@DragonfireXZ95: I was referring to the FPS games that have a better community and overall are better on consoles. I'm not saying the genre as a whole is better.
@DragonfireXZ95: I was referring to the FPS games that have a better community and overall are better on consoles. I'm not saying the genre as a whole is better.
@DragonfireXZ95: I was referring to the FPS games that have a better community and overall are better on consoles. I'm not saying the genre as a whole is better.
What? That's completely contradictory.
I can see how this is true, as alot of gamers rather play games on consoles than on the computer. Consoles are more main stream, so companies are willing to dump more into making sure they have the exclusive material.
@DragonfireXZ95: I was referring to specific FPS games. CoD, modern Battlefields have a much better community on consoles. I was not saying the entire genre was better on consoles.
@DragonfireXZ95: I was referring to specific FPS games. CoD, modern Battlefields have a much better community on consoles. I was not saying the entire genre was better on consoles.
But those games don't have better communities? They're full of squeakers on the consoles, hahaha. If you say that's better, well, more power to you. But the big reason for smaller communities is we have around 10 FPS games that are either just as good or better, so people opt to play those instead of the only 2 options on consoles.
And, if you look at the stats, BF4 is only slightly behind PS4 and actually ahead of Xbox One later in its lifetime: https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf4/population?days=-1
Same with Battlefield 1: https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf1/insights/population?days=-1
PC actually surpassed Xbox One, because PC games tend to have longer lives overtime, whereas console players tend to stick to flavor of the month games.
@DragonfireXZ95: lol it's still behind the PS4 which is what I was referring to. And what are squeakers? Children? Because the MOBA community on PC is littered with them.
@DragonfireXZ95: lol it's still behind the PS4 which is what I was referring to. And what are squeakers? Children? Because the MOBA community on PC is littered with them.
No, you said consoles. Now you're just moving the goalposts.
Yes, children. Squeakers. And who cares about MOBA? We're talking about FPS here.
@DragonfireXZ95: lol it's still behind the PS4 which is what I was referring to. And what are squeakers? Children? Because the MOBA community on PC is littered with them.
Didn't we already have this discussion?
Call of Duty was shunned by the PC gaming community because it became a dumbed down s*itfest with most of its extra features removed. Battlefield... has progressivly gone down a similar path.... Crysis died when the idiots decided to make games Console focused.
And even at its worse PS4 can barely beat PC in Battlefield when PC has much bigger MP FPS games available.
You are a classic example of "if its not marketed in my face, I dont have a clue!"
The PS4 and the Switch are still pathetic compared to old-gen consoles (PS1, PS2, GameCube, Wii, etc)
I mean, look at this:
They listed lowrated VR games and some vaporwares like Deep Down or WILD, too.
The PC really is a pitiful platform unless your into RTS and Moba.
PC gets the most multiplatform titles while retaining several exclusive genres. It has almost all of XB1s library, and most of PS4s library. All of these games are noticeably to subsantially better on PC.
Even if you aren't into T/RTS, Battle Royale, MOBA, MMO, SIM, A/CRPG, or FPS games - PC is likely the better choice for any gamer than PS4 due to the above reason.
If you're into online gaming, PC is objectively the better choice for the average gamer (which is why PC has several times the users than PS4).
@zaryia: I named objective facts.
You've only given 1 fact, that PC isn't a unified online ecosystem. And it's subjective whether that fact is bad or not.
It has multiple services, but this is also one of the reasons as to why it has exponentially more online games than PS4. The PROS far outweight the possible CONS. There are more than enough ways to get around the separated communication methods. There is no way to get around PS4s lack of online games, and having relatively no competitive games. And fewer genres. And low performance. And practically no esports.
Actual verifiable data confirms PC online trashes PS4,
I don't think Metacritic takes into account all the games. Either way that sounds off. I don't think it takes into account games that only come out on some consoles, either. Like Path of Exile. If you only have a Switch or PS4 you cannot play that game.
I'm not saying the genre as a whole is better.
I'm glad you agree FPS, one of the top most played and popular genres on Earth, is better as a whole on PC.
Mind you, actually, the most played and popular genres on earth are all better on PC
-Battle Royal
But somehow, PS4 is better because it has a few fighting games. Which mind you, all combined don't even touch even 1 PC genre in terms of games, players, or competition. In fact, singular PC games alone blows that away.
@DragonfireXZ95: lol did you just argue consoles have more cheaters? Is this a claim you want to make?
Nah, I was being mostly facetious, but you can't prove me wrong. ;) How many hackers are on PC versus how many XIM users? We'll never know the truth, and you'll never be able to prove me wrong, but I'll never be able to prove you wrong about vice versa, so it's moot to argue about.
