Bohemia: For Every 3 Legit Sales of Arma 2, There Are 100 Piracy Attempts

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#51 Mazoch
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While it's true that not all of those pirated copies would have equaled a sale for them, I'm going to guess that most of them would have.

It's sad. These people, who obviously can afford a decent PC rig (otherwise they couldn't be runing ARMA 2), who obviously like the paltform and the types of games that can only be found on it, REFUSE to support it in any way, shape or form.

The same stupid, entitled, brats then start to complain when companies start to release console ports instead of proper PC games. And of course, instead of supporting the platform for PC-centric devs like Bohemia, they use this as "rationale" for further pirating.

Pisses me off. Wish those guys would grwo the F up and pay for their entertainment like the rest of us, or go buy a console. We real PC gamers don't want you on our platform!

Get the hell out.


I think this pretty much sums up my feelings on the issue. It's kind of disheartening to see so many PC Gamers try to justify or excuse the piracy. A HUGE number of PC Gamers are actively undermining the viability of PC Gaming, and the rest of the PC Gamers mainly seem to cover their eyes and pretend that it's not really that big a deal. It's the developers fault, the Medias fault, its MS fault, its Activations fault, its UbiSofts fault, they didn't release a demo, they had bugs, they also made games for consoles, they only care about the money, I didn't really want the game anyways... For some strange reason it's never the bloody pirates fault.

The number of excuses and justifications are mind blowing. And then those same people have the audacity to cry and whine when developers decide to work on mutli-plat games to improve their profits.

People justify the existance of piracy by stating that there is a misconception about what piracy actually is. There's probably a hundred different excuses for why people pirate, but it's only ever the negative that is mentioned especially amongst people who don't understand what piracy can be.

Take a look at this video, and you can understand to some degree piracy in the eyes of a "victim"

  • Piracy can be someone wanting a demo
  • Piracy can be someone wanting to see if a game will run on their hardware
  • Piracy can be a legit buyer wanting to play their copy on multiple machines
  • Piracy can be the shop owner in Asia with a stack of 300 bootleg Xbox games for sale supporting his family
  • Piracy can be a guy who lost his original copy, and doesn't feel the need to purchase a new one
  • Piracy can be due to the fact that a game isn't available in your territory

etc etc etc

The list goes on for what piracy is, and can be, but the only one anyone ever seems to focus on is "Piracy is a lost sale".

As I already commented on in this thread; would Arma 2 have sold 30 million copies without the existance of piracy? Do you think it lost 30 million sales? Or maybe many people had a different reason for pirating?

It doesn't matter what the excuse it, it's still an excuse to justify taking something they (the pirates) had no right (legally or morally) to take.

- Pirating something as 'a demo' is still pirating. If I snuck into a movie without paying for the ticket, claiming that I'd pay later *if* I decided that I thought it had been a great movie. If I decided that I didn't enjoy the move, well, I just wouldn't pay. I somehow doubt that cinemas would be able to survive as an industry if that was the norm.

- Wanting to see 'if it runs on your hardware' also does not justify taking the game. If you're in doubt, do a bit of research; ask other gamers, read the specs, read the reviews. There's no reason anyone would ever 'have to' pirate the game to find out if they could run it.

- Want to run the game on multiple machines? Use STEAM, problem solved, there is absolutely no reason why that would ever be a legit excuse.

- So it's ok to pirate games if you're making a living of it? I'm sorry this argument doesn't seem to make sense?

- If you lost your copy you're NOT entitled to a new one, if I crash my car I'm not entitled to a new one. If I buy a theater ticket but loose it, I'm not entitled to a new one. I guess this might be at the core of the whole issue. More and more people seems to justify piracy out of a sense of entitlement, if the game exists, it's my right to play it. For a lot of people that perceived 'right' seems to supersede any barrier they might have in getting access to the game. They don't want to pay so their 'right' to play the game justifies them taking it.

- Just how many territories in the world cannot use STEAM or any of a dozen other DD services? And more importantly, just because the product is not available in your country, how the #$% does that justify you taking the game? Again, just because you can't buy it does NOT mean that you have a right to take it.

Not a single one of your excuses seems to have any merit. If you were talking about bread for starving children maybe I could see some of the arguments for taking what isn't yours, however, this is purely an entertainment product, you or your family don't need games.

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#52 musicalmac  Moderator
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Glad I bought 3 copies of ARMA2 and also all the DLC/expansion packs for myself and my cousin :D

Kudos to you, sir.

So do you think Arma 2 would have sold 30 million copies if piracy didn't exist?

I don't think this makes much sense at all. Like me asking you, "How would I make it into college without that horse?" Ask me a serious question and I won't just humor you next time.
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#53 dsgsdfgf
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I think this pretty much sums up my feelings on the issue. It's kind of disheartening to see so many PC Gamers try to justify or excuse the piracy. A HUGE number of PC Gamers are actively undermining the viability of PC Gaming, and the rest of the PC Gamers mainly seem to cover their eyes and pretend that it's not really that big a deal. It's the developers fault, the Medias fault, its MS fault, its Activations fault, its UbiSofts fault, they didn't release a demo, they had bugs, they also made games for consoles, they only care about the money, I didn't really want the game anyways... For some strange reason it's never the bloody pirates fault.

