[QUOTE="Midnightshade29"]Sadly tc, you aren't gonna win with this group of lemmings That system wars has become lately. Most ps3 owners are busy enjoying theirany many games both exclusive and multiplat. Any real gamer would see that having a system with mad exclusives and the same multiplaTs as the competing console as the winner in games, but Xbots here don't care about games. For them it's all about this stupid forum and having fellow lemmings agree with them. They would rather have kinect games, ads on the console OS, $60 a year tax fees, an cross game chat so they can chat instead of enjoying an immersive story. They are blind and were brainwashed by ms this gen. M$ suckered all these fools into paying double even triple or more for the console... After 5-6 years of xblive gold they have flat out bought the $400 launch price console twice, add in RROD and the price soars even more. Logical people would be pissed an never do business with that company again, but instead it makes them more loyal because they shelled out that loot an need to Justify that cost. 360 hasnt had great exclusive games in years but they don't care, now they say "the gen is over" , as their exuse. What gamer wouldn't wan more great highly funded fun games to play? It makes no sense to me. Everything about the 360 is a rip an aestically ugly, right down to the ugly lime green, orange and purple cases that detract from the boxart... I would hate to have those cases displayed on the wall. Well my rant is over. I am only posting here because I am at work right now on lunch, otherwise I would be playing some MGS3 hd right now.Adamantium4k2
This man speaks the truth!!!!!
I agree......on XBOX they pay for online,something that is a free bonus on PS3.lol
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