From my experience, regardless whatever you might have read on those PC Tabloids, I have been gaming on PC since 2007, I have never run across a hacker while playing MP. I'm not saying they don't exist, but I just never seen or witness a cheater on PC. I'm talking about Battlefield, Battlefront, few Call of Duty, ect. and yet, never came across cheaters.
This moron tried to run to Gamerankings (which is no longer used here, mind you) in another thread when he found out PC is winning both 80%+ and 85%+ at MC.
114 more 80+ Titles
30 more 85+ Titles
His thread got locked, lol.
@zaryia: Glad you agree
Are all better on consoles. The amount of money people win playing a certain genre( mostly do to popularity in Asia) has 0 impact on an overall online experience.
@zaryia: Wow now your just lying again.
If you are into
Action adventure
Open world
Then consoles are the place to go. That is undebateable as it does all of those genres better. Your saying the PC is the best place for most people false when the PC fails to get the best games.
Just look at this year alone.
God of War is generally considered best game of the year and has sold 9 million copies. It's never coming to PC.
RDR 2 which will by far and away be the biggest game of the year and most likely be another AAA with 50+ million sales isn't coming to PC and if it does it will probably be over 3 years from now.
Spiderman another game that will be AA or AAA also will not touch PC.
I'm sorry your platform can't miss the 3 biggest games of the year and be called "the best platform for most people " that is a lie.
@kali-b1rd: yea sorry but your wrong. Do you think I developed this opinion about PC without playing the platform?
@davillain-: My experience with PC has been quite different.
I always go back to Diablo 2 for an example. The game actually had an active PVP community. For years there was a Rune in the game called ( ITH) which was a hacked rune. Basically if you didn't have it you lost and lots of gamers had it
Then there was an MMO I played called Lineage 2. It was unique as it had a very complexed virtual economy and the grind to get high level gear actually required teamwork from your clan. The game was basically ruined by bots despite having anti cheat software. Basically if you weren't botting you simply couldn't keep up. All the Castles and Raids were controlled by people that botted 24/7.
Then I can't forget the maphackers that ruined my favorite RTS WC3. Nothing like having a perfect counter to all your units even when the person failed to scout me. One guy was even able to create a building that was indestructible. Which made the game unwinnable.
So yes.. I didn't develop these opinion's without owning the platform and when I look up articles about PC gaming it seems it's still an issue.
@kali-b1rd: I'm not incorrect at all.
It misses out on the biggest games.
It has more cheaters.
It's better in some genres and worse in others.
What have I said that's incorrect?
@davillain-: My experience with PC has been quite different.
I always go back to Diablo 2 for an example. The game actually had an active PVP community. For years there was a Rune in the game called ( ITH) which was a hacked rune. Basically if you didn't have it you lost and lots of gamers had it
Then there was an MMO I played called Lineage 2. It was unique as it had a very complexed virtual economy and the grind to get high level gear actually required teamwork from your clan. The game was basically ruined by bots despite having anti cheat software. Basically if you weren't botting you simply couldn't keep up. All the Castles and Raids were controlled by people that botted 24/7.
Then I can't forget the maphackers that ruined my favorite RTS WC3. Nothing like having a perfect counter to all your units even when the person failed to scout me. One guy was even able to create a building that was indestructible. Which made the game unwinnable.
So yes.. I didn't develop these opinion's without owning the platform and when I look up articles about PC gaming it seems it's still an issue.
Fair enough. Guess I haven't played the right kind of MP gaming.
I'm sorry your platform can't miss the 3 biggest games of the year and be called "the best platform for most people " that is a lie.
PC: 410 high scoring games
PS4: 269 high scoring games. (A majority of these overlap with PCs 410, and are better experienced on PC. To put into perspective how much better PC is.)
PC is currently winning this gen.
@zaryia: Glad you agree
Are all better on consoles.
The issue is, PS4 has a handful of online games in each of those genres. PC has dozens of games in RTS, FPS, MMO, MOBA, as well as having games in those above genres.
The net result is PC having exponentially more online games, accross more genres, than PS4.
I mean, it's objectively superior for online. You have several TIMES more games. More genres. More competitive. More esports. More fps. More mods.
It's not even fair, PS4 is a distant 2nd/3rd.
@zaryia: The PS4 has more AAA games and more AAA exclusives. We know the PC has more low scoring games.
@zaryia: Glad you agree
Are all better on consoles. The amount of money people win playing a certain genre( mostly do to popularity in Asia) has 0 impact on an overall online experience.
Not racing PC has the biggest racing community look at iRacing, rFactor 2 and Asseto Corsa. No racing gamer worth their salt plays on console unless you're talking about Need For Speed or The Crew which are barely racing games at this point.
@zaryia: The PS4 has more AAA games
PS4 has a 4 game AAA lead. The problem is, those 4 exact games are on PC, but AA due to review padding. Which is why we also count AAs, of which PC has 110 more.
