Breaking : Microsoft removes Kinect requirement.

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#251 Zaibach
Member since 2007 • 13466 Posts

I thought this was already confirmed a week ago? :? Also, why don't you throw a towel or tape over your kinect if you're afraid of privacy?! You guys realize your laptops, smartphones, tablets all have cameras on them?!-RocBoys9489-

or better yet use your PC baby blanket, pathetic shill

- goes back to hiding behind the PC in 3,2,1..

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#252 voicereason
Member since 2013 • 321 Posts

That's called business. Sony is not doing it out of their kind heart, they're doing it to sell more PS4. The more people like it the more it will sell and Sony is doing just that. Capitalizing on the errors of MS to sell more PS4.

Exactly some companys like Sony actually want to PUT out a great product thats worth it, that people will love. Thats the PS4 - 50% more powerful 100$ cheaper.... Sony came up with that on their own Sony made the console developer freindly Sony made the PS4 with the gamer in mind from the start Sony and their stellar first parties put these measures in and had these palns in place Sony IS AHEAD with the PS4 because of WHAT THEY DID Mean while, Microsoft pushed anti consumer policies in the first place amd ONLY backed down because we fought back Sony was with gamers from the start..the are genuine Microsoft is fake And mean while Microsofr over charges for an under powered console And mean while Microsoft rehashed the same old Gears/Halo/Fprza sequels year in and year out In this year alone The PS3 will have had 3 new IPs, one of which(Last of Us) is the greatest game of this gen and one of the finest games of all time The fact people like you are even trying to say they are alike or can be compared is INSANITY Sony are like saints compared to Microsoft And Sony's actions PROVE they are more for the gamer then any one else Sony are

woah, there boy Yes Ms screwed up and any gaming consumer would judge the ps4 to be the better purchase, but Sony are not some benevolent gaming god they are as every other company is self interested, they are looking to shift units by exploiting the quite frankly startling inept MS pr surrounding the XBONE, Sony tried the same last gen, people will buy PS3 because its playstation was basically the idea, as result they basically went from being dominant to playing catch up for 80% of this last gen, and MS exploited Sony's failures, truth is Sony played a blinder this E3 MS went into E3 with the core western gaming market as the dominant player they thought Sony wouldn't have the funds to bank roll a cheaper launch, and would basically have to follow were MS leads, MS got it wrong, MS thought the PS4 will be just like the XBONE and people will adopt XBONE because people are invested in Live, unfortunately for MS, Sony are taking the hit at launch to establish a larger user base quicker which means more software sales long term which is where the money is. MS got it wrong on hardware, they got it wrong on price and they got it wrong on policy (although they have changed this now).

1. NOTHING Sony did with the PS3 COMPARES to what Microsoft is doing with the xbone You also forgot that the PS3 at 600$ still had much greater value then the 360 PS3 had blue ray, cell, wifi, hard drive etc.....and it was all there for 600$ The 360 had worse tech and ended up costing MORE in the long run(100$ wifi, 100$ hard drive, xbox live fees) Even back then Microsoft was trying to rip consumers off while the PS3 had great value... The PS3 still ended up winning the HD war this gen... Microsoft has yet to EVER win a gen YET they came out with the xbone more cocky and arrogant then Sony ever was or had been Again that speaks to Microsoft's ineptness and level of shady-the fact they were also trying to force anti-consumer policies so hard. When has Sony ever done anything like that! They never have! 2. The xbone being 100$ more while being MUCH less powerful is CRIMINAL.....MUCH WORSE then a more powerful PS3 costing more then a 360, when in fact the 360 cost more in the long run anyway. Again Sony is offering a console with even more value, MORE THEN ever this time with the PS4 though. Its things like that that PROVE Sony is good for gamers. Sony is doing everything RIGHT with the PS4. Sony has been planning for it for years WITH the gamer in mind. The PS4 is dominating because of what Sony is doing bottom line Microsoft being Microsoft HAS ONLY led to their fanboys switching to the Playstation BUT everyone else has been with playstation and will stick with playstation because they know Sony cares about gamers. 3. I also like how you say....."buuuu buuuuuuu all companys are like that. Sony too" So sick of that ridiculous damage control, and it always only comes from xbots. NOT ALL companys are the same. Some ARE BETTER then others Sony is obviously MUCH BETTER and much more consumer friendly then Microsoft is. That cant be debated I said that Sony are a bunch of saints IN COMPARISON to Microsoft. Keyword....IN COMPARISON TO I also listed many reasons why Sony is better Sony's ACTIONS PROVE they are more for the gamer then anyone else No AMOUNT of xbot damage control can change that "Bu buuuuu all companys are the exact same" GTFO with that pathetic xbot shill talking point/damage control
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#253 HaRmLeSS_RaGe
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#254 Raziel831991
Member since 2013 • 631 Posts

