consoles are better at having the games I care about. Games like Gone Home, Chivalry, The Forest, Goat simulator... Seriously, you can keep them. Although with these new consoles there has been a rising trend on porting those shitty PC games like Warframe to consoles.
But then again, no Yakuza 5, my most anticipated game of the year is not on PC and neither are Guilty Gear XRD, Persona 5 or FFXV so why would I need a PC for? To play some shitty multiplat game I don't care about with better graphics? And not to mention keyboard and mouse.
Most PC games are by default k/m but when you put a controller you have to configure it and not all games allow you to play with controller either. And PC gamers might talk as much shit as they want about k/m's superiority but a similar argument happened on the FGC but look at who won Evo last year... A guy with a PS1 controller.
PC offers a lot of customization and depending how you see it it might be an advantage or a disadvantage. To me it is an incredible annoyance, especially if you hook up your PC to a TV you still need k/m to navigate. Then we have the fact that on PC you either have to download the games (AAA games usually are like 20-50GB and I have a 400 kb/s connection) or buy them on like 6 DVD's and install all that shit up manually disc by disc. Seriously, **** that.
The only worth I've found on PC gaming is ironically to play console games through emulation. CONSOLE GAMES.
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