I don't think you understand how resolution works. 4K is 4K, regardless of the screen size. Could be 12 inches could 100 inches. It's still 4K.
And PC's CAN run games at 4K. Dirt 3 can be maxed out at 4K by a single GTX 780. Of course, if you're looking to max out Crysis 3 at 4K 60 FPS, you'll need two more GTX 780's :)
But that still bring the price of a PC that cna do it, today, at below $2,000.
As I've said before, I think the majority of PC gamers will be running at 1440p in 3 years time, with the second larges group at 1080p. 1600p will also start to see a push by then, and some crazy PC gamers will be sporting 4K displays with monster rigs. More power to them.
In 5 years, I think 1440p and 1600p will be most common, 1080p, fairly common, 4K will start to be showed off on gaming forum boards all over the place, like multi-monitor gaming is now, with manufacturers, starting to pay attention. Basically 4K wil be like 1440p is today. A niche market, but niche in a gmaing community of over a 100 million, is still significant.
I find very hard to believe that you will achieve 60FPS on Crysis 3 max out at 4K dude using 2 780gtx.
And on a rig costing less that $2K. Those 780's are about $700 each.
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