Nobody is saying xbox live is expensive or unaffordable. Simply saying "lol it's only $50!" is not a point. The topic is WHY we pay for it and whether it is worth paying for.
Anyone else posting "but roffle it's just $5 a month man!" will be ignored. Being able to afford it does not make it worth paying for.
Short and sweet; no it aint.
Ok i'll make a thread about it then....
But honestly, where to begin. I've been an xbox live subscriber since the day it launched. And honestly, it kicks ass. I'm sorry sony fanboys but in the real world, PSN has got nothing on xbox live. But it isn't supposed to. It's the functional service which does everything you need, but maybe not everything you'd like. That doesn't matter though, because it's free. And that's awesome.
You cant have it both ways. It's a dream to try and claim your online is free, and also better than the one you have to pay for.
It just aint. Sorry.
But i'm not talking about PSN today, i'm talking about xbox live. And in many ways, despite being by far the best online service to ever grace a console and heck, in terms of features and the social aspect, easily a contender for the best online service ever - including PC gaming - i'm still going to go with the conclusion that overall, xbox live blows.
Why? Because you have to pay $50 a year for it. Not that you have to pay, but that you have to pay $50 a year. And it just isn't worth it.
Think about it; i happily paid for xbox live because well, it's awesome. And you probably do too. Is it better than playing online games on your PS3? Easily. Better than playing online games on your PC? Heck, maybe. Is it $50 a year better?
Heck no.
XBox Live should cost $15 a year. That is the price whereby the "you get what you pay for" slogan would stand true. Whereby nobody would complain about the price (except microsoft haters) and i would feel satisfied with the service i'm getting for my money. The fact that microsoft feel their service is honestly worth paying $50 a year for is frankly, a joke.
So what exactly are you paying for?
Beats me. This is the question i frequently ask myself while playing. I'm serious. Numerous time i've been playing Rainbow Six Vegas and have yelled "WHAT THE HELL AM I PAYING FOR!?" at my TV screen.
There are no dedicated servers. What does that $50 a year go towards? Pure profit? Honestly, it seems like it to me because i haven't come across a single game with dedicated servers. Every game relies on the player's connection. And i'm fine with that,as around 70% of the time you'll have a happy, lag-free game. Games like Rainbow Six tell you the host's ping before joining. Uber-awesome games like Halo 2 automatically select the best person to host, without you even know who it is.
But wait a second; i'm paying $50 a year. FIFTY DOLLARS people. I shouldn't have to rely on a good host. What about that other 30% of the time? Where the host sucks? Where you have to aim in front of your target because of the bullet lag? Where shooting games frankly become unbarable because they simply cannot work under those circumstances.
I had never experienced bull**** until i played xbox live. I mean REAL bull****, not sore-loser bull****. I mean genuine "I just emptied half a clip into that guy's face and he's still alive!?"
Minutes before making this thread, i put my controller down on my bed in the middle of a game and muttered to myself "i cant stand this any more..." Not xbox live, just playing that one individual game. Bullet lag. Rampant bull****. The constant feeling of being screwed over. Robbed of kills. Forced into deaths. And the bitter taste of "I'm PAYING for this..."
To pay $50 a year xbox live shouldn't be great most of the time. It should be absolutely amazing, ALL of the time. It should be unparalled. It shouldn't make your blood boil in games like gears which are full of horrible net code and glitches.
I ask again; what the hell am i paying for? We're told this is the ferrari of the online services. The lobster. The luxury choice. Why the hell isn't every online game AWESOME. And i'm not talking about gameplay. If a dev screws up i cant expect microsoft to fix that. I sure as hell expect them to set up servers however. To set a standard whereby buggy netcode, bullet lag and glitches are not tolerated.
"Because people are PAYING for this. Now clean your game up or it aint shippin' on our box."
Never mind that the worst offender of the lot is a freakin' MICROSOFT GAME!
And so that is my myth busted. Feel free to disagree without calling me an idiot. That post was somewhat of a rant, which isn't what i intended but it's difficult to write down everything i'm annoyed about regarding xbox live. There's plenty more.
*In conclusion...
Is xbox live the best online service? Heck yes.
Is it better than the competition? Yeah...
Is it $50 a year better? Absolutely not.
If you disagree, i guess the topic of conversation here is - what are we paying for?
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