The number of excuses and justifications are mind blowing. And then those same people have the audacity to cry and whine when developers decide to work on mutli-plat games to improve their profits.


People justify the existance of piracy by stating that there is a misconception about what piracy actually is. There's probably a hundred different excuses for why people pirate, but it's only ever the negative that is mentioned especially amongst people who don't understand what piracy can be.

Take a look at this video, and you can understand to some degree piracy in the eyes of a "victim"

  • Piracy can be someone wanting a demo
  • Piracy can be someone wanting to see if a game will run on their hardware
  • Piracy can be a legit buyer wanting to play their copy on multiple machines
  • Piracy can be the shop owner in Asia with a stack of 300 bootleg Xbox games for sale supporting his family
  • Piracy can be a guy who lost his original copy, and doesn't feel the need to purchase a new one
  • Piracy can be due to the fact that a game isn't available in your territory

etc etc etc

The list goes on for what piracy is, and can be, but the only one anyone ever seems to focus on is "Piracy is a lost sale".

As I already commented on in this thread; would Arma 2 have sold 30 million copies without the existance of piracy? Do you think it lost 30 million sales? Or maybe many people had a different reason for pirating?

It doesn't matter what the excuse it, it's still an excuse to justify taking something they (the pirates) had no right (legally or morally) to take.

- Pirating something as 'a demo' is still pirating. If I snuck into a movie without paying for the ticket, claiming that I'd pay later *if* I decided that I thought it had been a great movie. If I decided that I didn't enjoy the move, well, I just wouldn't pay. I somehow doubt that cinemas would be able to survive as an industry if that was the norm.

- Wanting to see 'if it runs on your hardware' also does not justify taking the game. If you're in doubt, do a bit of research; ask other gamers, read the specs, read the reviews. There's no reason anyone would ever 'have to' pirate the game to find out if they could run it.

- Want to run the game on multiple machines? Use STEAM, problem solved, there is absolutely no reason why that would ever be a legit excuse.

- So it's ok to pirate games if you're making a living of it? I'm sorry this argument doesn't seem to make sense?

- If you lost your copy you're NOT entitled to a new one, if I crash my car I'm not entitled to a new one. If I buy a theater ticket but loose it, I'm not entitled to a new one. I guess this might be at the core of the whole issue. More and more people seems to justify piracy out of a sense of entitlement, if the game exists, it's my right to play it. For a lot of people that perceived 'right' seems to supersede any barrier they might have in getting access to the game. They don't want to pay so their 'right' to play the game justifies them taking it.

- Just how many territories in the world cannot use STEAM or any of a dozen other DD services? And more importantly, just because the product is not available in your country, how the #$% does that justify you taking the game? Again, just because you can't buy it does NOT mean that you have a right to take it.

Not a single one of your excuses seems to have any merit. If you were talking about bread for starving children maybe I could see some of the arguments for taking what isn't yours, however, this is purely an entertainment product, you or your family don't need games.

You don't buy a game when you buy a game. You buy a license to play that game.

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#54 ZombieKiller7
Member since 2011 • 6463 Posts


No such thing as piracy. IP laws are a farce.

Focus on serving the public, they will throw money at you.

Don't focus on negatives. Don't make the public your enemy.

The more you whine about "piracy" the more they will pirate you just to make a point.

Take lesson from Sony.


*laughs hard* focus on serving the public they will use you and abuse you. Humanity is a disease if they cant follow laws and human decency in one thing they wont follow it on a service model they will find a way to use your product without paying you cause they want it free. there is no such things as rights in a hobby that isn't required.

And democracy will never work, people can't govern themselves, they need a strong benevolent hand like King George or Moamar Ghadaffi to gently guide them to civilization.

Believe it or not the vast majority of people are decent and have a strong sense of justice.

It's just when you try to lock anything down, people have a strong "gag reflex" and break the locks.

Places like the zoo or museum have voluntary donations to go in, almost everyone chips in something, could be $5 or $10, whatever they think it's worth. All of those people technically don't have to pay anything but they realize the place needs funding to exist.

The problem arises because %90 of games are trash and demanding $60, people want to "try before they buy." But having pirated it, actually paying for it falls off the back of the stove. I honestly believe that most people WANT to kick in something for the developers.

Heck look at PS+, it's totally optional but you got millions of people ponying up cash, because they know that you have to support the things you enjoy or you won't have them for long.

The difference is in the attitude.

Bully vs "please chip in."

If you bully me, I'll hit ya and rip you off to teach you a lesson.

If you say "please help out" I'll reach into my pocket and give.

It's all about how you treat people.

You have to realize that selling games is not the same as selling vinyl siding. You are like a rockstar. If you treat people like cattle, they will tap dance on your face.

