If the hardware itself is a major leap and the graphics make your jaw drop and it allows new ways to play games are you willing to spend the money and if so how much?
I hear people say they want the new consoles to launch for $300 or no buy, to me thats hillarious. If you are not willing to pay at least $500 dollars for the next consoles you need to get either a job or a new hobby. I mean honestly the PS1 launched for $300 dollars in 1994. The PS2 launched for $300 dolalrs in 2000? Why don't many gamers understand the basic laws of inflation and realize that more impressive tech cost more money and if these companys sell for $300 dollars that means one of two things. They are either losing there A$$( which none of them will do next gen) or making small profit maybe barely breaking even on something that does not cost much to make and is a very minimal upgrade from todays consoles.
I find it funny all these people buy $630 dollar I-pads every year which is a minimal upgrade and is nothing more then a large phone without the phone or a gimped laptop . Yet many gamers can't spend $500 on a hobby they supposedly love on hardware that will probably last them 5 or more years? With that said what will you pay and what are your expectation of next gen?
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