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I was embarrased when I triggered the laughing scene in FFX while not being alone.
Embarrased about buying games? I've had more than one jealous look whenever I pull out my psp in the bus or train and the only response I've ever had while buying a game was the occasional ackowledgement from the clerk whenever I buy something he think's is ace...
I was'nt even embarrased when I bought Disgaea 3.
Not at all. I always go straight to the videogame section whenever I step into an electronics store, even at blockbuster (renting places too). Maybe it is where I live, but almost every guy is a gamer. I am a hardcore gamer, but I dont look the part. I go clubbing/ bar-hopping almost every weekend, and the guys who are not into games are usually left out of most conversations.
I was embarrased when I triggered the laughing scene in FFX while not being alone.
Embarrased about buying games? I've had more than one jealous look whenever I pull out my psp in the bus or train and the only response I've ever had while buying a game was the occasional ackowledgement from the clerk whenever I buy something he think's is ace...
I was'nt even embarrased when I bought Disgaea 3.
Neither was I. I was asking about that game 2-3 weeks b4 it came out, and I had to buy it at gamestop, since the bby I work at didnt have it at launch.
I kind of know what you mean. Going up to a counter with a copy of Valkyria Chronicles doesn't exactly make me Mr. Cool. At the end of the day though these people see this all the time and probably aren't bothered to laugh behind our backs. Plus you never have to see them ever again. Just remember that your only putting up for a minute of embarrassment and then can go home and enjoy hours of entertainment. Worth it in my opinion.
:question: Why on earth should I be? It is just another form of media entertainment, like movies or music - which everyone loves. If someone is shallow enough to judge you because you enjoy playing games, it is they who have problem, not you. Problem being - a massive inferiority complex that makes them feel the need to mock or belittle others in order to feel secure within their own skin. Usually because they are ashamed of something about themselves that they are trying to cover up by placing the spotlight on others.
[QUOTE="wayne_kar"][QUOTE="baaabaaaboooooo"]Seriously think about it, if bungie patched halo 3 next time you connect to xbox live, autoupdate and forces aim assist off for everyone. i bet you money alot of the little kids and people would stop playing halo because it would require some actual skill then. to say halo takes no skill is utter nonesense. im pleased that games have become more casual, perhaps it will mean the death of elitist snob like yourself. gaming should be for everyone, not just youbaaabaaaboooooour pleased because you were never good. funny how unreal championship 1# had option to make auto aim on or auto aim off server for everyone. 99% of the people played on auto aim servers because they sucked at aiming with the analog only the really good mature players played auto aim off games. so if it was for mature gamers i guess you didnt play because if you was mature you wouldnt be posting stuff like this "DIE NOOBS KILL URSELVES YOU KILLED THE INDUSTRY WITH UR PICK UP AND PLAY CRAP"
now everyone can act like they're all secure with themselves as a gamer playing mature games and how things have changed due to playstation and xbox
but could you really play a colorful game without being insecure? what about playing a handheld in public? and if you don't agree that you could be secure because you do agree those things are kiddy.. aren't you ruining gaming for everyone?
even if the DS is kiddy, what about a game like brainage that is enjoyed more by adults than children.. i had a woman on my campus once see me playing a DS and her response was "oh my child has one of those" I dunno if I felt embarrased considering it was coming from a complete moron, but I did feel pretty offended.. adults see handhelds as a way of avoiding the very mature social interaction, so even gadgets like cell phones and ipods would probably make you seem immature to them
now everyone can act like they're all secure with themselves as a gamer playing mature games and how things have changed due to playstation and xbox
but could you really play a colorful game without being insecure? what about playing a handheld in public? and if you don't agree that you could be secure because you do agree those things are kiddy.. aren't you ruining gaming for everyone?
even if the DS is kiddy, what about a game like brainage that is enjoyed more by adults than children.. i had a woman on my campus once see me playing a DS and her response was "oh my child has one of those" I dunno if I felt embarrased considering it was coming from a complete moron, but I did feel pretty offended.. adults see handhelds as a way of avoiding the very mature social interaction, so even gadgets like cell phones and ipods would probably make you seem immature to them
Why would I be insecure about playing something colorful? Chicks dig Nintendo Wii bro:p
now everyone can act like they're all secure with themselves as a gamer playing mature games and how things have changed due to playstation and xbox
but could you really play a colorful game without being insecure? what about playing a handheld in public? and if you don't agree that you could be secure because you do agree those things are kiddy.. aren't you ruining gaming for everyone?
even if the DS is kiddy, what about a game like brainage that is enjoyed more by adults than children.. i had a woman on my campus once see me playing a DS and her response was "oh my child has one of those" I dunno if I felt embarrased considering it was coming from a complete moron, but I did feel pretty offended.. adults see handhelds as a way of avoiding the very mature social interaction, so even gadgets like cell phones and ipods would probably make you seem immature to them
Why would I be insecure about playing something colorful? Chicks dig Nintendo Wii bro:p
It's not about chicks, it's about adults
and this question is more geared towards the people who only play adult games anyway
[QUOTE="Console_Gamer93"]I have a Super Mario Bros. shirt that i've worn to class a few no.Cherokee_JackSMB shirts are hip and ironic, so that doesn't count.
lol,Me and My whole crowd of friends are actually what you would consider the "arthouse,indie rock, ironic clothes from thrift store" hipster crowd and none of them own a SMB T shirt.
My geeky friends in the middle of a crowded area with hawt girls lolz: Hey dude i can't wait for to come out! what about you man?
Me: Uh yeah, it's gonna be great.....
Friends: I know it looks so good it has so many features, we can stay up all night!
Me: whooo.....