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#55 SW__Troll
Member since 2011 • 1687 Posts

- Pirating something as 'a demo' is still pirating. If I snuck into a movie without paying for the ticket, claiming that I'd pay later *if* I decided that I thought it had been a great movie. If I decided that I didn't enjoy the move, well, I just wouldn't pay. I somehow doubt that cinemas would be able to survive as an industry if that was the norm.

Of course it's still piracy. That's entirely what I said. The point is that some people want to try a game before they buy. I'm sure you've bought music you heard on the radio, or bought a book a friend let you borrow? If a demo simply doens't exist then you're not allowing people to know if they like the stuff you produce.

- Wanting to see 'if it runs on your hardware' also does not justify taking the game. If you're in doubt, do a bit of research; ask other gamers, read the specs, read the reviews. There's no reason anyone would ever 'have to' pirate the game to find out if they could run it.

You realize that doesn't work all the time? I have a machine capable of running Mount and Blade Warband, and the game doesn't run in Steam. I would have been screwed out of my $$$ if I had gone ahead and bought it on Steam. Luckily they have a demo on their website that doesn't require Steam to run, but not every game does. Games like GTA4 are also very iffy on many different machines because the game is poorly optimized.

- Want to run the game on multiple machines? Use STEAM, problem solved, there is absolutely no reason why that would ever be a legit excuse.

You think every PC gamer is a Steam user?

- So it's ok to pirate games if you're making a living of it? I'm sorry this argument doesn't seem to make sense?

Did I say it was ok?

- If you lost your copy you're NOT entitled to a new one, if I crash my car I'm not entitled to a new one. If I buy a theater ticket but loose it, I'm not entitled to a new one. I guess this might be at the core of the whole issue. More and more people seems to justify piracy out of a sense of entitlement, if the game exists, it's my right to play it. For a lot of people that perceived 'right' seems to supersede any barrier they might have in getting access to the game. They don't want to pay so their 'right' to play the game justifies them taking it.

If I lost my copy, and had a way of replacing it that didn't cost me money then I'd use it. You're talking about phyical objects in comparison to a digital one. I give my money to a dev, lose my game, and I get a pirated version to replace it that cost the dev 0 money for me to obtain.

- Just how many territories in the world cannot use STEAM or any of a dozen other DD services? And more importantly, just because the product is not available in your country, how the #$% does that justify you taking the game? Again, just because you can't buy it does NOT mean that you have a right to take it.

Umm, many. Not only that, but many games don't get translated either


It seems my point flew over your head entirely though. I didn't say anything about piracy being good, or bad. All i said was that piracy =/= lost sale, and that there are many reasons it happens. The reason people bring up other reasons for why it happens is because others ONLY bring up the topic that it's a lost sale, and people should realize that's not how it works.

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#56 argetlam00
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While it's true that not all of those pirated copies would have equaled a sale for them, I'm going to guess that most of them would have.

It's sad. These people, who obviously can afford a decent PC rig (otherwise they couldn't be runing ARMA 2), who obviously like the paltform and the types of games that can only be found on it, REFUSE to support it in any way, shape or form.

The same stupid, entitled, brats then start to complain when companies start to release console ports instead of proper PC games. And of course, instead of supporting the platform for PC-centric devs like Bohemia, they use this as "rationale" for further pirating.

Pisses me off. Wish those guys would grwo the F up and pay for their entertainment like the rest of us, or go buy a console. We real PC gamers don't want you on our platform!

Get the hell out.


Fully agree and very well said. I despise these people to no end.

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#57 AdrianWerner
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It sucks so many people pirate and what's also funny is how many of them are dumb enough to try playing MP.

Fortunatelly the userbase of real pcgamers is big enough to make even niche games like ARMA 2 still a financial success. THe game has been quite profitable for Bohemia. Enough that they expanded like hell. They added two whole new teams (one for Take On Helicopters and one for Carrier Command) and they even could afford to drop all console development. So while piracy news is sad, I'm glad there's enough honest pcgamers to let companies like Bohemia continue doing just fine.

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#58 ducati101
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Have some of you lost the ability to read? I know some of you get confused when looking at a pie chart, but come on! Read the damn article, it's attempts. Who knows how many times a single person who pirated try to connect to the multiplayer. Yes piracy is bad, nobody could doubt this but don't assume anything. As for the VGcharts report on BF3, the same company that doesn't collect any sales data and base their figures on asking people coming out of a game retailer! EA themselves have said PC version of BF3 is 1.5+ million so far, which has far exceeded their expectations and that figure will continue to rise. Let's not forget how many more copies of the 360 version has to sell just to give you same profit margin as the PC edition.
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#59 SW__Troll
Member since 2011 • 1687 Posts

It sucks so many people pirate and what's also funny is how many of them are dumb enough to try playing MP.

Fortunatelly the userbase of real pcgamers is big enough to make even niche games like ARMA 2 still a financial success. THe game has been quite profitable for Bohemia. Enough that they expanded like hell. They added two whole new teams (one for Take On Helicopters and one for Carrier Command) and they even could afford to drop all console development. So while piracy news is sad, I'm glad there's enough honest pcgamers to let companies like Bohemia continue doing just fine.


