@m3dude1: my understanding of what g-sync does it match the monitors refresh rate to what the GPU is outputting.
So even without day one patch, it still looks and runs better than Console versions??? Just not that good?
Sidenote though: and yeah whatever lolvideogamestories and all, but the script in this game is fucking TERRIBLE. Oh my god I've been laughing at how corny it is.
Don't **** with the Batman, because he WILL burn every plant in Gotham.
@m3dude1: my understanding of what g-sync does it match the monitors refresh rate to what the GPU is outputting.
i was referring to that other guy fyi. yes, thats what it does WITHIN the confines of whatever framerate a given game supports. it doesnt enable higher fps support for games that are fps locked.
PC cant handle the game above 30fps? lol
Hey dude, you really wanna go there? Well the PS4 can't handle USF4 for starters. Yeah, we all get bad ports.
Not surprised. Most of these major games are developed for console. The idea that PC gaming is always better is just a fallacy.
I'm actually grateful for this thread. I thought it was my graphics card.
The minimal requirements for the game is a GTX 660. I have a Palit Dual Storm X GTX 750Ti, which is pretty much the best version with both a highly overclocked GPU and RAM.
The GTX 660 in tests is only a few frames better than a standard GTX 750Ti. Also the GTX 750Ti is no slouch, it can play Crysis 3 on high settings and most other games on high or more. It also more or less matches console GPUs. So in theory, my Graphics card should work and it does, but only on low with an average of 46fps.
So I thought I should consider getting a new graphics card, but I wanted to wait to see how DX12 performs and on news with Nvidias upcoming pascal. But now I've learned that the problem is with the porting, I'm just going to try lock it to 30fps and wait.
This game would have worked so much better on DX12. And the the thing is, it's not that impressive looking to be honest.
Not surprised. Most of these major games are developed for console. The idea that PC gaming is always better is just a fallacy.
That won't be the case with DX12, porting is supposed to be so easy between them the PC and X1, that it could very well eliminate issues like this.
it's sad really that this is the Arkham Knight thread that's got everybody's attention, because the game is pretty damn awesome, can we get a Arkham Knight is pretty damn awesome thread?
Iron Galaxy, 30fps cap, barely any options, DENUVO, etc. I hope everyone refunds this shit
Not surprised. Most of these major games are developed for console. The idea that PC gaming is always better is just a fallacy.
so desperate.
Not surprised. Most of these major games are developed for console. The idea that PC gaming is always better is just a fallacy.
That won't be the case with DX12, porting is supposed to be so easy between them the PC and X1, that it could very well eliminate issues like this.
that would be nice, but i dont expect anything to change for the vast majority of ports. dx12 requires smarter coding and far more developer responsibility. thats not going to bode well for the 3rd rate developers the majority of pc ports get outsourced too. i expect most of them to just stick with dx11. i suspect very very few pc ports will use dx12.
Not surprised. Most of these major games are developed for console. The idea that PC gaming is always better is just a fallacy.
That won't be the case with DX12, porting is supposed to be so easy between them the PC and X1, that it could very well eliminate issues like this.
that would be nice, but i dont expect anything to change for the vast majority of ports. dx12 requires smarter coding and far more developer responsibility. thats not going to bode well for the 3rd rate developers the majority of pc ports get outsourced too. i expect most of them to just stick with dx11. i suspect very very few pc ports will use dx12.
the **** are you talking about?
Alot of games are already using dx12 like Deus EX, Arma 3 and so on.
As for outsourcing ports, dude, just stfu. Vast majority of pc versions are done in house.
Iron Galaxy, 30fps cap, barely any options, DENUVO, etc. I hope everyone refunds this shit
Not surprised. Most of these major games are developed for console. The idea that PC gaming is always better is just a fallacy.
so desperate.
I have nothing to be desperate about. I have a GTX 970 and still preordered Arkham Knight on PS4.
Not surprised. Most of these major games are developed for console. The idea that PC gaming is always better is just a fallacy.
That won't be the case with DX12, porting is supposed to be so easy between them the PC and X1, that it could very well eliminate issues like this.
that would be nice, but i dont expect anything to change for the vast majority of ports. dx12 requires smarter coding and far more developer responsibility. thats not going to bode well for the 3rd rate developers the majority of pc ports get outsourced too. i expect most of them to just stick with dx11. i suspect very very few pc ports will use dx12.
the **** are you talking about?
Alot of games are already using dx12 like Deus EX, Arma 3 and so on.
As for outsourcing ports, dude, just stfu. Vast majority of pc versions are done in house.
link to where i can purchase a dx12 game(i said port but lets widen it a bit to help you out) please.....oh wait. the vast majority of pc ports are outsourced.
Iron Galaxy, 30fps cap, barely any options, DENUVO, etc. I hope everyone refunds this shit
Not surprised. Most of these major games are developed for console. The idea that PC gaming is always better is just a fallacy.
so desperate.
I have nothing to be desperate about. I have a GTX 970 and still preordered Arkham Knight on PS4.
i'm sure you do Solid
the **** are you talking about?
