I definitely agree with him but Bioware,while best RPG developers,are DEFINITELY to arrogant.
They aren't even the best RPG developers precisely because they always play it safe. They themselves never innovate - they've been virtually making the same game since KOTOR, only they're becoming increasingly less like RPGs and more like action games.
Compare them to, say, CD Projekt Red (check out the latest Witcher 2 news) or even Obsidian (who make unstable but highly ambitious games), and their comments become totally pitiful. Bioware are good at polish, not creativity, and the last great, innovative thing they did for the genre was back in the 90s, with BG1/2.
*edit* But still, they're right about JRPGs, in a way. The whole subgenre spawned as an off-shoot of WRPGs like Ultima 4, and sadly missed out on the next 2-3 decades of WRPG evolution. Sure, they've had some general improvements, but they tend to be pretty similar, structure-wise.
But currently they are. Why? Because while they may bnot be the most innovative...they get it right. Yes, innovation is important, but so is making the game the best it can be. Its not like Bioware never innovated, they brought the cinematic feel to WRPGs, but they polish their games (for the most part). CD Projeckt needs to prove themesleves more in order to be the best. Obsidian...no way. I just cannot believe the writer and team who did Planescape did Alpha Protocol. Its not good. Obsidian never learns from their mistakes and fails to get the basics right. You can be ambitious all you want, if you don't nail the basics, you don't succeed.
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