Do you know how Take On Helicopters is? I was looking into getting that, but I don't really know. I understand getting a nice setup for flight sims like Flight Simulator, or DCS: A-10 Warthog, but Helicopter sims? I'm not so sure, so I don't want to go drop any money on hardware for one of those.

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#60 Mystic-G
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And yet Bohemia is still into making sims for PC instead of dumbing it down for consoles.

100 attempts =/= 100 unique pirates

And as said before, most all pirates never intended to buy the game in the first place, so what are you really losing here? I say this as a person who played the demo for 30 mins then never played again.

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#61 Mazoch
Member since 2004 • 2473 Posts


- Pirating something as 'a demo' is still pirating. If I snuck into a movie without paying for the ticket, claiming that I'd pay later *if* I decided that I thought it had been a great movie. If I decided that I didn't enjoy the move, well, I just wouldn't pay. I somehow doubt that cinemas would be able to survive as an industry if that was the norm.

Of course it's still piracy. That's entirely what I said. The point is that some people want to try a game before they buy. I'm sure you've bought music you heard on the radio, or bought a book a friend let you borrow? If a demo simply doens't exist then you're not allowing people to know if they like the stuff you produce.

- Wanting to see 'if it runs on your hardware' also does not justify taking the game. If you're in doubt, do a bit of research; ask other gamers, read the specs, read the reviews. There's no reason anyone would ever 'have to' pirate the game to find out if they could run it.

You realize that doesn't work all the time? I have a machine capable of running Mount and Blade Warband, and the game doesn't run in Steam. I would have been screwed out of my $$$ if I had gone ahead and bought it on Steam. Luckily they have a demo on their website that doesn't require Steam to run, but not every game does. Games like GTA4 are also very iffy on many different machines because the game is poorly optimized.

- Want to run the game on multiple machines? Use STEAM, problem solved, there is absolutely no reason why that would ever be a legit excuse.

You think every PC gamer is a Steam user?

- So it's ok to pirate games if you're making a living of it? I'm sorry this argument doesn't seem to make sense?

Did I say it was ok?

- If you lost your copy you're NOT entitled to a new one, if I crash my car I'm not entitled to a new one. If I buy a theater ticket but loose it, I'm not entitled to a new one. I guess this might be at the core of the whole issue. More and more people seems to justify piracy out of a sense of entitlement, if the game exists, it's my right to play it. For a lot of people that perceived 'right' seems to supersede any barrier they might have in getting access to the game. They don't want to pay so their 'right' to play the game justifies them taking it.

If I lost my copy, and had a way of replacing it that didn't cost me money then I'd use it. You're talking about phyical objects in comparison to a digital one. I give my money to a dev, lose my game, and I get a pirated version to replace it that cost the dev 0 money for me to obtain.

- Just how many territories in the world cannot use STEAM or any of a dozen other DD services? And more importantly, just because the product is not available in your country, how the #$% does that justify you taking the game? Again, just because you can't buy it does NOT mean that you have a right to take it.

Umm, many. Not only that, but many games don't get translated either


It seems my point flew over your head entirely though. I didn't say anything about piracy being good, or bad. All i said was that piracy =/= lost sale, and that there are many reasons it happens. The reason people bring up other reasons for why it happens is because others ONLY bring up the topic that it's a lost sale, and people should realize that's not how it works.

I dont think anyone have made the argument that the number pirated copies equate directly to the number of copies that the game would have sold if piracy somehow wasent an issue. However I think it's kinda crazy fi you're arguing that piracy have NO effect on sales at all? With that said, I'd suggest that you go back and read the posts you originally replied to. The argument that I was making is that there are no legitimate excuses for piracy. It was with that in mind that I replyied to your list of excuses.

You can always come up with an excuse for immoral behavior. It does matter if it's why you didn't do your home work or pirated something that didn't belong to you.

If people could get away with shoplifting without risk of being arrested, a LOT of people would do so without hesitation. If question on their behavior, they'd certainly come up with reasons and excuses: They forgot their wallet at home, they needed the items, they forgot to pay, they wanted to try out the product first, the store owner is not a nice guy, they were making a political statement. People rarely fail to justify their crimes.

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#62 Pug-Nasty
Member since 2009 • 8508 Posts

A lot of those pircay attmepts are likely just people trying to try the game out.

Isn't Arma 2 free to play? I thought it was.

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#63 APiranhaAteMyVa
Member since 2011 • 4160 Posts

A lot of those pircay attmepts are likely just people trying to try the game out.

Isn't Arma 2 free to play? I thought it was.

They recently made a F2P version, but it is missing some things from the full game like the single player, some graphical options and mod support.
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#64 HaloinventedFPS
Member since 2010 • 4738 Posts

just like Crysis would have sold 20million if it wasnt for pirates

oh wait...