lemmings are pathetic, posting rumors as if they were facts

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#255 Cyberdot
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But the console is still bad. It has DDR3 of memory. Bad for gaming.

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#256 voicereason
Member since 2013 • 321 Posts

[QUOTE="voicereason"]Exactly, just as I said....some companys like Sony actually want to PUT out a great product thats worth it, that people will love. edidili

And that's what I said but you were against it. Every company wants to make money. They have differences in the politics they implement for that goal. In the case of Sony, they think having less limitations than Xbox would help them sell more PS and make more money. This is a strategy.

Companies are not people, they don't act based on emotions or out of a kind heart. They carefully choose which strategy will make the most money for them and the customer gets to decide which one is best for him.

You seem to not be able to comprehend the point Sony made sure the PS4 was 50% more powerful 100$ cheaper.... Sony came up with that on their own Sony made the console developer freindly on their own Sony made the PS4 with the gamer in mind from the start Sony and their stellar first parties put these measures in and had these palns in place... Sony IS dominating with the PS4 because of WHAT THEY DID and THEY DID it for the gamer in mind Mean while, Microsoft pushed anti consumer policies hard and ONLY backed down because we fought back Sony was with gamers from the start..they are genuine...Sony and their stellar first parties are gamers themselfes amd get gaming Microsoft is fake and doesnt get gaming at all And mean while Microsoft over charges for an under powered console in the xbone And mean while Microsoft rehashes the same old boring repetitive Gears/Halo/Forza sequels year in and year out In this year alone the PS3 will have had 3 new IPs, one of which(Last of Us) is the greatest game of this gen and one of the finest games of all time The fact people like you are even trying to say they are alike or can be compared is INSANITY Sony are like saints compared to Microsoft And Sony's actions PROVE they are more for the gamer then any one else F@ck Microsoft in fact lol
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#257 deactivated-5d7fb49ded561
Member since 2010 • 4019 Posts

Lems don't want kinect in their bundle confirmed

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#258 psymon100
Member since 2012 • 6835 Posts

I'm not buying Xbox One unless it's MANDATORY to have 6 Kinect²'s plugged in simultaneously MINIMUM. Dave's with me on this. Right Dave?

Come on Microsoft - get your act together. 

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#259 TheEroica  Moderator
Member since 2009 • 24577 Posts
I'm still gonna hate them for doing...I don't know... I hate them.freedomfreak
Well done freedom...
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#260 trugs26
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[QUOTE="voicereason"] Microsoft wants to extort as much profit from consumers as possible Thats what it was about It has NOTHING to do with them caring or listening to feedback They are listening to the money signs of anything lol Microsoft was already willing to go that far with their anti consumer ways. Whats to stop them from trying again I WILL NEVER trust Microsoft. MANY PEOPLE will NEVER forget the way Microsoft tried to r@pe consumers....and where Microsoft onky backed off at the last minute BECAUSE WE were FIGHTING and scratching them back Sony IS like our hero wgo then came in and helped us to saftey from Microsoftvoicereason

I'm sorry to break it to you, but it is the goal of every company to make profit. How do they make profit? By satisfying consumers to the point that they're willing to spend their money on MS's products. How do consumers get heard? One way is to use or not use their money. Another way is to complain.

This is exactly what happened. Microsoft changed their strategy to satisfy consumers desires, inturn for them to spend their money.

