Yes, you are. You just spent several paragraphs defending their method of reducing costs while dumping on everyone elses.
I just spent paragraphs explaining the problem with cost trends in the industry, Valve is simply an example on how to avoid the problem. By all means, explain these other cost reduction methods everyone else is using. Because all I see is developers struggling to cope with their ballooning development costs, resulting in cross platform orientation. That's a means of increasing income to compensate for increasing costs, not a cost reduction method.
Their means of accommodating these costs is why we don't have a PS2 this generation, everything is being made one size fits all. Seeing how you like platform utilizing exclusives; I would have thought you would care when there is a vast reduction in them. All our platforms are after thoughts to these developers, it's about what works for everyone; not what each platform can do.
On the contrary, as a predominantly PS3 gamer I have enjoyed an abundance of exclusive high quality titles this generation with many more on the horizon.
Perhaps you may have skimmed over the part were I said this was unsustainable?
Developers are going cross platform to accommodate rising development costs, Sony is under the same conditions; only it is in their interests to differentiate their platform rather than maximize their income. Uncharted 2 cost what? $20 million; not including the marketing budget or distribution costs? With a budget like that any developer with sense would spread themselves out across multiple platforms, Sony didn't. Sony took a big budget game and kept it exclusive to one audience, increasing their risks and reducing their potential income considerably.
The "many more on the horizon" are for the most part titles being funded and kept exclusive by Sony. As costs continue to rise; Sony is making narrower profit margins. Today they can endure it, but what about next generation? Or the gen after that? How would they fair if Uncharted 2 cost $40 or $60 million to make? Consoles need exclusives to set themselves apart, as costs continue to rise they will be less able to self fund these exclusives.
Console companies recognise this problem, which is why they are trying to differentiate themselves outside of the typical big budget title, whether it be with Facebook integration or motion sensor control. I'm sure you are quite happy to ignore why you have these exclusives as long as you get them, no one cares if the company is losing billions and it is taking years for them to become profitable as long as they get the next God of War. The console business model is due for a overhaul and it is going to happen sooner or later, just don't complain when it does because clearly you are part of the problem.
Which side of the fence are you playing? Valve's for skimping on costs or everyone else's for maximizing profits?
While you champion mediocracy I applaud companies like Sony that are willing to risk their bottom line and go against the grain to make stand out games that push technology. If that is a problem then I don't want to be part of the solution.
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