[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"] and here is the description of trolling.
Trolling (Inciting flames) - Messages intended solely to annoy and/or offend other users by going against the clear nature of a board, topic or chat room are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to: provoking other users to respond with flames; provoking fans of a particular system or game, especially on boards or topics dedicated to that system or game; making misleading topic titles; asking obviously useless questions; and posting false information as fact.
I think the internet--like any written form of communication--suffers from being read based on how someone else reads a message; not how it was composed. I've seen people take offense to eMails that were written in one tone, but they interpreted it in a totally different tone. I've also found that much can be said in the phrase "damage control". The problem I have with such sweeping legislation is that it supposes that there is no meaningful motive or message behind people saying it. Some posts simply are DAMAGE CONTROL. By very definition. Asking someone to justify the statement or face moderation is often unnecessary. It is what it is. Perhaps some people say "damage control" just to be doing something, but others say it because they see nothing but spin and irrational thought in a post and posted how they felt about the point. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
In closing, I find this truth: while there are always rules in life, this is one of the only places that I've found to be anal and draconian about the enforcement of them to the extreme. I wonder how communities would react if cops gave everyone a ticket for driving 36 in the 35...or J-Walking...or speeding through a light that JUST TURNED YELLOW. Even in law, there is flexibility that parallels life itself. life is not an anal, perfection-based experience. Taking the forums best an most interesting posters out of the game for stretches of time because of things like this simply degrades the quality of the forum.
I appreciate Casey, Omni and JakeT in particular, but Gamespot asks people to strip the personality out of the posts and live in fear of the almighty "your moderation has been accepted!" for the smallest comments.
More balance is in order, gentlemen. It'll make SW an enjoyable place again.
One of the best post I have ever read on this Site well done good sir take a bow...
Honestly I agree with you. I mean honestly this whole thing of not being able to say just damage control is just weak to me.
It's like pretty soon you will see people getting modding and suspended for saying "this post is just wrong dude" and you'll be asked to say why you thought it was wrong.
I mean yeah sometimes a post like "Xbox360 Red Lights enjoy" that is posted minutes after let's say like after DMC4 went non exclusive as an example....and the TC just laughs at the red lights and owners sayingn nice system. Well that's obvious damage control IMO and many peoples. Just saying Damage Control to that, what is the big deal?
If they are using it just to annoy people I understand but if not I don't see what the problem is. I guess it's cause this site has a lot of underage people in it is why so many of these kinds of rules exist cause I wouldn't expect this from a forum with mostly adultsÂ
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