i find it funny how people post usage charts- no one can tell me what console i play, only i know lol
by the way my wii was used last night , , so you want to know if my wii eats dust -it doesnt , nor does my ps3 or my 360 that wont ever change the fact wii is out on top ,
get over it, , nothing the 360 can do to pass wii either their already cheaper , , and still not making an effort
and sonys just playing house , lol , dont expect sony to lower the price of the ps3 without lowering value , ,
as they did in the past , ,
they went from bc to no bc from 4 usb ports to 2 usb ports pretty soon if they do a price drop expect no ethernet port ,or somthing else missing ,
because they are playing house , lol
they may be doing ok- not great in their home country in fact the last weeks sales ps3 just barely nicked wii , , by a thousand units
if this continues wii would be back on top as if it isnt already overall wii isso still japans leader by over 5 million units
in all honestly a price cut wont even help sony,
they would need exclusives, because almost every hardcore gamer has a 360 already, a wii on the side only a slight few like my self have alll 3
so its gonna be pretty hard for sony to gain any grounds, 3 yrs in is to little to late, ,
i could see if they made the effort in yr 2 then , ya it be doable but 3 yrs streight being behind , going on four , ,
they only got a little time left until wii 2 is coming , so brace your self ,
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