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Wow, they are changing lots of things on the way. Wonder what else will be different before the actual release.
Sweet. Now for the $350 "Core Pack" without Kinect.getyeryayasout
somebody needs to update the thread title. it's not happening.
[QUOTE="getyeryayasout"]Sweet. Now for the $350 "Core Pack" without Kinect.CaseyWegner
somebody needs to update the thread title. it's not happening.
preferably just lock this threadNo tears jimmy, only clouds now.Sony has flip flopped. They are charging cows to play for online. And its not even a good online service. Cows are getting ripped off.
[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"][QUOTE="getyeryayasout"]Sweet. Now for the $350 "Core Pack" without Kinect.R3FURBISHED
somebody needs to update the thread title. it's not happening.
preferably just lock this threador that. yes.
[QUOTE="getyeryayasout"]Sweet. Now for the $350 "Core Pack" without Kinect.CaseyWegner
somebody needs to update the thread title. it's not happening.
Well ms did fvck up everything, got the whole world pissed off at them and had to come crawling back on their hands and knees like a bitch, in an unprecedented show of humiliation, they could just decide to dro kinect(lol).They're going to make a SKU for under $400? Phew! Honestly, that E3 seemed set-up the entire time (the reveal too). Thankfully, it looks like cooler heads prevailed. :-)
already told u why but labrat runs away and troll other threads when he got backfired... has flip flopped. They are charging cows to play for online. And its not even a good online service. Cows are getting ripped off.
They're going to make a SKU for under $400? Phew! Honestly, that E3 seemed set-up the entire time (the reveal too). Thankfully, it looks like cooler heads prevailed. :-)
They're going to make a SKU for under $400? Phew! Honestly, that E3 seemed set-up the entire time (the reveal too). Thankfully, it looks like cooler heads prevailed. :-)
What? How else do explain such a loosening up of the rules? At the end of this, this means a more competitive playing field where MS will reduce price by cutting of Kinect (if and when needed).[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"][QUOTE="wakefulness"]
They're going to make a SKU for under $400? Phew! Honestly, that E3 seemed set-up the entire time (the reveal too). Thankfully, it looks like cooler heads prevailed. :-)
What? How else do explain such a loosening up of the rules? At the end of this, this means a more competitive playing field where MS will reduce price by cutting of Kinect (if and when needed).they're not removing the kinect requirement. this was a rumor and confirmed to be fake.
What? How else do explain such a loosening up of the rules? At the end of this, this means a more competitive playing field where MS will reduce price by cutting of Kinect (if and when needed).[QUOTE="wakefulness"][QUOTE="CaseyWegner"]
they're not removing the kinect requirement. this was a rumor and confirmed to be fake.
How? Did someone photoshop or fake compose that stuff? (If so, come on man!)[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"][QUOTE="wakefulness"] What? How else do explain such a loosening up of the rules? At the end of this, this means a more competitive playing field where MS will reduce price by cutting of Kinect (if and when needed).wakefulness
they're not removing the kinect requirement. this was a rumor and confirmed to be fake.
How? Did someone photoshop or fake compose that stuff? (If so, come on man!)
dosent matter if its 600 or 500 or 700 microsoft has my money. My friends are getting one so will I makes sense
And this is why I can't trust MS, they LIE too much.
Dont be a follower Plus the xbox is a joke (100$ more for weaker hardware. Mandatory spy cam. Lackluster exclusives. Focus on TV features etc) The PS4 is far better in every way. Be the first of your friends to make am INFORMED decision and get a PS4:) IF all of your friends were jumping off a cliff would you do that too or WOULD you stop them? STOP your friends from jumping over that cliff and into an xbone. Show them the PS4dosent matter if its 600 or 500 or 700 microsoft has my money. My friends are getting one so will I makes sense
how did they lie?
And this is why I can't trust MS, they LIE too much.
[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"][QUOTE="Gaming-Planet"] [QUOTE="trugs26"]
And this is why I can't trust MS, they LIE too much.
i thought you were referring to this thread.
And this is why I can't trust MS, they LIE too much.
They have backtracked so much ,i'm expecting them to announce their new console the Xbox 360 any time soon.
but on a serious note i think it is a good thing that they have listened , but i am wondering when the first errors spring up kinect not active please connect ect ,same for their backtrack on used and online , if they get even one error it could hurt them more than anyone knows.
