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AC has gotten stale but this looks like it will be a breath of fresh air after the past three games were about Ezio. I'm interested to see how well Ubisoft recreates the American Revolution, but what really peaked my interest was seeing that the protaganist is probably Native American. Very intrigued by all of this, ACIII went from my "do not care" list to "must watch".
The AC series has already passed its prime. They should stop milking it before they run dry of ideas.
Coming from someone who loved all assassin creed game. What a stupid concept. The entire enjoyment of the series is the era it was set in and how the gameplay elements WORKED in that world. This has no cohesion. I can't even look at that concept art without laughing.
The AC series has already passed its prime. They should stop milking it before they run dry of ideas.
Really now? You haven't even seen the game and it's been in development for 3 years and is made by the same people who created AC2. They could easily evolve it with the third one, especially since they have a new period which could bring in tons of innovations.
The AC series has already passed its prime. They should stop milking it before they run dry of ideas.
Really now? You haven't even seen the game and it's been in development for 3 years and is made by the same people who created AC2. They could easily evolve it with the third one, especially since they have a new period which could bring in tons of innovations.
How does that make it any less milked? Spitting out yearly iterations of the same game and all.
The AC series has already passed its prime. They should stop milking it before they run dry of ideas.
Really now? You haven't even seen the game and it's been in development for 3 years and is made by the same people who created AC2. They could easily evolve it with the third one, especially since they have a new period which could bring in tons of innovations.
How does that make it any less milked? Spitting out yearly iterations of the same game and all.
Assassin Creed brotherhood and revelations were also incredible games. If the games are awesome they should be pimping out more. It is my favorite franchise. Too bad Assassin Creed 3 is unappealling to me due to the setting and how out of place the game mechanics are in that setting. I would rather have one set in spainish inquisition, the sun king, war of roses, etc.They decided to skip tons of interesting settings that would fit perfectly in the game world. Skip the modern aspect and let me explore and climb more ancient cities[QUOTE="Led_poison"]Abraham Lincoln Quest giver?BrunoBRSyou're the real person to assassinate lincoln?
no i think, it would be something like in the end or towards the end of the game, the protagonist will be too late to stop the Lincoln assassination.
The AC series has already passed its prime. They should stop milking it before they run dry of ideas.
Really now? You haven't even seen the game and it's been in development for 3 years and is made by the same people who created AC2. They could easily evolve it with the third one, especially since they have a new period which could bring in tons of innovations.
How does that make it any less milked? Spitting out yearly iterations of the same game and all.
AC is milked to a certain extent. I mean, only the last two games really qualify as "milked" products. But, so what? No! I get quality games at a faster pace.
It's not the same game. Ubi added new features, new gameplay mechanics, new character, and a new settings for each AC game. The leap from AC2-BH and BH-Revelations wasn't the biggest, but many real sequels have less innovations in-between titles than BH and Revelations did and these were just yearly made products to set the scene for AC3. I'm not saying that AC3 will be some huge innovation for the series, because it may not, I'm just saying no one knows. Using better judgment though, it would be hard to create a game exactly like the previous games with the new period. They'd have to work around the setting to create AC2 all over again in American Revolutionary times. I just don't see that happening since every AC game has been dictated by the setting.
So if this new assassin is a Native and is related to the main guy, hes Arab, Italian, and Native American? Whats next Chinese with the Boxer Rebellion?
I honestly wanted something in industrial England -- the setting is much more urban and rich than mid XVIII America. I mean, it took the U.S. a while to have large urban sprawls with impressive buildings, while Europe (England, France, soon-to-be Germany, Spain, Portugal, Turkey and even Italy) was already at a latter stage in city development and technology. Buuut, we'll see.
Well, they're still just in the 18th century. Maybe after this we can have a nice Victorian setting. Team up with Jack the Ripper.I honestly wanted something in industrial England -- the setting is much more urban and rich than mid XVIII America. I mean, it took the U.S. a while to have large urban sprawls with impressive buildings, while Europe (England, France, soon-to-be Germany, Spain, Portugal, Turkey and even Italy) was already at a latter stage in city development and technology. Buuut, we'll see.
I know people are acting surprise. but anyone who played Revelations to the end could of told you where the series was going.
My mistake was that i thought it was going to be in modern day America.
by the way i'm looking forward to it.
I can see Ubisoft ending the story of Desmond Miles, but i do not see them being done with the Assasisin's Creed universe. and anyone who watch Assassin's Creed : Embers will know
[spoiler] you just might get your ancient China assassin's creed game, thanks to Ezio's new friend Shao Jun [/spoiler]
American pride yo.
this time period is awesome, total war did great thigns with this period, AC will be no different
*yawn* My interest for the series died with Revelations. The fact this is set in Revolutionary America makes it even worse (why not the French Revolution?).foxhound_fox
You do know it was the American Revollution that insipired the French Revolution right? So the only way it will work is for the French Revolution act as a sequel.
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]*yawn* My interest for the series died with Revelations. The fact this is set in Revolutionary America makes it even worse (why not the French Revolution?).StryderK
You do know it was the American Revollution that insipired the French Revolution right? So the only way it will work is for the French Revolution act as a sequel.
Naw, skip it.. and go straight to French Revolution. Oh wait.. Ubisoft has to milk it. :P lol jk jkThis... perhaps parts will take place in a forest setting? Either way, those who are crying like babies about "another" AC game fail hard at taking into account the possibilities of the new setting.... its ok, they make up the small % thay dont like the series.Nice, there weren't too many tall buildings in the US during those times so it will be interesting to see how the gameplay has changed.
Since 2007 there has been 8 Assassin's Creed games with a 9th one on the way.
1. 2007 - Assassin's Creed
2. 2008 - Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles
3. 2009 - Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines
4. 2009 - Assassin's Creed II
5. 2009 - Assassin's Creed II: Discovery
6. 2010 - Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy
7. 2010 - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
8. 2011 - Assassin's Creed: Revelations
9. 2012 - Assassin's Creed III
Considering how much this franchise has been milked in the past 5 years, is there anyone who is truly hyped up for yet another Assassin's Creed game?
I was hyped for AC2 after playing the first one but then I couldn't stand to play another (still haven't finished Brotherhood) but now the AC3 pic has me hyped for it. Looks awesome if true
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