I think Bioware will make a lot of money but they won't get rid of WoW.
People are addicted to WoW. They have invested their lives into their characters and they don't want to give that up to shoot a lazer rifle.
Casuals don't care about star wars as much as they used to. In fact that is good since it has gotten rather old. LucasArts knows this and now focuses on a younger audience with clone wars.
WoW can run on a lot of basic systems. I doubt this will.
Most importantly women won't switch to star wars, which means neither will their husbands/boyfriends.
I'm all for getting people off WoW but this won't have much of an effect. It will help but it won't take WoW off the pc gaming charts.
The women satement makes no sense. You really think that female warcraft players will switch to star wars? There's too much inertia with WoW. People play WoW with people they know. For many it is a form of after-work chat.Bioware will face the same problem I saw with warhammer. Guys who wouldn't switch because their casual girlfriends/wives/coworkers all played WoW and didn't want to try anything new, especially since their own WoW friends wouldn't be there. It's an intertia problem.
TOR looks casual friendly to me and it has appealing graphics that do not require a atomic powered PC to run.
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