You still didn't anser his questoin.
Here's my reqeust: Name a shooter that does everythign that KZ2 does and looks just as good at the same time.
Treal, i dunno why it's so hard for you to get. i don't care about things being wrapped up in pretty little packages. i'd argue TF2 did everything KZ2 does and is the better game. i don't want another shallow shooter experience like KZ2 that just borrows from other games.
so here, to make it deadly simple:
-I don't like games that are just pretty packages with ripped of features of other games. I don't like rehashes, I like unique complete experiences.
you can keep asking me questions that you think play to your side of the argument, but that's absolutely meaningless if you fail to see my side of things mate.
If KZ2 borrows amazing ideas it doesn't mean it's shallow. The ideas are still amazing to begin with LMAO!
Dynamic Matches (new feature), fully intergrated clan support (with a gambling system for leader board position), squad sysem (with squad invites during a match), mix and match c|ass sysetm (can't be found ANYWHERE in FPS), and bots.
All of this together in one game is truly amazing!
So you don't like it when a game adopts an amazing feature/mechanic from another game and adds a unique twist on it? You ONLY play games that are 100% innovative? Ok. Bye. You must be one unhappy gamer :(.
Just say you don't like the game. These accustations are lame.
first off, it's criticisms, not accusations, lmao.
2nd, no - the ideas were amazing to begin with - but if you lack the tact to use them in your game they become shallow afterthoughts, like KZ2. have you played it even? do you know how poorly the system works when compared to the games the features were taken from? 90% of what determines the success of a feature is it's implementation - not the freaking idea. my lord.
by your line of reasoning taking the best elements of all games and smashing them together like bricks would make a 'truly amazing' game - well sorry Treal if I don't share you simplistic angle on game development. if the implementation isn't there surrounded by the package that made the feature great to begin with chances are it's not going to fly with the same grace it did originally. that my friend, is a FACT.
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