[QUOTE="MrYaotubo"]Yeah,that´s exactly what they said :roll: And Nvidia is a much bigger and way more profitabe company than AMD,why would there be any butthurt is beyond me,unlike AMD,Nvidia is ablçe to be picky with contracts,that´s why they didn´t do any console builds,they don´t need to and they ask for way more than AMD,for AMD these console deals have been their saving grace and even with that Nvidia still is by far the most profitable company. AMD has a larger R&D cost structures e.g. supporting two CPU lines (e.g. AMD Jaguar and AMD Steamroller), 1 GPU line (e.g. GCN), GDDR6 memory standard (AMD controls the GDDR standards at JEDEC). Btw, both GDDR5M and DDR4 standards now shares the same SODIMM format. AMD's "fat" CPU team needs cover their cost.
all this apu 8 gigs of gddr5 and better communication, all this magic powahhhhhhhhh
The time has come to start showing instead of talking. Sounds just like the console tards, "OPTIMIZATION". Yet we see no evidence of optimization beating 8800 gt's in performance. None what so ever yet ps3 and 8800gt released same time.
-Unreal engine 4 proved that ps4 is weaker than pc version
All the other demos were ran off the pc at the ps4 press realease. No hardware was shown.
No doubt ps4 has good graphics, but dont make the mistake to compare it to high end pc.
To keep it simple, 8800 has 16 ROPs while Xenos has 8 ROPs and no amount of "OPTIMIZATIONS" will solved that bottleneck.
Unreal Engine 4 is not running AMD's Leo rendering IP.
[QUOTE="Tessellation"]Nvidia is only relevant if they bash the xbox but they are full of sh!t when they bash ps4...dat basement dwelling :cool:StrongBlackVine
You still nerd raging?
look at this guy having a meltdown over my comment :cool: priceless
all this apu 8 gigs of gddr5 and better communication, all this magic powahhhhhhhhhÂ
The time has come to start showing instead of talking. Â Â Â Sounds just like the console tards, "OPTIMIZATION". Â Yet we see no evidence of optimization beating 8800 gt's in performance. None what so ever yet ps3 and 8800gt released same time. Â Â Â Â
-Unreal engine 4 proved that ps4 is weaker than pc versionÂ
All the other demos were ran off the pc at the ps4 press realease. Â No hardware was shown.
No doubt ps4 has good graphics, but dont make the mistake to compare it to high end pc.Â
that was the 8800GTX not the GT in 2006. The point is that it does not matter if the PS4's 8 core APU has GDDR5 or matters that its gpu is slightly faster then a AMD 7850. Fact is that the cpu is low end no if ands or buts.... Any modern quad core cpu at 3ghz will be able to out process it by leaps and bounds. And the 7850 is a mid tier gpu in AMD 7000's line up, and Nvidia and AMD have gpu's that spank that type of gpu. Remember how you use to say that to do physics on the CU,the GPU would have to give up graphics resources.? Guess what the PS4 GPU can do both at the same time without penalty..:lol; So that wimpy CPU would be able to pull some great physics or compute jobs without actually taking a hit.. Yeah and those GPU cost a pretty penny and people like you don't use them,so how is your 560TI..:lol:
Its funny the hypocracy on the front page without my bump of an older thread we have 3 threads where Wimp Lo's are applauding nvidia for a graph that calls the ps4 s*** yet they applaud it cause it calls the next MS system s*** too. Then we have this thread with some of the same Wimp Lo's calling nvidia butthurt.
[QUOTE="rjdofu"]You're gonna fail so hard if you keep quoting like that in uni. But maybe you're gonna be a gaming journalist soon. Harvard referencing bro!
all this apu 8 gigs of gddr5 and better communication, all this magic powahhhhhhhhh
The time has come to start showing instead of talking. Sounds just like the console tards, "OPTIMIZATION". Yet we see no evidence of optimization beating 8800 gt's in performance. None what so ever yet ps3 and 8800gt released same time.
-Unreal engine 4 proved that ps4 is weaker than pc version
All the other demos were ran off the pc at the ps4 press realease. No hardware was shown.
