Didn't Arthur Gies slept with Zoe Quinn? Because he defended her a lot and praised everything she did, and also was aware that she was cheating on her boyfriend at the time. Such a hypocrite.
Didn't Arthur Gies slept with Zoe Quinn? Because he defended her a lot and praised everything she did, and also was aware that she was cheating on her boyfriend at the time. Such a hypocrite.
Didn't Arthur Gies slept with Zoe Quinn? Because he defended her a lot and praised everything she did, and also was aware that she was cheating on her boyfriend at the time. Such a hypocrite.
I'm not sure about that, but he is a HUGE fucking hypocrite.
http://abload.de/img/dfg4d65ldob7.jpg (NSFW)
When people are talking about sjws they usually mean the authoritative left. The type of people that are so hyper progressive to the point where they become bigoted themselves
There is nothing wrong with social justice, It is something that is needed. but the people who swear by it up and down tend to be the loudest
It's still a shitty thing for anyone to be using as a negative. It's the equivalent of when some film critic tries to shit on superhero flicks and bitches about "nerd culture" and "nerds". It's unnecessarily douchy and shows the persons own ignorance.
He's not exactly wrong. Maybe The Witcher isn't the best series to attack for it (though it is the flavour of the month) but there is a severe lack of representation of races that aren't white in video games.
It's beyond FOTM, it's the GOTG
Didn't Arthur Gies slept with Zoe Quinn? Because he defended her a lot and praised everything she did, and also was aware that she was cheating on her boyfriend at the time. Such a hypocrite.
No.There were a bunch of other people that someone claimed that slept with her, but this thread is not appropriate for that topic.
It's almost as if some people here are disappointed that Lolygon gets called on their bs...
You've used the term "Social Justice Warrior", so now I have to assume you're a #gamergate proponent, aka, a low-life, misogynistic POS.
How do you know or assume that? Got any basis for that statement?
It's almost as if some people here are disappointed that Lolygon gets called on their bs...
You've used the term "Social Justice Warrior", so now I have to assume you're a #gamergate proponent, aka, a low-life, misogynistic POS.
How do you know or assume that? Got any basis for that statement?
In this very thread, we've got GG half-wits bringing up Zoe Quinn.
As soon as I read the phrase "Social Justice Warrior" I know exactly what I'm getting into.
If you and others didn't continually bring up GamerGate, then there wouldn't be such comments. Outside of a few references in the first page most post had been answering the topic. Heck, until a certain point we actually had a fairly decent discussion (for SW standards that is).
It seems a few of you were too obsessed with GamerGate to view/read the criticism to the review which had some pretty good points on it (assuming the excerpt quote from it are correct and not altered in any way) or say anything about it. I didn't agree with the conclusion and extrapolation the author arrived at either, but many of his points remain valid despite that.
And yes, I'm well aware the treatment of women, minorities, sex & sexuality in general are still absurdly backwards in 95% of the cases as far as gaming is concerned. That however doesn't add or detract nothing to the arguments of the author on this particular review.
If you and others didn't continually bring up GamerGate, then there wouldn't be such comments. Outside of a few references in the first page most post had been answering the topic. Heck, until a certain point we actually had a fairly decent discussion (for SW standards that is).
It seems a few of you were too obsessed with GamerGate to view/read the criticism to the review which had some pretty good points on it (assuming the excerpt quote from it are correct and not altered in any way) or say anything about it. I didn't agree with the conclusion and extrapolation the author arrived at either, but many of his points remain valid despite that.
And yes, I'm well aware the treatment of women, minorities, sex & sexuality in general are still absurdly backwards in 95% of the cases as far as gaming is concerned. That however doesn't add or detract nothing to the arguments of the author on this particular review.
You don't need to mention gamergate to realize that this was going to be a topic related to GG. Adrian Chimielarz, Polygon, "SJW," all part of the opening of this topic. To think there would be logical discussion despite that is just absurd.
Let's keep in mind that we're all dogpiling a review for a game that no one has even played yet, not even Chmielarz himself. Gies mentions in his review that the character designs for woman are dumb and that the world itself simply uses women for cheap emotion and development. I can't disagree with those ideas, I haven't played any of the game to see if those are false or not.
You don't need to mention gamergate to realize that this was going to be a topic related to GG. Adrian Chimielarz, Polygon, "SJW," all part of the opening of this topic. To think there would be logical discussion despite that is just absurd.
Let's keep in mind that we're all dogpiling a review for a game that no one has even played yet, not even Chmielarz himself. Gies mentions in his review that the character designs for woman are dumb and that the world itself simply uses women for cheap emotion and development. I can't disagree with those ideas, I haven't played any of the game to see if those are false or not.