Now it looks like you're a Sony fanboy by the way you grovel at their feet. So here's a relevant example, the Playstation Move -  An obvious move from Sony to copy Nintendo in order to gain market share. As soon as they noticed that it wasn't selling, they pulled support for PS Move. This is Sony trying to make money, nothing more. 

This is what companies do.  

My goodness, you sound like such a delusional Microsoft Shill You are apart of Microsoft's crysis PR team arent you? You are pathetic. The damage control wont work. You should be ashamed for selling your soul to a mega shady corp in Microsoft like that. Understand that your Microsoft shill opinions WILL never be relevant Mircosoft DID THIS for the money, like pigs chasing grease .... They stopped only because we fought back....But when Microsoft gets the chance they will be trying to f@ck consumers over again. You can bet that. The fact the PS4 dominated in pre order sales SAYS that consumers dont want Microsoft's awful product Also, Sony had a patent for the move way before Nintendo even thought up the idea of motion controls. Look it up. You dont have a clue what you are talking about Sony COPIED NO one....and Sony certainly dont copy any one as much as Microsoft copies Sony (dvd, blue ray, slim model, eye toy, PS4 share features etc) And there is the fact Sony was STILL suppurting GAMES first and formost over the move. The move was just an option for those who wanted it...and Sony still supports the move while FOCUSONG mainly on CORE games even though the move sold well You see Sony is great at that balance and always puts the core gamer first. Thats why core gamers love Sony. Unlike Microsoft WHO stopped supporting core games to FOCUS ALL on the kinect which by the way is a copy cat of the PS2 eye toy . . Yeah, next time KNOW what you are talking before blindly spouting off like the paid Microsoft shill bot you are


I'll make this concise:

Reading between all of your assumptions about me being some kind of Microsoft drone, these are the points you made:
1. Microsoft did this for money.
2. They stopped because consumers didn't like what they were doing.
3. PS4 had more preorders, suggesting again, that consumers didn't like what Microsoft were doing.
4. Move was an idea by Sony.
5. Sony copied no one.
6. Move support still there.
7. Something about sucking Sony's something or other.
8. Microsoft stopped supporting core games.

My response:
1. Obviously. Meet consumer demands -> ??? -> PROFIT!
2. Again, obviously.
3. Again, obviously.

Regarding these three points, and as you put it, they stopped "because we fought back", ie they listened to consumers. Would you rather them not listen? Continue to do things that consumers don't want? They did what people asked for, and yet here you are trying to spin it into something negative. This is called fanboyism.

4. Not my point, my point is they implemented an idea after years of success from another company, attempting to emulate this success. In other words, and if I didn't make this clear enough for you, THEY WANT MONEY.
5. Everyone copies everyone. Don't be such a fool. Accept this fact and move on. As the saying goes, "standing on the shoulders of giants". Saying otherwise just makes you look like a fanboy.
6. It's really low, and it would be really high if the move was successful. This is the point. If people don't pay, they don't support. Just like Microsoft changing their strategy, no one was paying. In the end, they want money, and to do this, it comes down to the consumer.
7. Okay...
8. What is your point? Do you want to have "Core Gamer" as your title or something? To show how you play core games that somehow matter more than other games?

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#261 AzatiS
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Microsoft are a bunch of liars liars pants on fires. and it still OVER PRICE


For having a idea but seeing their fans wanted something else so they changed? Face it you are a angry Sony fanboy that just wants to hate anythign Microsoft.

how am i a sony fanboy when i own all 3 systems? maybe you are the fanboy 

He is
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#262 pc-ps360
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if this turns out true ill become more leaning toward x1 than ps4. they r doing wat people asked them to do and im more interested in x1 exclusive and prefer twiter over ustream.

will be getting one console only along side the wiiu next gen and wont be getting it until end of 2014 or beginning of 2015 since i will be playing dark souls 2 and wont hav time nor interest in anything else. i will see the sales and will get the system with the larger online community.

ms should release a 399 dollar kinect less console

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#263 Pittfan666
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The only time that I liked the Kinect was when I played some of Tiger Woods in a Best Buy. Needless to say, the appeal of one game that uses it doesn't want me to own it at all.