[QUOTE="jangojay"][QUOTE="Ballroompirate"] In the end of the day PC gamers can keep RTS they all suck except Starcraft and Warcraft 3,MMOS I've played my share and I'm glade I dont play em any more since well for example playing WoW is $180 a year and thats one game...
PC gamers need to realize that two genres cant keep PC alive and healthy with FPS making their way to consoles and sometimes even selling better than their PC counter parts or they stay about the same (sales wise).RPGs are slowly making their way to PC (The witcher) but its not moving fast enough to make a impact like it did for consoles (my guess playing 5 hours+ on a KB can suck).A/A games especially so far in 08 have made their debut back to consoles with a long MIA of A/A in 07, NMH and DMC4 within a month of each other release wise is pure Ecstasy for A/A fans.
Now I'm not trying to say PC gaming is dead all I'm saying is its not improving or losing.
And????? You are saying we have more FPS than the console market, which is probably true and they are the best versions. RPGS have always been on PC, diablo is not a recent game. A/A? action adventure? You do know PC is getting DMC right? After NHM and DMC where is the next A/A game? Eh? PC also has alot more A/A games coming this year.
Best in what? (FPS) maybe prettier graphics which casuals dont care about or mods which make a game more appealing cause you cant get into it without them?.
You seriously want me to list all the AA+ RPGS on consoles? cause I would love to see the look on your face.
PC getting DMC4 oh noes I'm so jealous of the 13 people who are gonna buy it :roll:
Lets see the A/A games for consoles for 08 from IGN (these are mostly multiplats and only 2 360 exclusives that I bothered to look for, Wii is not included)
Action/Adventure or Action Adventure games
The Club (multiplat)
Dynasty Warriors 6 (multiplat)
Lost Planet (ps3,360 a year earlier)
Lost (multiplat)
Army of Two (multiplat)
Viking: BoA (multiplat)
GTAIV (multiplat)
Hail to the chimp (multiplat?)
Hei$t (multiplat?)
Ironman (multiplat)
The Bourne game (multiplat)
Highlander (multiplat)
Lego Indiana Jones (multiplat)
MGS4 (ps3 )
Fracture (multiplat?)
Starwars unleashed (multiplat)
Golden Axe BR (multiplat?)
Bionic commando (multiplat)
Ghostbusters (multiplat)
Prototype (multiplat)
Tomb Raider (multiplat?)
Alive (multiplat?)
Darksiders (multiplat)
NG2 (360)
Dead Space (multiplat)
Infamous (ps3?)
Just Cause 2 (multiplat?)
PoP untitled (multiplat?)
Too Human (360)
I meant to say when.. but thanks for this big list of crap. Here I'll make one for pc as well.
Gray Matter
Vampyre Story
Nikopol: The Carnival of Immortals
Dracula 3
Mata Hari
Sherlock Holmes versus Arsène Lupin
Still Life 2
So Blonde
Dracula: Origin
Simon the Sorcerer 4
Perry Rhodan
The Whispered World
The Path
Ankh 3: Battle of the Gods
Penumbra: Black Plague
Treasure Island
Art of Murder: FBI Confidential
http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=25632718 just go there.
As for FPS ... .. just lol. Go with your rehashes please. We get better graphics as well as a cheaper and longer lasting game. I'm sorry you have ADD. Mods add length to a game. Also we get MORE FPS as well as MORE ORIGINAL FPS.
RPGS you are gonna give me an entire list of JRPGS that I don't care about. WRPGS we are almost equal.. infact I think PC has more. BTW nice putting 3against 1, how about you break it up a little then compare :) even with 3aagainst one the PC is holding it's own.
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