Capcom aiming to make 'the perfect Devil May Cry.
GGrr! :x I have half a mind to just boycott ALL upcoming Capcom games. Seriously who are they kidding? They want to make DmC for the fans and yet they're completely ignorant to the fact that the upcoming DMC game has no redeemable qualities of a DMC game.
Lets look at the facts:
- The character looks plain bad, just a bad design.
- He looks nothing like Dante, hair and facial structure.
- It's an an origin story and yet DMC3 already explained the most important aspects about Dante; His demon powers, problems with his brother and beginning of the DMC shop.
- The game is touted as being more realistic and dark, you know what that means? Forget the stylish combat and expect a Heavenly Sword 2 or worse type gameplay system.
- The dev at Ninja Theory thinks original Dante is lame and uncool and that DMC is outdated. The devs they asked to make a new DMC don't even understand the purpose of DMC!
- Capcom have hired a whole new studio to create the upcoming game. Now if they(Capcom) wanted to do the hard job like gameplay mechanics themselves then they would have just hired a western writer/ graphics artist or two for DMC, but no they contracted a whole new studio that MAKES games. What this means is that Capcom is just feeding us crap so we would shut up about the fact that they are dumbing down the franchise.
- The most important FACT is that DmC is being developed on the UNREAL ENGINE! Now when is the last time you saw frantic crazy action at 60FPS on the UI3? Never! OK, The type of game DmC is unsuited for such an engine, expect the game to run at 30FPS and less with slowdown and glitches the likes of you have never seen before!
CRAPCOM, you suck! As a Dmc fan I am insulted that they are being so extremely ignorant.
Rant over. And Im good :)
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