The net result.
PC objectively is winning both SWs standards, and MCs standards. Both of which can be cited.
PS4 is second place.
@unrealgunner: No it doesn't. Gran Turismo alone dwarfs those and it actually allows you to earn legitimate FIA license.
@zaryia: Glad you agree
Are all better on consoles. The amount of money people win playing a certain genre( mostly do to popularity in Asia) has 0 impact on an overall online experience.
Not racing PC has the biggest racing community look at iRacing, rFactor 2 and Asseto Corsa. No racing gamer worth their salt plays on console unless you're talking about Need For Speed or The Crew which are barely racing games at this point.
He knows. PC has more online games across more genres. The gap between played PS4 online titles and played PC online titles, is fucking astronomical, and PC has more GENRES. Forget 60 fps. Forget mods. Forget esports. That bolded fact alone is a 100% win.
I don't know in which world this wouldn't be a clear win.
@zaryia: PC more AA
PS4 more AAA and AAAA. We know this already.
And the fact the PC has one legit AAA exclusive in 5 years shows why the PC is a distant second.
@unrealgunner: No it doesn't. Gran Turismo alone dwarfs those and it actually allows you to earn legitimate FIA license.
PC has several played online racing games. TPS. And fighters.
PC has more online games across more genres than PS4, by exponential margins. PC is better for online.
@zaryia: It has less then consoles in those genres.
Again another irrelevant post.
Consoles have RTS and Moba to but do you see me bragging about them?
@zaryia: PC more AA
PC has 100 more 80-89 video games. 30 more 85-89. Never at System Wars or Metacritic has an AA title not counted.
When you consider 14 of these AA games are actually AAA on consoles, due to review padding, one wonders why would you exclude such games?
We know why, fanboy bullshit and fake rules. MC says they count. GS says they count. SW says they count. Why should I listen to your made up restrictions?
PS4 more AAA and AAAA. We know this already.
1. There are no AAAAs on PS4 at MC.
2. Nine of PS4s AAAs are on PC, due to review padding. Three from XBOX1. PC has the most playable AAA titles when adjusting for this.
PC > PS4's online.
Combining all 4 consoles (lol doesn't this mess with your separate online platforms problem?), there is a slight chance. Very slight. I'll have to check MC and actively played game lists for that. Combining all 4 consoles might give you the video game and genre list to beat PC, but you'll still be significantly down on competitive games, esports, mods, and performance.
BUT, we don't do 4v1 at SW.
Stop changing the subject to 4v1 when you lost. PS4s online is shit.
@unrealgunner: No it doesn't. Gran Turismo alone dwarfs those and it actually allows you to earn legitimate FIA license.
You obviously don't play racers just watch this video it blows your argument out of the water
@zaryia: I can just say PS4. Every genre I listed is superior on PS4.
And the PS4 has more AAA games based off metacritic and more AAAA games based off gamespot.
@zaryia: I can just say PS4.
You're insane if you think PS4 with it's exponential online game deficit, and less genres, and next to no competitive games, has a better online than the best known system for Online.
No one cares that you like Fighting Games (The biggest one of which is also on PC). I don't like single player casual rental movie games, but that's not making me change the MC/GS list results for PS4.
And the PS4 has more AAA games based off metacritic and more AAAA games based off gamespot.
1. We count AAs. You're off on a fake tangent and rule that no one accepts. It's never going to be a thing. You're telling me the 13 AAAs that are AA on PC don't exist? Get the hell out of here, you imbecilic.
2. So now we're doing GS? I'll do a recount, but I'm positive PC is winning GS scores as well at the moment with the most high scoring titles. Like at MC.
@unrealgunner: Yes I do. And the most popular racing series isn't on PC. You have options in terms of setups for sure but the games not available on consoles are pretty niche.
@unrealgunner: Yes I do. And the most popular racing series isn't on PC. You have options in terms of setups for sure but the games not available on consoles are pretty niche.
So the system with exponentially less online games to play, far less online genres, next to no competitive games, and almost no e-sports presence, games at 30 fps, is better for online because it has 2 more fighting games?
Seek help.
@zaryia: What you just said wasn't relevant at all to my post.
Seek help.
Also next to know competative games?
Guilty Gear X
Blaze Blue
Seriously stop lying.
@unrealgunner: Yes I do. And the most popular racing series isn't on PC. You have options in terms of setups for sure but the games not available on consoles are pretty niche.
So now you are changing your argument from better to most popular? Just because a game is more popular does not make it better
@cainetao11: I guess it's got replay value as there are always updates to it.
Free dlc?
Its so funny to me how much people care about what Metacritic scores are.
@unrealgunner: Better is subjective. One could argue it's the best due to good reviews and the highest sales of any racing franchise. But either one of us can say the other platform has better racing games and it doesn't make it true.
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