pissed an never do business with that company again, but instead it makes them more loyal because they shelled out that loot an need to Justify that cost. 360 hasnt had great exclusive games in years but they don't care, now they say "the gen is over" , as their exuse. What gamer wouldn't wan more great highly funded fun games to play? It makes no sense to me. Everything about the 360 is a rip an aestically ugly, right down to the ugly lime green, orange and purple cases that detract from the boxart... I would hate to have those cases displayed on the wall. Well my rant is over. I am only posting here because I am at work right now on lunch, otherwise I would be playing some MGS3 hd right now.Midnightshade29
This man speaks the truth!!!!!
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