User reviews: Mostly Negative (4,750 reviews)
* Gets popcorn out, this should be fun to watch.
I have to agree. I can't help but miss the other games playing this. As much as a filler the Batmobile is, the problem is that they had to build the game around it.
I can't put my finger on it, but it just somehow feels less of a Batman game. Like it could have been about anyone. Am I wrong?
And the graphical style has been changed since last gens Arkham games, the problem that is, the previous art style matched the gothic direction they were going for, the current one isn't as gothic, so the old sound track that they brought over doesn't match. This games needs something a little more Hanz Zimmer and something a lot less Danny Elfman imo. This struck me early on.
It's not as engrossing. You could just get lost in the old Arkham games. The control layout seems like it has been changed for the sake of it.
The upgrade screens look like a convoluted mess. I have upgrade points, but I don't know how to spend them until I need them.
It is disappointing.
I'd be okay just casually playing it, but I've waited so long for this game, and I don't want certain things spoiled. So I kind of have to force my way through some of this nonsense.
The game makes you feel like Batman is the accessory to the Batmobile.
That's a horrible thought, and for a second I contemplated arguing against that. But I can't. That's troubling dude.
You have to bring the bloody thing everywhere. It's just always up his ass. Could you play the game without it? I don't think so. And is it just me or do you not have a clue where anything is. I mean if they told me to go from point a to b, I couldn't get there without being spoon fed the directions. Everything just looks the same.
I bought this with confidence expecting a good version of the game. The last two Arkham games ran completely fine on PC.
This is a huge **** up by Iron Galaxy.
@IgGy621985: I honestly think they've subcontracted the porting out to a shit company. They've essentially taken the console build and added a minimal options menus and keyboard/mouse settings, although considering it's Unreal Engine 4 it would have the KB/M support in there by default, so they likely just added the in game screen prompts.
Rocksteady, if they care, should be asking some serious questions of their subcontractor and Q&A testers because these are really dumb omissions from a PC version that would inevitably come back to bite them in the arse. A locked frame rate that's so easy to sort is mind numbing.
In general the game runs fine it's just the settings that are a bit screwed up.
@IgGy621985: I honestly think they've subcontracted the porting out to a shit company. They've essentially taken the console build and added a minimal options menus and keyboard/mouse settings, although considering it's Unreal Engine 4 it would have the KB/M support in there by default, so they likely just added the in game screen prompts.
Rocksteady, if they care, should be asking some serious questions of their subcontractor and Q&A testers because these are really dumb omissions from a PC version that would inevitably come back to bite them in the arse. A locked frame rate that's so easy to sort is mind numbing.
In general the game runs fine it's just the settings that are a bit screwed up.
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how will RS and WB react to this.
I'm sure that about 90% of the sale profits will come from the consoles, so it's debatable if they'll even consider fixing the PC version.
@IgGy621985: I honestly think they've subcontracted the porting out to a shit company. They've essentially taken the console build and added a minimal options menus and keyboard/mouse settings, although considering it's Unreal Engine 4 it would have the KB/M support in there by default, so they likely just added the in game screen prompts.
Rocksteady, if they care, should be asking some serious questions of their subcontractor and Q&A testers because these are really dumb omissions from a PC version that would inevitably come back to bite them in the arse. A locked frame rate that's so easy to sort is mind numbing.
In general the game runs fine it's just the settings that are a bit screwed up.
Even if the framerate gets fixed, the game is actually missing graphical effects that are only present in the console version.
The last port I remember having a similar screw up was Splinter Cell Double Agent, a game that came out a decade ago.
Even if the framerate gets fixed, the game is actually missing graphical effects that are only present in the console version.
What the...? Really?
For peeps who don't like motion blur and/or Depth of Field (like me) here's what to do
In the same file, as above, BmSystemSettings.ini change the following
This will set motion blur to next to nothing. If you set MotionBlur=False the game will crash on launch, this is about the best I can come up with at the moment and it's better than tolerating the heavy blur in the game by default.
Depth of Field is really easy just set
I'll get this game looking and running the way I want it yet :)
Even if the framerate gets fixed, the game is actually missing graphical effects that are only present in the console version.