The world isn't black and white. It simply doesn't work like that. What did happen in this thread is that some of you chose to focus on that rather (and continually bring it up) than whatever else he might have written or what other users might have posted in this thread. That in itself leads to absolutely nothing. If you, like many others (me included), want to see these sort of discussions happen then there needs to be at least some amount of good will to listen to opposite side (whichever it may be in relation to you of course) and talk. Without that, things will continue to remain as is until change (for whatever side) is brought on by force.
No one here is telling any of you to support side A, B, C, X, Y, Z. That's up to each and everyone to decide on their own. However to think discussion can't be had just because of "labels" is absurd. If that were true the modern world would function much like the Witcher. You'd grab a blade (or simply a gun these days) and settle whatever issue right there and then.
And no, we're not dogpilling on "A" review. Let us not pretend Gies is any sort of victim in this situation being "lynched by an online mob" for simply opposing GamerGate. He has a very strong history of contradiction, baseless sensationalism and hyperbole and outright trolling. All in the name of the click. The very reason why I and others simply refuse to even go to that site.
This opinion piece/blog post/text comes from an accumulation of similar situations in the past by the exact same person (Gies). Many of the points actually refer to his work overall, taking examples from his most recent (?) review (in fact most of those examples are from apparent contradictions in the same exact review). Most of the discussion here, in this topic, has focused on a very pertaining topic: the lack of coloured people in the game (brought up by Gies in the review and twitter) and whether it makes sense given the inspirations used and/or is justified. This in particular doesn't required Witcher 3 to be debated.
The fact that no one even bothered bringing up women likely means most agree that this series, despite it's many great features, has some issues on that front. Witcher 1 and 2 clearly could/should have done better on that front, least from what I've played. But perhaps it approachs that issue with allegories, just as it did with other things in previous games. Time will tell.
@JangoWuzHere: dogpiling a review? What on earth are you talking about!? What on earth does that mean!? "Dogpiling" is the latest internet fad which refers to lots of people addressing criticism to one person, in person, on the internet. It doesn't refer to reviews.
If you put a review on a big website, it's going to get talked about, a lot. If it's an obnoxious POS review, it's going to get bashed.
@soulitane: Bollocks. It's an eastern european game which is based on their mythology, so it requires no forced representation whatsoever. If you're a special snowflake who needs diversity in everything, why haven't you complained before about Japanese games?
@soulitane: Bollocks. It's an eastern european game which is based on their mythology, so it requires no forced representation whatsoever. If you're a special snowflake who needs diversity in everything, why haven't you complained before about Japanese games?
"The Witcher isn't the best series to attack for it (though it is the flavour of the month)"
Can you read?
@soulitane: Have you complained about the diversity in japanese games?
Well that answers that question, you are incapable of reading. The same exact logic can be applied to Japanese games as it does to The Witcher. Now run along and get angry at someone else.
It's almost as if some people here are disappointed that Lolygon gets called on their bs...
You've used the term "Social Justice Warrior", so now I have to assume you're a #gamergate proponent, aka, a low-life, misogynistic POS.
How do you know or assume that? Got any basis for that statement?
In this very thread, we've got GG half-wits bringing up Zoe Quinn.
As soon as I read the phrase "Social Justice Warrior" I know exactly what I'm getting into.
Then there's no point arguing if that's enough for you to believe someone is a low-life, misogynistic POS.
In this very thread, we've got GG half-wits bringing up Zoe Quinn.
As soon as I read the phrase "Social Justice Warrior" I know exactly what I'm getting into.
Then there's no point arguing if that's enough for you to believe someone is a low-life, misogynistic POS.
indeed. Bigoted like a true SJW. XD
I'd never even heard the term "SJW" prior to the GG shitstorm, but you're lying if you believe that it's a term that GG came up with to describe these pretentious halfwits.
There's plenty of evidence that indicates that this is a label that these people created for themselves and now they're mad that, mainstream society, once made aware of their repackaged "PC/morally superior" rhetoric, is using the term these people created for themselves, in a pejorative fashion to describe the polar (mule kicked cranium) left.
I also say that as a person who tends to lean to the left on most social issues.
In their own words, these people are: "toxic and problematic."
The reply was outstanding and more devs need to start standing up to this collective chorus of morons and tell them to **** off and make their own games that meet their own diversity/authenticity quotient, etc.
P.S. "White privilege" does not exist. "Majority privilege" does, and it's not limited to the U.S.
Doesn't this belong in Games discussion, preferably in some GamerGate thread?
You need to belong to GamerGate to believe that SJWs are idiots?
"Social Justice Warrior" is dog-whistle term recently popularized and co-opted by #gamergate.
The topic has nothing to do with GG and SJW is now widely used outside of GG. Mostly because SJW are annoying morons.
