I count $400 so far. You forgot CPU, Mobo, HDD, the OS, and things like an extra long cat 5, keyboard/mouse, wired 360 controller, sound system (and that's assuming you already own a good monitor) pushing it up past $1000, for what I consider "mid-level" spec. And after all that you can't play Uncharted, Halo, RDR, etc. Meanwhile on my crappy $299 PS3 I can play BF3. And Uncharted. And RDR. And most importantly you know the hardware will have 10 years of support, games, etc. They still manufacture PS2's, did you know that? During this 10 years time, you will be forced to upgrade 2-3 times, reinstall drivers, etc etc. Believe me my friends, I've been through all this. Been thru it for 2 decades. I was upgrading video cards when you were born. And now we are forced into DD, disks are hit or miss, got to watch out for DRM, some games will not play unless you are using the correct OS. Driver SF has always-on DRM. Diablo 3, always-on DRM. I would rather have this malicious code running on a $299 box that I'll throw out in the end, than have these people running their spyware on my PC. You guys are lucky, Valve pretty much saved PC gaming. But now with Origin, might see it go back in the toilet and hit the flusher. Now you will have every 2 bit publisher requiring an account, it's like you have to login to XBL to play BF3, then you have to login to PSN to play CoD, then you have to login to Battlenet to play Diablo, and so forth. You think Microsoft will let you keep playing online for free? They want a piece of that pie too. It's not just Xbox Live.ZombieKiller7
Newegg Combo
- I2500K
- 4gb ram
- 650 Watt psu
- 1tb harddrive
- Case
Saphhire 6870 174.99
Asus dvd burner etc 19.99
Windows 7 64 bit 99.99
$749.47 after MIR.. Couple grand? No.. Add keyboard and mouse.... couple grand? No ,,,, This is without really doing much looking or waiting for even better deals.No including if you want a even more budget and still play games in outragerous quality, you could just go with a AMD phenom build, get a stronger video card, and still cut 100-250 dollars off the price..
I like how you are alluding you are some very old guy and other members were babies when you were working on computers. Thats just random insults.. No idea why you are trying to argue Games that can't be played on PC considering if someone can't buy a Pc they are missing out on a Bigger list of potential games(Pc has the biggest selection of games to any one console soo?)
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