What the...? Really?
The LOD issues cause many textures to not pop in, so many objects/characters in the city are low res as hell. However, I'm assuming that's a bug and not a weird omission.
The PC version completely lacks any ambient occlusion for characters and environments. The rain effects on the Batman and the Batmobile are not there either. While these aren't deal breakers, they definitely make the game look flat at times.
The horrible framerate plus missing visual effects on the PC version makes the PS4 version the superior release until patches get released.
@JangoWuzHere: All the settings are there to be switched on, it's just a matter of finding them.
I've spent a couple of hours fucking around with it (including downloading and installing it twice - Doh!) and it's looking better already and I'm certainly no pro. Real modders will have this fixed in a couple of days, it's just a lazy subcontractor, not the game itself.
@JangoWuzHere: All the settings are there to be switched on, it's just a matter of finding them.
I've spent a couple of hours fucking around with it (including downloading and installing it twice - Doh!) and it's looking better already and I'm certainly no pro. Real modders will have this fixed in a couple of days, it's just a lazy subcontractor, not the game itself.
Scratch that, the texture quality and assets are horrendous.
@R10nu: It is and to prove how much of a moron you are... Here are some pics to own your face.
Too bad it proves nothing. You keep posting this unrelated crap as if it means something. Goes to show your incompetence.
I can put my monitor in 120Hz in a 30 fps-locked game no problem.
Will still be locked at 30 fps.
Post screenshots with Fraps/Dxtory/Shadowplay/Whatever-Framerate display utility running.
Why are you wiggling so hard on this?
Is it because you already know you're wrong?
he posted cell phone screens of his monitors OSD...LOL hes clueless. its almost certain he doesnt know what any of the bolded programs are. its seriously mind blowing how daft this clown is. must be another janky alt.
Played the first 30 minutes or so on PC and it's a disgraceful port so far for me (i5 3570K, GTX 970). What's up with the only anti-aliasing option being on or off? I'm playing at 1080p and the jaggies and shimmering are absolutely hideous. The previous two Batman games on PC actually look better not fully maxed out than this one does at full settings. Graphically, the only thing this game appears to be doing over previous titles is simulating more rain and making people look unrealistically shiny.
Performance wise, despite being ridiculously capped at 30fps it still manages to have severe and dramatic dips, particularly when in the Batmobile. I'm not playing it again until it's heavily patched and I think Rocksteady should be ashamed of themselves.
This is the power of PC gaming.
As you can see from my screenshots, it's pretty easy to get the game running well and looking ok. The 1k textures though aren't just in the PC version, they are exactly the same as the textures used in the console versions. I'll bet it doesn't run at 1440p and 60fps with no horrible post processing effects like motion blur and depth of field on console.
LOD, anistropic filtering etc. can all be adjusted manually in the .ini file. That's one advantage of a PC game, with a little knowledge most things can be fixed. It'll take a little more to up res the textures but again that can be done, it just needs a bit more time to fix them. Maybe Rocksteady will do something about them before the modding community does (I highly doubt it though)
So yeah, this is the power of PC gaming.
In a nutshell Consoles gamers get what they're given, PC gamers take what they're given and make it better.
STHU... "Batman's refresh rate isn't locked to windows".... Proved your wrong.
Refresh rate <---------------------------
NOT FPS <--------------------------------
People can't not read a GD thing.
You can unlock FPS, but you'll never see it if the gd refresh rate is lock too. A DUHHHHH...
You've provided unrelated photos of your monitor. Nothing else.
Nothing that proves that AK FPS is tied to Windows, which was an unrelated assertion by you, but whatever. Feel free to try and prove that too.
Or that G-Sync circumvents the game's 30 FPS lock.
The screenshots with FPS counter please. Or continue being full of shit.
he posted cell phone screens of his monitors OSD...LOL hes clueless. its almost certain he doesnt know what any of the bolded programs are. its seriously mind blowing how daft this clown is. must be another janky alt.
I'm actually laughing now.
The guy've supposedly purchased a G-Sync monitor and can't tell that his game runs at locked 30 fucking FPS.
I mean, if your eyes are that shit, could've bought a cheaper monitor and it would've been the same. Much cheaper monitor.