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#65 foxhound_fox
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Maybe if they offered a demo, people wouldn't be so quick to try and pirate? And what does this indicate? That they aren't selling as much as they should? No. This indicates that people don't want to jump into a game they don't know if they will like it or not. See original statement.
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#66 APiranhaAteMyVa
Member since 2011 • 4160 Posts
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]Maybe if they offered a demo, people wouldn't be so quick to try and pirate? And what does this indicate? That they aren't selling as much as they should? No. This indicates that people don't want to jump into a game they don't know if they will like it or not. See original statement.

They did offer a demo, but it was single player only i think.
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#67 DJ_Headshot
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Is that 100 different people trying to connect or a bunch of pirates trying several times to connect to various different servers? Either way always a good idea to have some sort off online authentication for the mp portion of your game it'd be stupid not to easiest way to not hurt consumers will keeping pirates from getting the full game. And I wonder if they where to release on console if there games would even sell a tenth as much as they do on the pc? Cause at the end of the day actual revenue made from a platform > Potential lost revenue.

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#68 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts


It sucks so many people pirate and what's also funny is how many of them are dumb enough to try playing MP.

Fortunatelly the userbase of real pcgamers is big enough to make even niche games like ARMA 2 still a financial success. THe game has been quite profitable for Bohemia. Enough that they expanded like hell. They added two whole new teams (one for Take On Helicopters and one for Carrier Command) and they even could afford to drop all console development. So while piracy news is sad, I'm glad there's enough honest pcgamers to let companies like Bohemia continue doing just fine.


Do you know how Take On Helicopters is? I was looking into getting that, but I don't really know. I understand getting a nice setup for flight sims like Flight Simulator, or DCS: A-10 Warthog, but Helicopter sims? I'm not so sure, so I don't want to go drop any money on hardware for one of those.

Well...combat heli sims are imo the best simulators around :) Take on Helicopters is great though, it has story driven campaign, ecomomic elements and very interesting missions. It's the most fun I've ever had in civilian flight sim (at least vanilla one)

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#69 foxhound_fox
Member since 2005 • 98532 Posts
- Pirating something as 'a demo' is still pirating. If I snuck into a movie without paying for the ticket, claiming that I'd pay later *if* I decided that I thought it had been a great movie. If I decided that I didn't enjoy the move, well, I just wouldn't pay. I somehow doubt that cinemas would be able to survive as an industry if that was the norm.Mazoch
Piracy isn't a problem... it is just a scapegoat. The real problem is that they are losing viewership, and people aren't willing to spend $10-15 to go see a movie in the theatre, or $20-30 on a DVD/BR. Which is why services like Netflix are becoming so popular. So what do they do? Blame piracy. What should they be doing? Making better movies... striving to decrease costs so more people will be willing to go and see them... coming up with new ways of distributing them (i.e. releasing Netflix versions on the day of the theatre release, etc.). The solution is to come up with new ways of making money. Not assuming all consumers are criminals and making legitimate customer's lives more difficult.
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#70 SaltyMeatballs
Member since 2009 • 25165 Posts
I was thinking more like 1:4 or 1:5... 3:100? Sounds like BS.
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#71 TheShadowLord07
Member since 2006 • 23083 Posts


A lot of those pircay attmepts are likely just people trying to try the game out.

Isn't Arma 2 free to play? I thought it was.


They recently made a F2P version, but it is missing some things from the full game like the single player, some graphical options and mod support.

people who didnt get the game missed when it became free from gmg. i got it free and waiting to built my rig to play it

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#72 -CheeseEater-
Member since 2007 • 5258 Posts
I say this time and time again, this is why PC Game demo's existed back in yesteryear. What's the point of putting down 60 dollars for a game without the full knowledge that A) It will run well and B) It supports your PC configuration. Tut tut.
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#73 APiranhaAteMyVa
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[QUOTE="Mazoch"]- Pirating something as 'a demo' is still pirating. If I snuck into a movie without paying for the ticket, claiming that I'd pay later *if* I decided that I thought it had been a great movie. If I decided that I didn't enjoy the move, well, I just wouldn't pay. I somehow doubt that cinemas would be able to survive as an industry if that was the norm.foxhound_fox
Piracy isn't a problem... it is just a scapegoat. The real problem is that they are losing viewership, and people aren't willing to spend $10-15 to go see a movie in the theatre, or $20-30 on a DVD/BR. Which is why services like Netflix are becoming so popular. So what do they do? Blame piracy. What should they be doing? Making better movies... striving to decrease costs so more people will be willing to go and see them... coming up with new ways of distributing them (i.e. releasing Netflix versions on the day of the theatre release, etc.). The solution is to come up with new ways of making money. Not assuming all consumers are criminals and making legitimate customer's lives more difficult.