No doubt ps4 has good graphics, but dont make the mistake to compare it to high end pc.
that was the 8800GTX not the GT in 2006. The point is that it does not matter if the PS4's 8 core APU has GDDR5 or matters that its gpu is slightly faster then a AMD 7850. Fact is that the cpu is low end no if ands or buts.... Any modern quad core cpu at 3ghz will be able to out process it by leaps and bounds. And the 7850 is a mid tier gpu in AMD 7000's line up, and Nvidia and AMD have gpu's that spank that type of gpu. Remember how you use to say that to do physics on the CU,the GPU would have to give up graphics resources.? Guess what the PS4 GPU can do both at the same time without penalty..:lol;
Current GCN ACEs supports "Multiple Concurrent Contexts". The problem with the PC is with it's middleware.
[QUOTE="ronvalencia"]Unreal Engine 4 is not running AMD's Leo rendering IP.
What does that mean? UE4 is complete, It doesn't need anything else.
Lightmap GI (PS4's UE4 doesn't have SVO GI) vs RSM GI (AMD Leo's IP).
"Lightmaps give game levels a GI-look but since they are pre-computed, they only work on static objects." http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/articles/stunning-videos-show-unreal-engine-4s-next-gen-gtx-680-powered-real-time-graphics
The key differentiating factor between last year's demo and this newer iteration is that the Sparse Voxel Octree Global Illumination (SVOGI) lighting system hasn't made the cut. Instead, Epic is aiming for very high quality static global illumination with indirect GI sampling for all moving objects, including characters.
"[SVOGI] was our prototype GI system that we used for Elemental last year. And our targets, given that we've had announced hardware from Sony, that's where we're going to be using Lightmass as our global illumination solution instead of SVOGI
The other dynamic GI system would be RSM based GI as used in Crytek's CryEngine 3 and AMD Leo IP (e.g. Dirt Showdown PC and Sleeping Dogs PC).
Sparse Voxel Octree (SVO) Global Illumination (Epic's Unreal Engine 4 PC edition).
Reflective Shadow Map (RSM) Global Illumination (AMD's Leo IP, Crytek's CryEngine3).
[QUOTE="faizan_faizan"][QUOTE="ronvalencia"]Unreal Engine 4 is not running AMD's Leo rendering IP.
What does that mean? UE4 is complete, It doesn't need anything else.
Ignore him....he is the biggest AMD fanboy.....
Ignore him for being stupid. Your so stupid that you counted FLOPs(floating point) with integer based pixel shaders.
Reflective Shadow Map (RSM) Global Illumination is used in both AMD's Leo IP and Crytek's CryEngine3 (Crysis 2 was NVIDIA's "The Way It's Meant to be Played" title and it introduced RSM GI). Your stupidity is just amazing.
Lol AMD damage control for getting called out. Nvidia has and always will be master race.
NVIDIA doesn't own PC's X86-64 ISA IP hence it's NOT the master race.
Didn't you known Unreal Engine 4's Havok Physics GpGPU (GCN) was supported by Intel?
Havok Physics GpGPU (AMD GCN) demo on PS4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPnwmsTokso
A high resolution look at Havok Physics technology demonstrated at Sony's live event in New York. This demo shows a million particle real-time physics simulation running on the GPU of the Playstation 4. - Havok.
For gimping PhysX X86 version, Intel is commited to destroy NVIDIA's PhysX.
UPDATE: I did finally get an answer from Gearbox about the slow downs we were seeing on the AMD results. Apparently when larger collections of PhysX simulations are running on the CPU, those threads can take quite a bit longer than they would when running on the GPU. As a result, the CPU (and rest of the game engine code) becomes "blocked" waiting for a single thread to finish, which results in the lower CPU utilization we saw on the AMD results as well as the lower overall performance. Because PhysX is an NVIDIA engine, even if Gearbox chose to they likely couldn't add in additional multi-threaded capabilities to the PhysX code path so the slow down here is likely to stay
Single thread gimps Physx X86 strikes again. Thank you NVIDIA for gimping the master race's multi-core X86 CPU.
For Sony's PS4, it has full support from Intel (via Havok) and AMD i.e. the X86 IP stakeholders.
[QUOTE="faizan_faizan"][QUOTE="ronvalencia"]Unreal Engine 4 is not running AMD's Leo rendering IP.
What does that mean? UE4 is complete, It doesn't need anything else.
Lightmap GI (PS4's UE4 doesn't have SVO GI) vs RSM GI (AMD Leo's IP).