Alot of games are already using dx12 like Deus EX, Arma 3 and so on.
As for outsourcing ports, dude, just stfu. Vast majority of pc versions are done in house.
link to where i can purchase a dx12 game(i said port but lets widen it a bit to help you out) please.....oh wait. the vast majority of pc ports are outsourced.
They are, huh? You obviously have a source for this then.
And i already told you how games are using dx12.
Iron Galaxy, 30fps cap, barely any options, DENUVO, etc. I hope everyone refunds this shit
Thank God, you actually can with Steam these days.
@freedomfreak: well, only if you buy directly from steam, but yeah. I'm buying DMC4 SE today instead, if it's in good state.
well, only if you buy directly from steam, but yeah. I'm buying DMC4 SE today instead, if it's in good state.
That one should be alright. I remember DMC4 running buttery smooth back when it came out on PC. It was a great port.
Just got my copy on Steam. Will report how it is.
In about 14 goddamn hours.
The joys of having slow ass internet connection....
@freedomfreak: Is, DMC4 is godlike on PC thanks to MT framework, and Capcom is usually good with pc versions, but i'll take the wait and see like i always good.
See how not buying AK at release saved a ton?
Is, DMC4 is godlike on PC thanks to MT framework, and Capcom is usually good with pc versions, but i'll take the wait and see like i always good.
See how not buying AK at release saved a ton?
Definitely :p
But are you planning on picking it up once they fix it, or are you just kinda done with it?
@freedomfreak: definitelly. I mean, i wasn't going to pick it up at launch anyway, since i just finshed TW3 and am still doing side quests and exploring. And going from one trilogy ending massive open world game to another is too much.
This just makes my choice easy. Fucking WB. First Dying Light, then MKX now Batman AK. Trying to be Ubisoft in every way i guess.
definitelly. I mean, i wasn't going to pick it up at launch anyway, since i just finshed TW3 and am still doing side quests and exploring. And going from one trilogy ending massive open world game to another is too much.
This just makes my choice easy. Fucking WB. First Dying Light, then MKX now Batman AK. Trying to be Ubisoft in every way i guess.
Good. Got done with TW3 a while ago, so now I'm waiting for more DLC packs to drop, so when I go in, there's new stuff to do.
You know, I didn't know WB published all of those titles. Yeah, definitely not the greatest performance for them. Lame.
Poor GPU usage.
I watched a 15 minute test with a GTX Titan X and it kept dipping to 30FPS and the GPU usage would go from 40-60%.
Very bad port.
Runs well for me, but Nvidia effects cripple the performance.
Gotta turn em off and restart the game.
Another elephant in the room - there's no option for mouse sensitivity.
Nothing config edits can't fix, but it still baffles me how the **** they looked that over.
No sensitivity options for controller either, btw.
@clyde46: I don't know how people still can't read or even know that refresh rate means jack if the FPS doesn't go up too.
FPS is tied to refresh rate when there is a lock.
Herpa derp.
First we get the reports of bad performance, then the community circle jerks it into the ground, and they treat the developers/publishers as if they were the devil even when it gets fixed in an acceptable time frame.
The cycle continues. Wonder which game will go through this next.
First we get the reports of bad performance, then the community circle jerks it into the ground, and they treat the developers/publishers as if they were the devil even when it gets fixed in an acceptable time frame.
The cycle continues. Wonder which game will go through this next.
Oh please... F***king keep lowering standards.
Its a product and should be working from the get go.
@m3dude1: Console noob at it's finest.
BUT BUT BUT... lol.
Pretty simple to grasp how it work even if you can't read. FPS is tied to refresh rate. If a game is locked at a refresh rate... No GD frame cap tweak is going to work. Because there is still a refresh limit... BUT... Your to special to know this.
I'll laugh my ass off if Toukiden Kiwami, a fucking Koei tecmo game, releasing in a couple of days, has more settings options, is better optimzed and isn't capped at 30fps with no denuvo.
Oh please... F***king keep lowering standards.
Its a product and should be working from the get go.
If it doesn't work, I'll just wait until it's fixed. It's not worth getting so fucking worked up about and making sure that I can tell as many as I can how god awful the developers and their families are.
But it does work. Unfortunately a large amount of people are having issues. What game goes unfixed these days? We're gonna get a few patches this week but the negative reviews will remain because people will move on to the next thing to overreact about. Same thing has happened for every major release this year.
Oh boy, I also expect Nvidia to come out with a new driver for this game. I'm not holding my breath on AMD as they only release drivers about twice a year.
Nvidia already released a game ready driver for Arkham Knight.
Oh please... F***king keep lowering standards.
Its a product and should be working from the get go.
If it doesn't work, I'll just wait until it's fixed. It's not worth getting so fucking worked up about and making sure that I can tell as many as I can how god awful the developers and their families are.
But it does work. Unfortunately a large amount of people are having issues. What game goes unfixed these days? We're gonna get a few patches this week but the negative reviews will remain because people will move on to the next thing to overreact about. Same thing has happened for every major release this year.
