I'd say it's the parents fault AND the public school(or private) because that'e where the kid spends most of his time (home and school). Most likely the kid learns it at the school and then uses it online. In some cases kids learn it at home, but then those parents really don't care.
Yea..but as parents they should see a change in the kids interactions at home.... That's where parents need to do there job.. correct them an instill solid values that interactions like that are not acceptable..
At the end of the day nobody cares about your children as much as a parent will..so I am not going to trust anyone other than my wife or I to engrain values upon them..
Issue is 2 parts. One what your kid says. Two what your kid hears.
I did setup live to only allow my kids to talk to friends and I have to approve the friends list. BUT when at school he's out side of my control and he learns a lot of things I'd rather him not learn. So the school has some responsibility here too. My son even complains to me about it, but the school doesn't care.
Ohh I am with yea...
It's extremely frustrating to undo the work that has been picked up on the playground or anywhere else for that matter.....
but this is the cool thing that I have seen........After many many corrections and guiding him to understand that type of expression is wrong.....He now makes his own decision not to interact like that and frowns on it when other kids do it at the park for example....
...That melted me and made all the hard work on this issue soooo worth it....
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