"Lightmaps give game levels a GI-look but since they are pre-computed, they only work on static objects." http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/articles/stunning-videos-show-unreal-engine-4s-next-gen-gtx-680-powered-real-time-graphics
The key differentiating factor between last year's demo and this newer iteration is that the Sparse Voxel Octree Global Illumination (SVOGI) lighting system hasn't made the cut. Instead, Epic is aiming for very high quality static global illumination with indirect GI sampling for all moving objects, including characters.
"[SVOGI] was our prototype GI system that we used for Elemental last year. And our targets, given that we've had announced hardware from Sony, that's where we're going to be using Lightmass as our global illumination solution instead of SVOGI
The other dynamic GI system would be RSM based GI as used in Crytek's CryEngine 3 and AMD Leo IP (e.g. Dirt Showdown PC and Sleeping Dogs PC).
Sparse Voxel Octree (SVO) Global Illumination (Epic's Unreal Engine 4 PC edition).
Reflective Shadow Map (RSM) Global Illumination (AMD's Leo IP, Crytek's CryEngine3).
Oh, You were talking about the PS4 version? Anyway, Reflective Shadow Maps shouldn't be used in next gen titles, Cone Tracing can still be achieved on the PS4, It's just that there was too much stuff going in Elemental (Fluid, APEX Destruction etc) Another thing with RSM is that I have never seen a game fully utilise it in real time, Crysis 3 only had 1 bounce from sun, So did Dirt Showdown. Games will still use baked lighting, Cone Tracing = Ultimate solution to fully dynamic lighting. I can't think of any advantage RSM has over lightmass/enlighten.
[QUOTE="faizan_faizan"] What does that mean? UE4 is complete, It doesn't need anything else.faizan_faizan
Lightmap GI (PS4's UE4 doesn't have SVO GI) vs RSM GI (AMD Leo's IP).
"Lightmaps give game levels a GI-look but since they are pre-computed, they only work on static objects." http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/articles/stunning-videos-show-unreal-engine-4s-next-gen-gtx-680-powered-real-time-graphics
The key differentiating factor between last year's demo and this newer iteration is that the Sparse Voxel Octree Global Illumination (SVOGI) lighting system hasn't made the cut. Instead, Epic is aiming for very high quality static global illumination with indirect GI sampling for all moving objects, including characters.
"[SVOGI] was our prototype GI system that we used for Elemental last year. And our targets, given that we've had announced hardware from Sony, that's where we're going to be using Lightmass as our global illumination solution instead of SVOGI
The other dynamic GI system would be RSM based GI as used in Crytek's CryEngine 3 and AMD Leo IP (e.g. Dirt Showdown PC and Sleeping Dogs PC).
Sparse Voxel Octree (SVO) Global Illumination (Epic's Unreal Engine 4 PC edition).
Reflective Shadow Map (RSM) Global Illumination (AMD's Leo IP, Crytek's CryEngine3).
Oh, You were talking about the PS4 version? Anyway, Reflective Shadow Maps shouldn't be used in next gen titles, Cone Tracing can still be achieved on the PS4, It's just that there was too much stuff going in Elemental (Fluid, APEX Destruction etc) Another thing with RSM is that I have never seen a game fully utilise it in real time, Crysis 3 only had 1 bounce from sun, So did Dirt Showdown. Games will still use baked lighting, Cone Tracing = Ultimate solution to fully dynamic lighting. I can't think of any advantage RSM has over lightmass/enlighten.
On non-NVIDIA hardware, NVIDIA's APEX destruction runs on the CPU (via PhysX CPU).
Sony and Epic shown a seperate UE4 demo that links with Havok Physics GpGPU.
A high resolution look at Havok Physics technology demonstrated at Sony's live event in New York. This demo shows a million particle real-time physics simulation running on the GPU of the Playstation 4.
From Hitman Absolution, it's GI has several light bounces. From http://blogs.amd.com/play/2012/11/20/hitman-absolution-in-depth/
To achieve this effect, the engine renders a Reflective Shadow Map (RSM) of the scene, taken from the point of view of a light source. Using GPU compute (DirectCompute language), it populates the RSM with a list of angles from which that light can reflect off an object, and then uses the RSM to compute severalbounces of that lighting across the objects in a scene.
UE4's SVO GI issues will affect PC GPUs equal or lower than Radeon HD "7860" (18 CUs) e.g. NVIDIA Geforce 650 TI/660 Non-Ti and AMD Radeon HD 7790/7850.
