One week isn't a big deal, really -- all the consoles will be sold out already due to preorders, so impulsive sales are out the door for day one up to weeks and weeks later. For me personally, I have both preordered, but only one is going to be purchased. I'm still deciding on which one to buy, and getting my console one week early is incentive to buy.
Then again, that one week will give people a chance to see how the PS4 operates. People leaning on the fence about it and the Xbox One could get a little taste of the machine to truly see if it's for them. I was considering buying both, but only opening one and selling the other for a little profit (if I decided to keep the Xbox that could come in handy. Zing!). But I don't know. I gots some thinkin' to do.
Now for a faction diss: cows truly are just sad beings.
Rumor: "Xbox One to be released November 8th."
Cows: "Woohoo, one week. Big freaking deal. Who cares? Really? People who are buying day one already have their mind made up anyways, so it doesn't matter. One week is nothing."
Microsoft: "Xbox One to be released November 22."
Cows: "Wow! Another advantage for Sony. Microsoft messed up their last chance! Haha, TLHBO!! Praise Sony! Praise Kaz! Praise Cerny! Xbox loses! One week behind? Haha, idiots!"
I sometimes am embarrassed to call myself a gamer when I think of the idiots plaguing forums. Thank Tom Cruise you guys aren't a big deal in reality. It would suck if people thought all gamers act like you all.
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