That is true, there isn't a massive mainstream market for a game like ARMA, especially with the advertising the game gets which is practically none existent. It would be interesting to get some figures from previous generations in relation to attach rate per console. It would be difficult to do with PC I imagine, but with consoles it should be easier. That will then show the extent of how piracy is effecting sales. I remember seeing a US music sales chart recently and sales are equal to what they were in the 70's early 80's, it was only in the late 80's early 90 's that the sales went through the roof, and at that time was when the CD became the popular format, so people were probably re-buying large quantities of music at that time to replace their vinyl/cassette collections.
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#74 Mazoch
Member since 2004 • 2473 Posts

[QUOTE="Mazoch"]- Pirating something as 'a demo' is still pirating. If I snuck into a movie without paying for the ticket, claiming that I'd pay later *if* I decided that I thought it had been a great movie. If I decided that I didn't enjoy the move, well, I just wouldn't pay. I somehow doubt that cinemas would be able to survive as an industry if that was the norm.foxhound_fox

Piracy isn't a problem... it is just a scapegoat. The real problem is that they are losing viewership, and people aren't willing to spend $10-15 to go see a movie in the theatre, or $20-30 on a DVD/BR. Which is why services like Netflix are becoming so popular. So what do they do? Blame piracy. What should they be doing? Making better movies... striving to decrease costs so more people will be willing to go and see them... coming up with new ways of distributing them (i.e. releasing Netflix versions on the day of the theatre release, etc.). The solution is to come up with new ways of making money. Not assuming all consumers are criminals and making legitimate customer's lives more difficult.

While the problem is that they are loosing viewers (or buyers in the case of video games), the question is then, why are they looking viewers? To dismiss piracy as not having a significant effect on sales seems a little far fetched to me.

But you're right that the answer is to find new ways of distributing the games, and they are already appearing: Micro Transactions, MMO's, DLC, Facebook games or Multi-plat games. Those are the increasingly common new and innovative ways of making profits off video games.

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#75 jun_aka_pekto
Member since 2010 • 25255 Posts

Do you know how Take On Helicopters is? I was looking into getting that, but I don't really know. I understand getting a nice setup for flight sims like Flight Simulator, or DCS: A-10 Warthog, but Helicopter sims? I'm not so sure, so I don't want to go drop any money on hardware for one of those.


There are quite a number of flight simmers around and you'll never see them on a site like Gamespot. Helicopter sims will have their fans. They're flight sims just like any other. I for one likes DCS: Black Shark.

I know of one friend who got selected for UH-60 (Blackhawk) pilot school. He was looking for a sim just like "Take on Helicopters." But, that was like two years ago. I'm sure he'll be happy to finally see one.

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#76 fadersdream
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[QUOTE="fadersdream"][QUOTE="JohnF111"] You're using a physical theft to a digital theft, stealing the TV is a missing item, a digital copy is not physical and means it doesn't suddenly vanish from the true owners PC(or store).


Or he's comparing the cost of Man Hours required to make the product. That would remain a constant and be quantifiable as a loss.

Sales profits are still required to recover these hours so again... If the thief never intended to buy the game(by this i mean if he did not pirate the game he would never have bought it ever) then it still not a loss unless the thief clearly states "If i didn't pirate this i would have 100% guaranteed to have bought it" but alas they don't..

quit deflecting. All you need is a constant to determine cost vs. value. As long as their is payroll then there is cost. Besides any use of a service provided is legally protected and assumed to have a monetary value. You're caught either way. Supply, service or development. A thief is a thief, and you know if you are one or not. Most times all it really comes down to is whether you're the victim. As long as you're not you will always find a way to justify it.

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#77 hofuldig
Member since 2004 • 5126 Posts

I can tell you why people pirate Arma 2. its a terrible game. i made the mistake of buying it and after that realised how terrible it was. bad graphics bad physics laggy online terrible AI.

Im not kidding either the game was a massive dissapointment and really not worth buying. Thumbs up to anyone who pirated it from me because i got conned into buying a game i thought was good but turned out to be worse than MW3.

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#78 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

I can tell you why people pirate Arma 2. its a terrible game. i made the mistake of buying it and after that realised how terrible it was. bad graphics bad physics laggy online terrible AI.

Im not kidding either the game was a massive dissapointment and really not worth buying. Thumbs up to anyone who pirated it from me because i got conned into buying a game i thought was good but turned out to be worse than MW3.


I'm sorry, but nobody coned you, you were just to damn lazy to do some research about this game (which owns, it's just obviously not for you) before spending your money. You have only yourself to blame here pal.

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#79 nintendog66
Member since 2006 • 2300 Posts
This doesn't make any sense whatsoever because the multiplayer portion of the game went free to play at the beginning of the year.
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#80 GD1551
Member since 2011 • 9645 Posts

That's pretty much the situation of every PC game, not sure why they think it would be different otherwise. Move onto consoles and see how it is there, we all know the grass is always greener.

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#81 hofuldig
Member since 2004 • 5126 Posts


I can tell you why people pirate Arma 2. its a terrible game. i made the mistake of buying it and after that realised how terrible it was. bad graphics bad physics laggy online terrible AI.

Im not kidding either the game was a massive dissapointment and really not worth buying. Thumbs up to anyone who pirated it from me because i got conned into buying a game i thought was good but turned out to be worse than MW3.


I'm sorry, but nobody coned you, you were just to damn lazy to do some research about this game (which owns, it's just obviously not for you) before spending your money. You have only yourself to blame here pal.