Its funny the hypocracy on the front page without my bump of an older thread we have 3 threads where Wimp Lo's are applauding nvidia for a graph that calls the ps4 s*** yet they applaud it cause it calls the next MS system s*** too. Then we have this thread with some of the same Wimp Lo's calling nvidia butthurt.WilliamRLBaker
how is nvidia butthurt when physx is coming to PS4? Â If the really were in their feelings about the situation they wouldn't suppport the console at all. Â Also when Nvidia was saying the ps4 as of now was stronger than the 720 you cows were singing their praise. Â You guys were wetting your pants with excitement when they said PS4 would have physx. Â Now its screw nvidia, screw physx, blah blah blah. Â I don't get you mad cows. Â Y'all are about as emo as a preteen girl.
how is nvidia butthurt when physx is coming to PS4? If the really were in their feelings about the situation they wouldn't suppport the console at all. Also when Nvidia was saying the ps4 as of now was stronger than the 720 you cows were singing their praise. You guys were wetting your pants with excitement when they said PS4 would have physx. Now its screw nvidia, screw physx, blah blah blah. I don't get you mad cows. Y'all are about as emo as a preteen girl.
Havok Physics on PS4 runs on GPU.
PhysX has been available for non-NVIDIA CUDA hardware without GPU acceleration.
[QUOTE="clyde46"]Meh, does doesn't take away the fact that Nvidia are walking over AMD in the graphics card wars.aroxx_ab
Only in sales numbers, not in performance...
AMD still has a larger GPU market share i.e. ~19 precent vs NVIDIA's ~16 precent. Remember AMD a higher R&D cost than NVIDIA i.e. AMD has two CPU R&D projects e.g. AMD Jaguar and AMD Streamroller. AMD has cut-and-paste ARM CPU IP with ease.
nVidia isn't desperate enough to make a video card that's affordable for console peasants. That means they are angry? LOL sure, okay. AMD seems to be a bit butthurt that PC gamers won't buy their budget bin hardware.
I really don't give a sh!t what AMD has to say. I've had so many issues with their cards and drivers vs Nvidia's that they can kiss my ass. I've been building PCs since they started making dedicated video cards and every time I've bought an AMD card I've regretted it.
[QUOTE="SKaREO"]nVidia isn't desperate enough to make a video card that's affordable for console peasants. That means they are angry? LOL sure, okay. AMD seems to be a bit butthurt that PC gamers won't buy their budget bin hardware. NVIDIA doesn't have a high performance CPU for PS4. Per clock, Intel Atom rivals ARM Cortex A15 let alone AMD Bobcat.
[QUOTE="ronvalencia"][QUOTE="SKaREO"]nVidia isn't desperate enough to make a video card that's affordable for console peasants. That means they are angry? LOL sure, okay. AMD seems to be a bit butthurt that PC gamers won't buy their budget bin hardware. NVIDIA doesn't have a high performance CPU for PS4. Per clock, Intel Atom rivals ARM Cortex A15 let alone AMD Bobcat. The GTX690 is unrivaled by any other video card available today. AMD makes budget hardware with bad driver support. Thanks for coming out.
[QUOTE="ronvalencia"][QUOTE="SKaREO"]nVidia isn't desperate enough to make a video card that's affordable for console peasants. That means they are angry? LOL sure, okay. AMD seems to be a bit butthurt that PC gamers won't buy their budget bin hardware.SKaREO
NVIDIA doesn't have a high performance CPU for PS4. Per clock, Intel Atom rivals ARM Cortex A15 let alone AMD Bobcat. Thee GTX690 is unrivaled by any other video card available today. AMD makes budget hardware with bad driver support. Thanks for coming out.
7990 can rival GTX690. AMD also priced their 7990 @ ~$900.
What's missing is Titan's 551mm^2 chip size for Radeon HD GCN.
NVIDIA also has *bad* drivers e.g. Sleep Dogs, Dirt Showdown, Hitman Absolution, Metro 2033 and 'etc'. Thanks for being stupid.