This was a terrible review that's frankly..also a bit racist. I'm sure it wasn't intentional and comes from ignorance, but this doesn't change that it's racist.
This is a ethnic fantasy, made by slavic people based on their slavic mythology and history. It's a celebration of this culture and a healthy shot of diversity into gaming industry. Polygon has written about Aurion recently, which is very similiar type of deal - it's an action RPG made by african devs and based on african folklore. And if you look at screens and videos, there's not even one white person there. But Polygon doesn't complain. Yet when slavic people do the same thing it's somehow bad? So we can't have even one truly slavic game? We instead have to turn everything we make into generic multicultural/multiracial DnD fantasy just because Polygon editor is too ignorant to realize that whole Europe isn't one homogenous white empire?
What Gies did is bassicaly deny slavic people right to express their culture. Very classy
What world do SJWs live in?
The internet! Where you can say whatever you want and surround yourself with an insular bubble that always agrees with you!
You mean like this very thread? It's devolved into an "SJW" bashing circle jerk.
If you want unquestioning SJW love, you can always visit Polygon or Ars Technica. They are more than willing to hate people for not being feminists.
Welcome to System Wars, where almost every term is misused or perverted to mean something different than intended. I hate the term "weaboo" because here it's used to insult anyone who like anything Japanese instead of someone who only likes Japanese products while shitting on anything that isn't.
There's about a million other terms that are ill used here too. You just have to put on your stupid hat when walking through the SW door.
Sounds exactly like what modern feminism does with words like "harrassment" and "equality". Also, I'm sure you're aware of the inherent sarcasam in using the term "SJW" in a mocking way, so I can only assume you're being deliberately obtuse.
Edit: Also, you should be able to see why the review itself is utter shit.
Mods, seriously. Please lock this thread or move it to GGD. The gators are flocking to it and it's a slippery slope once it you start letting those half-wits post in here.
Mods, seriously. Please lock this thread or move it to GGD. The gators are flocking to it and it's a slippery slope once it you start letting those half-wits post in here.
You're the most disruptive poster in this thread, any mod action that needs to be taken should be aimed squarely and solely at you.
Mods, seriously. Please lock this thread or move it to GGD. The gators are flocking to it and it's a slippery slope once it you start letting those half-wits post in here.
You're the most disruptive poster in this thread, any mod action that needs to be taken should be aimed squarely and solely at you.
That's super-interesting, thanks.
@Dire_Weasel: You are basically lying, because contrary to what you've posted, everyone who has had their say on here has been a normal system wars poster. Far from anyone flocking to it, this anti SJW line of thinking is merely growing in prominence because normal people have had enough, and the usual posters of this board are having their say.
Who the hell are you to try to silence anyone? Wah. Lock it. I don't like what's being said. Wah.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with talking about sexism in games, but you need to actually explain how it's sexist. That applies to pretty much everything as well don't just say "The controls are terrible because they control bad" explain why it's bad.
People are too wrapped up on the SJW aspect, they need to focus on the fact that it's terribly written.
@DocSanchez: Sadly, thats what this subject does to some people. Dire is a pretty good poster on average, but then this thread happens, he swoops in with insults and demand the thread be locked, despite his own posts being the only ones actually violating any rules. His behavior is ver reminiscent of a religious fundamentalist, who can have a thoughtful and critical discussion of pretty much any topic… except his or her religion. It makes sense, the SJW people are regularly looked at as the left wing Tea Party after all by most of us on the left. Doesn't matter what political wing you are on now, we both have a fringe group of people whose actions constantly embarrass and frustrate us to no end in their foolish insistence on not allowing any discussion, and exclusively getting their way with no compromise.
I say we lock the SJWs and Tea Party in a room with sharp knives and clubs and just walk away, nature will take over from there.
@DocSanchez: Sadly, thats what this subject does to some people. Dire is a pretty good poster on average, but then this thread happens, he swoops in with insults and demand the thread be locked, despite his own posts being the only ones actually violating any rules. His behavior is ver reminiscent of a religious fundamentalist, who can have a thoughtful and critical discussion of pretty much any topic… except his or her religion. It makes sense, the SJW people are regularly looked at as the left wing Tea Party after all by most of us on the left. Doesn't matter what political wing you are on now, we both have a fringe group of people whose actions constantly embarrass and frustrate us to no end in their foolish insistence on not allowing any discussion, and exclusively getting their way with no compromise.
I say we lock the SJWs and Tea Party in a room with sharp knives and clubs and just walk away, nature will take over from there.
Gamergate are scum. They've invaded my hobby and made all of us look worse, simply by association.
If the people in this thread throwing around the terms "triggering", "social justice warriors" and asking who Zoe Quinn had sex with aren't gamergate, then I'm mistaken, and you have my apology, but I expect that isn't actually the case.
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