Well I agree that no one should be insulting the developers.
But a bad port is a bad port, working is a lose term. Developers are getting lazy when it comes to porting games these days and just release it in horrible states... Without this backlash how are things going to change for the better?...
You think by just being quiet and ignoring the poor performance that the developers aren't going to just take advantage of that?
Again agree that the PC gaming community can be harsh at times and hostile, but from a purely consumer level... Products should work and if it doesn't work for you then you have every right to give it a bad review.
jus saw the news... I'm feeling really dumb for giving this game 10/10 ....
PS : the cause of those FPS drops could be Batman's shitty DRM , Denuvo , I had this problem with DRI when it comes to cut-scenes
Oh please... F***king keep lowering standards.
Its a product and should be working from the get go.
If it doesn't work, I'll just wait until it's fixed. It's not worth getting so fucking worked up about and making sure that I can tell as many as I can how god awful the developers and their families are.
But it does work. Unfortunately a large amount of people are having issues. What game goes unfixed these days? We're gonna get a few patches this week but the negative reviews will remain because people will move on to the next thing to overreact about. Same thing has happened for every major release this year.
There's a difference between individual issues that the majority don't report and mass, widespread problems like 30fps caps, DENUVO anti-tampering, fucked up gpu usage,extremely low about of options for AAA release, specially since previous Akrham Games hada boat load of them, etc.
A good quality port doesn't get a shit overload of complaints. Wolfenstein TNO had issues, mainly due to IDtech5, but even then it was good.
This is the kind of complaining i see from Ubisoft ports, FF 13, DR3 and Mortal Kombat X
Developers are getting lazy when it comes to porting games these days and just release it in horrible states... Without this backlash how are things going to change for the better?...
You think by just being quiet and ignoring the poor performance that the developers aren't going to just take advantage of that?
Again agree that the PC gaming community can be harsh at times and hostile, but from a purely consumer level... Products should work and if it doesn't work for you then you have every right to give it a bad review.
The ports being outsourced seemed to be the ones having the most issues. Outside of MKX I can't recall any port in recent memory being really broken. I'm used to waiting for patches. These days it's guaranteed to get at least a few for any game. It just doesn't bother me unless it takes more than a few days.
I didn't say we should ignore it. The level of hostility many have is what I'm against. Most of those reviews will never be updated and will stay negative even if their problems are fixed. My issue is with the cyclical circle jerking happening with every major release in the past year. It's hard to read what anyone is saying about the game because all they're focusing on is whatever the popular issue is.
There's a difference between individual issues that the majority don't report and mass, widespread problems like 30fps caps, DENUVO anti-tampering, fucked up gpu usage,extremely low about of options for AAA release, specially since previous Akrham Games hada boat load of them, etc.
A good quality port doesn't get a shit overload of complaints. Wolfenstein TNO had issues, mainly due to IDtech5, but even then it was good.
This is the kind of complaining i see from Ubisoft ports, FF 13, DR3 and Mortal Kombat X
Denuvo is only an issue for pirates. I don't remember Arkham games having tons of options. Seemed like the standard to expect from games on PC plus physx effects. Games like Serious Sam have boat loads of options.
Yeah I remember TNO having those performance issues at launch, but I didn't see many people focusing on that because they mostly fixed it. Don't own it so don't know to what extent it improved. I'm pretty sure the major complaint then was the huge file size.
@ChubbyGuy40: Denuvo is shit, period.
And all Batman games had an overload of options. Google it.
Good ports like GTA 5 and TW3 don't have a shit ton of people complaining like this. Even sites like RPS are reporting major issues. I bet DF and DSO report the same.
Shit port is shit.
@ChubbyGuy40: Denuvo is shit, period.
And all Batman games had an overload of options. Google it.
Good ports like GTA 5 and TW3 don't have a shit ton of people complaining like this. Even sites like RPS are reporting major issues. I bet DF and DSO report the same.
Shit port is shit.
@clyde46: I don't know how people still can't read or even know that refresh rate means jack if the FPS doesn't go up too.
FPS is tied to refresh rate when there is a lock.
Herpa derp.
"G-Sync eliminates screen tearing by forcing a video display to adapt to the framerate of the outputting device rather than the other way around"
That's the whole point of G-Sync. Doing it the other way around, i.e. tying FPS to a refresh rate is called V-Sync.
Futhermore, if FPS lock is coded into the game it doesn't care what setting you have in your Nvidia control panel.
As far as Control panel goes, 30 is "maximum framerate" in AK in-game.
Also, AK Benchmark doesn't have this FPS lock.
You posted some screenshots to prove that you're running above 30 with no config tweaks, but none of the in-game ones have an FPS counter.
PC cant handle the game above 30fps? lol
Hey dude, you really wanna go there? Well the PS4 can't handle USF4 for starters. Yeah, we all get bad ports.
What is USF4? but whatever...
It is nothing new under the sun, consoles is weak and when try keep up with PC graphic quality frame-rates take a hit. But the almighty PC should not be locked to 30fps
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