OP you asked a specific question are are getitng round about answers so I will shut this thread down for you that will also satisfy hermits reading into this crap too much.
No, OP, a system from 2005/2006 for 600 dollars could not run the latest games as well as a console. I highly doubt this wasn't a loaded question given you also stipulated the dollar amount that happens to equals the price of the ps3. However,
The hardware at the bleeding edge was even higher than consoles thanks to CF/SLI and while it played games at very high resolution and FPS, even those PC's couldn't play today's games. That is because hardware, OS, DX11 and other advancements push technology forward much faster than on the consoles which is a closed platform and there is only 1 "common denominator."
With that said, the 600 dollar PC is not the good value propopsition to make or buy and I hate hermits who try to "compete" with crappy console pricing. I would never and have never built a PC for 500-600 dollars. Can you? Sure. However I like to get ROI on my computers and not have to upgrade every six months. I invest on good ram, motherboards, GPU/CPU and outstanding case and power supplies that I can carry forward in upgrades (usually except ram/cpu/MB).
So while the PC is more costly on the FRONT END (initial price) it is cheaper over time:
1. Buy cheaper games
2. games last much longer thanks to the community and mod support therefoer buying less games and getting ROI on purchases
3. free online
4. tend to not buy ps3/360/wii/3ds/everyfrikkin console since you have a system that plays nearly everything.
So your question, if SRS, sucks and can't believe you don't deduce some common facts. If NOT SRS....thanks for allowing me to clarify why your question is loaded, validate that yes you are right that consoles are the only platform that stays CONSISTENT through it's generation (DUH) and then consequently destroy your thinking. Have a great day!
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