I did research but most of the videos i saw were from the guys who made it and they made it look all super awesome with lots of action and cool firefights. Well i got in game after getting it and was pretty lame to say the least. the AI was pretty incompetent constantly driving into walls and trees then not backing up and trying to drive on the road right next to them and while smashing into the trees and walls taking damage to wich they ultimately blow up. Then when they get into firefights they hide behind a bush to wich another AI guy just runs up and shoots them and then the AI enemy shoots me because i didnt see or hear him. yeah i heard the gunfire but i thought it was friendly. Next the map sizes are WAY to huge. this coupled with the terrible driving makes it almost impossible to go from objective to objective not to mention when your driving enemy AI seem to get a 1000% increase in targeting and you get taken out way easy. orders are a pain to give to your squad and anyone else following you. took me a week to figure out basic commands (by then i was bored with the game) The talking was lame. example. Enemy :pause: man :pause: to :pause :our: pause :left:pause:200:pause: meters :pause: then its like WHAT? (shot dead) I dont even want to get started with the online. suffice it to say its buggier than single player.
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#82 GeneralShowzer
Member since 2010 • 11598 Posts
So what, should I feel bad? Should I quit PC gaming? 90% of you console gamers buy and support used games sales to save a few $, harmful to developers as well. I have a legal copy of Arma II, and as far as I know, Bohemia is in a pretty good financial situation. I really don't care about the rest.

That's pretty much the situation of ever PC game, not sure why they think it would be different otherwise. Move onto consoles and see how it is there, we all know the grass is always greener.

No, I'm pretty sure the piracy ratio isn't 30 : 1 with every PC game. 3:1 average, maybe.
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#83 kozzy1234
Member since 2005 • 35966 Posts

I can tell you why people pirate Arma 2. its a terrible game. i made the mistake of buying it and after that realised how terrible it was. bad graphics bad physics laggy online terrible AI.

Im not kidding either the game was a massive dissapointment and really not worth buying. Thumbs up to anyone who pirated it from me because i got conned into buying a game i thought was good but turned out to be worse than MW3.


I disagree 100%, its one of this gens best shooters.

So much so that I have bought 3 copies of the game and 2 copies of the expansion pack and all its DLC.
Game is amazing, just to complicated for alot of casual gamers.

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#84 deactivated-57ad0e5285d73
Member since 2009 • 21398 Posts


I can tell you why people pirate Arma 2. its a terrible game. i made the mistake of buying it and after that realised how terrible it was. bad graphics bad physics laggy online terrible AI.

Im not kidding either the game was a massive dissapointment and really not worth buying. Thumbs up to anyone who pirated it from me because i got conned into buying a game i thought was good but turned out to be worse than MW3.


I disagree 100%, its one of this gens best shooters.

So much so that I have bought 3 copies of the game and 2 copies of the expansion pack and all its DLC.
Game is amazing, just to complicated for alot of casual gamers.

I own it. Bought it within the last year. I can understand any kind of criticism people have for the game, though. It takes FOREVER to even really get going. Personally that is my problem with it. Structurally the game is a mess. Any suggestions on how to get into it? I'd like to because the game itself is very good, but it seems that you need an insane amount of time just to get into it.

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#85 GD1551
Member since 2011 • 9645 Posts

No, I'm pretty sure the piracy ratio isn't 30 : 1 with every PC game. 3:1 average, maybe.GeneralShowzer

I'm referring to the part where it gets pirated more than bought.

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#86 deactivated-57ad0e5285d73
Member since 2009 • 21398 Posts

There's no denying how rampant piracy on the pc is. It is one of those subjects where peoples claims sound like gross exaggerations, but I've known people that have NEVER bought a pc game. That is just sad.

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#87 hofuldig
Member since 2004 • 5126 Posts


I can tell you why people pirate Arma 2. its a terrible game. i made the mistake of buying it and after that realised how terrible it was. bad graphics bad physics laggy online terrible AI.

Im not kidding either the game was a massive dissapointment and really not worth buying. Thumbs up to anyone who pirated it from me because i got conned into buying a game i thought was good but turned out to be worse than MW3.


I disagree 100%, its one of this gens best shooters.

So much so that I have bought 3 copies of the game and 2 copies of the expansion pack and all its DLC.
Game is amazing, just to complicated for alot of casual gamers.

i dont know how it could be one of the best shooters when 90% of the time your just running around looking for things to shoot. and then when you find them your AI either kills them first. or the other team tottally owns you and your AI then you start all over 10 miles back and half to run all the way back to the action again.

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#88 hofuldig
Member since 2004 • 5126 Posts

There's no denying how rampant piracy on the pc is. It is one of those subjects where peoples claims sound like gross exaggerations, but I've known people that have NEVER bought a pc game. That is just sad.

I remember reading about a study being done about piracy. it stated that it actually helps game sales. But the people that commissioned the study didnt like the result so they never had it published. I think i heard it was done over in Germany or something. Also to the people who you know who have never bought a game. I find that hard to believe considering most games today have a bad single player experience making multiplayer (online) the way to go. Also lately i have seen games being made with no LAN function.
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#89 deactivated-57ad0e5285d73
Member since 2009 • 21398 Posts


There's no denying how rampant piracy on the pc is. It is one of those subjects where peoples claims sound like gross exaggerations, but I've known people that have NEVER bought a pc game. That is just sad.


