I wont rage, but I do picture you as a kid who started with WoW or Runescape. May not be true though.SparkyProtocol
If WoW was my first I wouldnt have this mind set, infact I'd have your very mindset... where the world is run by the NPCS and the developers hand. which I dont, dont get me wrong, its a step foward, but its just an aesthetic step foward, alone its nothing.
That dev diary meant absolutely nothing, typical masculin lines, generic star wars characters which will not doubt be the majority, talking talking talking... I can choose to a kill an NPC, fantastic, that means most of the gameworld is no doubt going to be instanced right? *or* you can only participate with people far and few between. My point still stands aswell, where is the *actual* combat shown in any detail? or the "living worlds" feature set, because scripted dialogue, instanced stories or hell any story that ends, isnt a living world. What do you think lures people to MMORPGs hmm? "story?" .. no ... its still a completely different genre and labeled so, character building, stats padding, competitive gaming vs other players is the lure, not being able to kill some NPC and say "oh I killed him... but yea end game all its done is raise my dark side metre lolololol".
Bioware already has end game planned out and have been asking the community for suggestions. They gave an example about one of the ideas they had and asked the community about what mechanics they liked. Beyond that another things people are skipping is that fact that each class has it's own unique quest line. If it were that way in WOW I'd have an alt of every class, but doing the same quest over and over is stupid and boring, which is why blizzard has gone all out to make levelling easier and faster without actually just handing over a high level character. Also the lack of focus on arena type combat (I hope) will make pvp more dynamic and fun and we won't have to worry about miniscule detail number 1000 that is making X comp overpowered... and the game can also be balanced more easily. Bioware already has the tier 1 pvp ending game rewards made, so I don't think we have to worry about whether there will be end game or not.
It also appears that they are dropping the infamous Triad so their wont be healers and everyclass is useful. They can probably heal themselves though.
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