No they changed their minds due to MONEY The fact that pre orders for xbone were lackluster Etc If Microsoft could they would charge you to breath air I WILL never trust Microsoft again. Microsoft is beyond shady. They already were willing to go that far with their anti consumer ways in the first place. Whats to stop them from trying again[QUOTE="voicereason"][QUOTE="trugs26"]
Where did they lie? They changed their minds due to feedback. This isn't the same as a lie.Âtrugs26
For having a idea but seeing their fans wanted something else so they changed? Face it you are a angry Sony fanboy that just wants to hate anythign Microsoft.[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"][QUOTE="resevl4rlz"]
Microsoft are a bunch of liars liars pants on fires. and it still OVER PRICE
how am i a sony fanboy when i own all 3 systems? maybe you are the fanboyÂ
Trust me. Your a Sony fanboy.[QUOTE="trugs26"][QUOTE="voicereason"] No they changed their minds due to MONEY The fact that pre orders for xbone were lackluster Etc If Microsoft could they would charge you to breath air I WILL never trust Microsoft again. Microsoft is beyond shady. They already were willing to go that far with their anti consumer ways in the first place. Whats to stop them from trying againvoicereason
[QUOTE="voicereason"]Microsoft wants to extort as much profit from consumers as possible edidili
You are naive if you think that is not the goal of every company out there.Â
No, some companys like Sony actually want to PUT out a great product thats worth it, that people will love. Thats the PS4 - 50% more powerful 100$ cheaper.... There is shady, and then THERE is Microsoft level of shady Microsoft is beyond shady and is the WORST of the big 3 by far Microsoft is the most anti consumer of the bunch and the fact they were willing to go that far with their anti consumer policies in the first place proves it I also dont care how bad any other company is or may be, that doesnt take away from the fact that Microsoft is awful. That doenst excuse Microsoft of their b.s You are commiting a logical fallacyMicrosoft wants to extort as much profit from consumers as possible Thats what it was about It has NOTHING to do with them caring or listening to feedback They are listening to the money signs of anything lol Microsoft was already willing to go that far with their anti consumer ways. Whats to stop them from trying again I WILL NEVER trust Microsoft. MANY PEOPLE will NEVER forget the way Microsoft tried to r@pe consumers....and where Microsoft onky backed off at the last minute BECAUSE WE were FIGHTING and scratching them back Sony IS like our hero wgo then came in and helped us to saftey from Microsoft[QUOTE="voicereason"][QUOTE="trugs26"]
Yes, that is a form of feedback. Âtrugs26
You sound like such a delusional Microsoft Shill You apart of Microsoft's crysis PR team arent you You are pathetix and should be ashamed. Understamd that your Microsoft shill opinions WILL never be releavant Mircosoft DID THIS for the money. They stopped only because we fought back But when Microsoft gets the chance they will be trying to f@ck consumers over again The fact the PS4 domianted in pre order sales SAYS that consumers domt eant Microsoft's awful product Also, Sony had a patent for the move way before Nintendo even thought up the idea of motion controls. Look it up. You dont have a clue what you are talking about Sony COPIED NO one....and they certainly dont copy as much as Microsoft copies Sony (dvd, blue ray, slim model, eye toy, PS4 share features etc) And there is the fact Sony was STILL suppurting GAMES forst and formost over the move. The move was just an option gor those who wanted it...and Sony still supports the move while FOCUSONG mainly on CORE games You see Sony is great at that balance Unlike Microsoft WHO stopped supporting corw games to FOCUS ALL on the kinect which is a copy cat of the PS2 eye toy . Yeah, next time KNOW what you are talking before blindly spouting off like the paid Microsoft shill bot you arevoicereason
What kind of make up are you wearing?
[QUOTE="edidili"][QUOTE="voicereason"]Microsoft wants to extort as much profit from consumers as possible voicereason
You are naive if you think that is not the goal of every company out there.Â
No, some companys like Sony actually want to PUT out a great product thats worth it, that people will love.That's called business. Sony is not doing it out of their kind heart, they're doing it to sell more PS4. The more people like it the more it will sell and Sony is doing just that. Capitalizing on the errors of MS to sell more PS4.
MS on full damage control mode.:lol:
Seriously,this is just pathetic.They basically took back everything they announced on the reveal.
PS4 must be destroying them.
MS on full damage control mode.:lol:
Seriously,this is just pathetic.They basically took back everything they announced on the reveal.
PS4 must be destroying them.