I remember reading about a study being done about piracy. it stated that it actually helps game sales. But the people that commissioned the study didnt like the result so they never had it published. I think i heard it was done over in Germany or something. Also to the people who you know who have never bought a game. I find that hard to believe considering most games today have a bad single player experience making multiplayer (online) the way to go. Also lately i have seen games being made with no LAN function.

I don't game on the pc much, anymore. I used the past tense, "known" for that reason. This was back around 1999--2004/5. However, the arrogance just makes me think they are still doing it.

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#90 deactivated-61cc564148ef4
Member since 2007 • 10909 Posts

Quite sad really. One of the last devs who really dedicates themselves to PC get's this rubbish treatment.

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#91 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

That's pretty much the situation of every PC game, not sure why they think it would be different otherwise. Move onto consoles and see how it is there, we all know the grass is always greener.


Bohemia wouldn't work on consoles. They would either go bancrupt in a year or less, or be forced to abandon making games they like doing. They're doing pretty damn well on PC anyway, despite piracy.

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#92 glez13
Member since 2006 • 10314 Posts

There's no denying how rampant piracy on the pc is. It is one of those subjects where peoples claims sound like gross exaggerations, but I've known people that have NEVER bought a pc game. That is just sad.


You do have a point. I also know a few that have collections of maybe in the hundreds of PC games and have never bought one.

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#93 pelvist
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Arma 2 isnt a game for everyone, the majority cant even run the game in all its glory and a demo didnt get released until a year after its release. I expect it will have been pirated just to see if the game runs well or not.

Arma 2 has IMO the most successfull anti piracy DRM I have ever heard of. You cant play multiplayer on the pirated version unless you want to be a seagul or aim like a drunk retard I think if anything people who pirate the game and if they end up liking it will probably go out and buy the retail version anyway just to enjoy the games multiplayer, either that or they wont like the game enough, and probably wont buy it even if they did do it the legit way and wait for an official demo version.

I love the game, i have since the original OFP and have baught them all but you cant expect everyone who tries the game to like it enough to buy it, especially since what youre presented with the first time you play it in the singleplayer is a butload of bugs and glitches.

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#94 lowe0
Member since 2004 • 13692 Posts

a demo didnt get released until a year after its release. .


Arma 2 came out on June 17, 2009. The demo was released on June 25, 2009. If you think a year is 8 days long, I politely suggest you consider purchasing a calendar.

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#95 ChubbyGuy40
Member since 2007 • 26442 Posts

I disagree 100%, its one of this gens best shooters.

So much so that I have bought 3 copies of the game and 2 copies of the expansion pack and all its DLC.
Game is amazing, just to complicated for alot of casual gamers.


HA HA you paid for this game! I downloaded it three times for free! :D

Thank God for GreenManGaming and that free ArmA 2 giveaway :P

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#96 hofuldig
Member since 2004 • 5126 Posts


I disagree 100%, its one of this gens best shooters.

So much so that I have bought 3 copies of the game and 2 copies of the expansion pack and all its DLC.
Game is amazing, just to complicated for alot of casual gamers.


HA HA you paid for this game! I downloaded it three times for free! :D

Thank God for GreenManGaming and that free ArmA 2 giveaway :P

Personally i wouldnt even take this game if it were free (thats how bad i regret buying it) So yeah even if the game were FREE i still wouldn't play it lol. its worthless to me.

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#97 marq4porsche
Member since 2005 • 512 Posts

I honestly don't get how people can defend theft! Piracy, whether it be, games, movies or music is stealing. And it does have vast implications for all of us who game on PC. First, companies do lose money. That is undeniable. Potential sales are lost when thousands and even millions of people pirate a copy of their game. Sure, you can argue semantics all you want, you can argue lost sales and all that crap but the fact is, companies are feeling the effect and making moves to stop it. And put in their shoes I would react the same way. Who wouldn't? Does anyone actually believe that piracy has no effect on sales? Do you not believe that even one sale was lost due to piracy?

From a consumer standpoint we lose out as well. First we have to deal with impliments like steam being mandatory for single player games, PC only series going multiplat, tacked on multiplayer for formerly single player series, and harsh drms. Don't like that you have to be online to play Diablo 3? Well guess what, that decision was definately influanced by piracy. Don't like Crysis 2 being developed for all platforms? That decision was influanced by piracy as well. Those of us who game legitly lose out because people do pirate games.

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#98 Moriarity_
Member since 2011 • 1332 Posts
I seriously doubt that 100 piracy attempts=100 different pirates.
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#99 Masculus
Member since 2009 • 2878 Posts

Maybe they should go free to play (not the **** one they have) if they are so confident that the user base, counting the pirate versions, is 33 times larger.

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#100 fueled-system
Member since 2008 • 6529 Posts
And people complain when a console game is not ported to the pc....