(girls ignore all of us completely and walk away)
who cares?..those girls have probably been with everyone it's a good thing
I actually sometimes use my "nerdy little hobby" to my advantage.for example,when i'm at a party or bar,and some drunken,annoying slutty girl with her radiated orange skin from all that fake baking comes up and starts hitting on me,I start talking about video games,so she'll leave me the eff alone.
SMB shirts are hip and ironic, so that doesn't count.[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"][QUOTE="Console_Gamer93"]I have a Super Mario Bros. shirt that i've worn to class a few no.Kandlegoat
lol,Me and My whole crowd of friends are actually what you would consider the "arthouse,indie rock, ironic clothes from thrift store" hipster crowd and none of them own a SMB T shirt.
Then they own a Q*Bert shirt or something instead.[QUOTE="Kandlegoat"][QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"] SMB shirts are hip and ironic, so that doesn't count.Cherokee_Jack
lol,Me and My whole crowd of friends are actually what you would consider the "arthouse,indie rock, ironic clothes from thrift store" hipster crowd and none of them own a SMB T shirt.
Then they own a Q*Bert shirt or something Q*bert either, ;)
One of my friends does own a Mega Man 8-bit Ringer shirt though..
Then they own a Q*Bert shirt or something instead.[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"][QUOTE="Kandlegoat"]
lol,Me and My whole crowd of friends are actually what you would consider the "arthouse,indie rock, ironic clothes from thrift store" hipster crowd and none of them own a SMB T shirt.
Kandlegoat Q*bert either, ;)
One of my friends does own a Mega Man 8-bit Ringer shirt though..
There you go.[QUOTE="Kandlegoat"][QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"] Then they own a Q*Bert shirt or something instead. Cherokee_Jack Q*bert either, ;)
One of my friends does own a Mega Man 8-bit Ringer shirt though..
There you go.yeah,but everyone else including me,don't wear that stuff...
I assume the Hipsters wear that kind of stuff in your' area?
There you go.[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"][QUOTE="Kandlegoat"] Q*bert either, ;)
One of my friends does own a Mega Man 8-bit Ringer shirt though..
yeah,but everyone else including me,don't wear that stuff...
I assume the Hipsters wear that kind of stuff in your' area?
No, my area is generally free of hipsters. I do know that old-school gaming chic is popular in those circles, though.[QUOTE="Kandlegoat"][QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"] There you go. Cherokee_Jack
yeah,but everyone else including me,don't wear that stuff...
I assume the Hipsters wear that kind of stuff in your' area?
No, my area is generally free of hipsters. I do know that old-school gaming chic is popular in those circles, though.Gotcha,Well alot of people game in my circle,and are especially into oldschool gaming.however,they just play the games and don't really dabble in gamer style clothing.
For me, ive hidden the fact that i play games to every girlfriend ive had, like when i had a major moments with cs, being in a clan and actually meeting them in person, back when i was 16.
But the gaming community is growing.. like its essential to have a console with your hdtv.
Now more and more girls are playing and are also playing with me, so its not as embarrassing.
Besides, the games i play, would make someone watch or play too also.
I rather game sometimes than watch tv.. unless its a show i like.
This is an odd question, I know.
Im not a hardcore gamer. I have never bought a PS2 (although I have a PS3 with like 4 games) nor have I amassed 120+ games, like some of my friends. I do not spend 5 hours a day playing COD4 or whatever, I can go for a day or two (sometimes a week, although its rare) without putting a game into my PS3. I rent instead of buy.
But whenever I go into an electronic store, Im emberrased to go browse for a PS3 title. I have no idea why. Im especially emberassed if I decide to buy anything, and I have to go up to the dreaded counter and slap that stupid case on the counter, and the cashier must think Im a geek or something.
But im not ashamed to buy a Blu-Ray, or CD, or candy bar. There must be something wrong with me. Am I alone in this?
Very interesting post. I am a 29 year old male, I understand where you are coming from. I party and chase chicks just like any unmarried guy like me. I think society still has not embraced gaming as a legitimite form of entertainment for adults. Society thinks that it is mainly for children. What they do not know is we are a long way from Mario Bros and Sonic....The games out now have a lot put into them. From Voice Acting to music compasition to animation detail. Gaming is no different from reading books, listening to music, watching movies etc. It is a form of entertainment. The judgement from non gamers is very real. At my job in the break room a couple of the ladies have a DS and they play with them on their break. Sometimes non gamers will come in and make comments about how video games are for kids or they will say " HEY MY LITTLE SON HAS ONE OF THOSE".......You could tell some of the ladies were irritated by these remakes, after all they were just trying to enjoy thier break. More Adults have to start gaming for it to become normal I guess.
i'd like to also add that chicks dig little big planet.
I cant count how many girls have played it in parties, i know one girl just bought a ps3 for it, and she hates gaming all together.
I guess princess peach isnt really cutting it.
My mates make fun of me because I still play games. They say I'll "grow out of it" one day... Not likely! I love my gaming and I couldn't really care what anybody else thinks.hrt_rulz01
Non gaming society still thinks that it is just for children. I once bought a Mortal Kombat game from Target and the lady rigging me up said "Is this for your son?" I was like huh? I don't have any kids.....If you buy from Gamestop its fine, but places like Wal Mart, Target & K Mart I could see where someone doesnt want to be disrespected by assumption. Gaming is not mainstream yet imo. Gaming makes a lot of money, but not the money books, & movies make.
i'd like to also add that chicks dig little big planet.
I cant count how many girls have played it in parties, i know one girl just bought a ps3 for it, and she hates gaming all together.
I guess princess peach isnt really cutting it.
My girlfriend despises as video games as well,but loves little big planet so much,she wants me to make a PS3 account for her to play it,not to mention,like myself,she's a total art*** that digs the fact that LBP requires you to be abstract,creative,and overall have an imagination. :)
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