He's like a deaf dude who bought Audeze's.
And tells everyone how 128Kbps MP3 tracks sound as good or better than FLAC's with them on his Ipod Nano.
And posts a photo of his headphones as a proof of that.
Getting pretty good framerates here with an R9 270 OC. Great game. No problems so far.
Your game has no fucking ambient occlusion.
It looks flat.
It looks terrible.
This is the power of PC gaming.
As you can see from my screenshots, it's pretty easy to get the game running well and looking ok. The 1k textures though aren't just in the PC version, they are exactly the same as the textures used in the console versions. I'll bet it doesn't run at 1440p and 60fps with no horrible post processing effects like motion blur and depth of field on console.
LOD, anistropic filtering etc. can all be adjusted manually in the .ini file. That's one advantage of a PC game, with a little knowledge most things can be fixed. It'll take a little more to up res the textures but again that can be done, it just needs a bit more time to fix them. Maybe Rocksteady will do something about them before the modding community does (I highly doubt it though)
So yeah, this is the power of PC gaming.
In a nutshell Consoles gamers get what they're given, PC gamers take what they're given and make it better.
Woah woah, don't trash depth of field man, I love that shit.
Cant even say how it runs for me. Had it preload overnight only for the whole download to start over after work. Only an hour left now though.
Depending on how well it performs/looks, I may backlog this and pick up Witcher 3 or play other games instead.
I'm not playing this game until a patch fixes it. TW3 looks better and runs better, and it's not just a retread of its predecessors.
I'm so sick of this Denuvo trash. Iron Galaxy are some fucking clowns.
I wouldn't be so quick to blame Iron Galaxy. Considering they ported Bioshock Infinite, which was a very decent port. Of course, witchhunting or misguided hate wouldn't be an issue if this situation were actually transparent. Instead we have this wall of PR bullshit between us and the truth.
My guess is they wanted to launch it along with the console versions. As to why this is, I'm not sure. Pre orders wouldn't go anywhere if they delayed the game a few weeks.
@R10nu: Just proving how bad you failed school lol.
No where am I talking about FPS with my monitor.
I guess since Nvidia got everyone's money they are getting lazy.
How the hell can you release a driver with a SLI profile that doesn't work?
I'm so sick of this Denuvo trash. Iron Galaxy are some fucking clowns.
I wouldn't be so quick to blame Iron Galaxy. Considering they ported Bioshock Infinite, which was a very decent port. Of course, witchhunting or misguided hate wouldn't be an issue if this situation were actually transparent. Instead we have this wall of PR bullshit between us and the truth.
My guess is they wanted to launch it along with the console versions. As to why this is, I'm not sure. Pre orders wouldn't go anywhere if they delayed the game a few weeks.
Yeah, maybe that wasn't entirely fair. it's probably a multifaceted problem.
Still, **** Denuvo. I'll stand by that.
Steam refunds, people. A glorious option.
Amen. I hope Warner Bros. is feeling the heat.
Funny thing is, I missed out on the Witcher 3+Arkham Knight bundle by a week when I bought my 970. Amazon offered me a refund if I sent the card back so I could get both games for free. I regretted not doing it at the time, suddenly something makes me feel grateful I didn't bother. Now it makes sense AK was given away as a freebie.
Steam refunds, people. A glorious option.
Amen. I hope Warner Bros. is feeling the heat.
Funny thing is, I missed out on the Witcher 3+Arkham Knight bundle by a week when I bought my 970. Amazon offered me a refund if I sent the card back so I could get both games for free. I regretted not doing it at the time, suddenly something makes me feel grateful I didn't bother. Now it makes sense AK was given away as a freebie.
You could've gotten Witcher 3 for free though!
Steam refunds, people. A glorious option.
Amen. I hope Warner Bros. is feeling the heat.
Funny thing is, I missed out on the Witcher 3+Arkham Knight bundle by a week when I bought my 970. Amazon offered me a refund if I sent the card back so I could get both games for free. I regretted not doing it at the time, suddenly something makes me feel grateful I didn't bother. Now it makes sense AK was given away as a freebie.
You could've gotten Witcher 3 for free though!
Still did. :D
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