[QUOTE="ronvalencia"][QUOTE="SKaREO"][QUOTE="ronvalencia"] NVIDIA doesn't have a high performance CPU for PS4. Per clock, Intel Atom rivals ARM Cortex A15 let alone AMD Bobcat. Thee GTX690 is unrivaled by any other video card available today. AMD makes budget hardware with bad driver support. Thanks for coming out. 7990 can rival GTX690. AMD also priced their 7990 @ ~$900. What's missing is Titan's 551mm^2 chip size for Radeon HD GCN. NVIDIA also has *bad* drivers e.g. Sleep Dogs, Dirt Showdown, Hitman Absolution, Metro 2033 and 'etc'. Strange how all those games are AMD titles.
I really don't give a sh!t what AMD has to say. I've had so many issues with their cards and drivers vs Nvidia's that they can kiss my ass. I've been building PCs since they started making dedicated video cards and every time I've bought an AMD card I've regretted it.
NVIDIA haven't solved the performance issues with Sleep Dogs, Dirt Showdown, Hitman Absolution, Metro 2033.
Yeah,that´s exactly what they said :roll: And Nvidia is a much bigger and way more profitabe company than AMD,why would there be any butthurt is beyond me,unlike AMD,Nvidia is ablçe to be picky with contracts,that´s why they didn´t do any console builds,they don´t need to and they ask for way more than AMD,for AMD these console deals have been their saving grace and even with that Nvidia still is by far the most profitable company.MrYaotubo
So then why conduct themselves in that manner? If you are successful, you pay attention to your own business dealings, not those in which you're not even involved. They clearly are conducting themselves in a manner that is indicative of one who was spurned by being overlooked and not considered. As a business man, why would you NOT want to be part of it?
[QUOTE="ronvalencia"][QUOTE="SKaREO"] Thee GTX690 is unrivaled by any other video card available today. AMD makes budget hardware with bad driver support. Thanks for coming out.clyde46
7990 can rival GTX690. AMD also priced their 7990 @ ~$900. What's missing is Titan's 551mm^2 chip size for Radeon HD GCN. NVIDIA also has *bad* drivers e.g. Sleep Dogs, Dirt Showdown, Hitman Absolution, Metro 2033 and 'etc'. Strange how all those games are AMD titles.
I really don't give a sh!t what AMD has to say. I've had so many issues with their cards and drivers vs Nvidia's that they can kiss my ass. I've been building PCs since they started making dedicated video cards and every time I've bought an AMD card I've regretted it.
NVIDIA haven't solved the performance issues with Sleep Dogs, Dirt Showdown, Hitman Absolution, Metro 2033. I would like to think that the developers of those games should be doing that. Aside from that, I can run all of those games just fine. On the other side of the coin, there are just as many games that AMD cards have issues with.
[QUOTE="MrYaotubo"]Yeah,that´s exactly what they said :roll: And Nvidia is a much bigger and way more profitabe company than AMD,why would there be any butthurt is beyond me,unlike AMD,Nvidia is ablçe to be picky with contracts,that´s why they didn´t do any console builds,they don´t need to and they ask for way more than AMD,for AMD these console deals have been their saving grace and even with that Nvidia still is by far the most profitable company.Benny_Blakk
So then why conduct themselves in that manner? If you are successful, you pay attention to your own business dealings, not those in which you're not even involved. They clearly are conducting themselves in a manner that is indicative of one who was spurned by being overlooked and not considered. As a business man, why would you NOT want to be part of it?
It's business as usual for ATI and NVIDIA. ATI's (red team) marketing has taken over AMD (green team).
how is nvidia butthurt when physx is coming to PS4? If the really were in their feelings about the situation they wouldn't suppport the console at all. Also when Nvidia was saying the ps4 as of now was stronger than the 720 you cows were singing their praise. You guys were wetting your pants with excitement when they said PS4 would have physx. Now its screw nvidia, screw physx, blah blah blah. I don't get you mad cows. Y'all are about as emo as a preteen girl.
Havok Physics on PS4 runs on GPU.
PhysX has been available for non-NVIDIA CUDA hardware without GPU acceleration.
I really don't give a sh!t what AMD has to say. I've had so many issues with their cards and drivers vs Nvidia's that they can kiss my ass. I've been building PCs since they started making dedicated video cards and every time I've bought an AMD card I've regretted it.
NVIDIA haven't solved the performance issues with Sleep Dogs, Dirt Showdown, Hitman Absolution, Metro 2033. I would like to think that the developers of those games should be doing that. Aside from that, I can run all of those games just fine. On the other side of the coin, there are just as many games that AMD cards have issues with. Where's your malfunction statistics?
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