Best STORY in a SINGLE GAME, Ever?
I would say Metal Gear Solid 4.
Runner Ups :
Metal Gear Solid 1-3 (Such a great story telling series, amazing, set the bar way too high.)
Final Fantasy 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10.
Persona 3
Mass Effect
Knights of the Old Republic
God of War 1 & 2
does it get insanely convoluted and ridiculous like metal gear solid 2 did?
Nope, and it also manages to completely answer all questions we had from the series. It wasn't as concise as Metal Gear Solid 1 (But close), but MGS4 had a lot of questions to solve before the amazing climax to SNAKE's Saga.
MGS2 was a great game, but yes, the story was unnessarily complex.
someone should splice all the audio transmitions and cutscenes in proper order to tell the whole story from beginning to end, i wonder how long that would be?
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