No, some companys like Sony actually want to PUT out a great product thats worth it, that people will love.[QUOTE="voicereason"][QUOTE="edidili"]
You are naive if you think that is not the goal of every company out there.Â
That's called business. Sony is not doing it out of their kind heart, they're doing it to sell more PS4. The more people like it the more it will sell and Sony is doing just that. Capitalizing on the errors of MS to sell more PS4.
Exactly, just as I said....some companys like Sony actually want to PUT out a great product thats worth it, that people will love. Thats what the PS4 is - 50% more powerful 100$ cheaper.... Sony came up with that on their own Sony made the console developer freindly on their own Sony made the PS4 with the gamer in mind from the start Sony and their stellar first parties put these measures in and had these palns in place... Sony IS dominating with the PS4 because of WHAT THEY DID Mean while, Microsoft pushed anti consumer policies hard and ONLY backed down because we fought back Sony was with gamers from the start..they are genuine...Sony and their stellar first parties are gamers themselfes amd get gaming Microsoft is fake and doesnt get gaming at all And mean while Microsoft over charges for an under powered console in the xbone And mean while Microsoft rehashes the same old boring repetitive Gears/Halo/Forza sequels year in and year out In this year alone the PS3 will have had 3 new IPs, one of which(Last of Us) is the greatest game of this gen and one of the finest games of all time The fact people like you are even trying to say they are alike or can be compared is INSANITY Sony are like saints compared to Microsoft And Sony's actions PROVE they are more for the gamer then any one else F@ck Microsoft in fact lol[QUOTE="resevl4rlz"][QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]For having a idea but seeing their fans wanted something else so they changed? Face it you are a angry Sony fanboy that just wants to hate anythign Microsoft.FoxbatAlpha
how am i a sony fanboy when i own all 3 systems? maybe you are the fanboyÂ
Trust me. Your a Sony fanboy. You are an xbot shill. Its been proven. Your opinions are and will always be irrelevant[QUOTE="edidili"][QUOTE="voicereason"] No, some companys like Sony actually want to PUT out a great product thats worth it, that people will love. voicereason
That's called business. Sony is not doing it out of their kind heart, they're doing it to sell more PS4. The more people like it the more it will sell and Sony is doing just that. Capitalizing on the errors of MS to sell more PS4.
Exactly some companys like Sony actually want to PUT out a great product thats worth it, that people will love. Thats the PS4 - 50% more powerful 100$ cheaper.... Sony came up with that on their own Sony made the console developer freindly Sony made the PS4 with the gamer in mind from the start Sony and their stellar first parties put these measures in and had these palns in place Sony IS AHEAD with the PS4 because of WHAT THEY DID Mean while, Microsoft pushed anti consumer policies in the first place amd ONLY backed down because we fought back Sony was with gamers from the start..the are genuine Microsoft is fake And mean while Microsofr over charges for an under powered console And mean while Microsoft rehashed the same old Gears/Halo/Fprza sequels year in and year out In this year alone The PS3 will have had 3 new IPs, one of which(Last of Us) is the greatest game of this gen and one of the finest games of all time The fact people like you are even trying to say they are alike or can be compared is INSANITY Sony are like saints compared to Microsoft And Sony's actions PROVE they are more for the gamer then any one else Sony are woah, there boy Yes Ms screwed up and any gaming consumer would judge the ps4 to be the better purchase, but Sony are not some benevolent gaming god they are as every other company is self interested, they are looking to shift units by exploiting the quite frankly startling inept MS pr surrounding the XBONE, Sony tried the same last gen, people will buy PS3 because its playstation was basically the idea, as result they basically went from being dominant to playing catch up for 80% of this last gen, and MS exploited Sony's failures, truth is Sony played a blinder this E3 MS went into E3 with the core western gaming market as the dominant player they thought Sony wouldn't have the funds to bank roll a cheaper launch, and would basically have to follow were MS leads, MS got it wrong, MS thought the PS4 will be just like the XBONE and people will adopt XBONE because people are invested in Live, unfortunately for MS, Sony are taking the hit at launch to establish a larger user base quicker which means more software sales long term which is where the money is. MS got it wrong on hardware, they got it wrong on price and they got it wrong on policy (although they have changed this now).Exactly, just as I said....some companys like Sony actually want to PUT out a great product thats worth it, that people will love. voicereason
And that's what I said but you were against it. Every company wants to make money. They have differences in the politics they implement for that goal. In the case of Sony, they think having less limitations than Xbox would help them sell more PS and make more money. This is a strategy.
Companies are not people, they don't act based on emotions or out of a kind heart. They carefully choose which strategy will make the most money for them and the customer gets to decide which one is best for him.
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