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no, charging 40 dollars for Blu-ray Movies was a terrible Ideamlbslugger86Whoever pays $40 for a BD is not a good shopper :?.
[QUOTE="mlbslugger86"]no, charging 40 dollars for Blu-ray Movies was a terrible IdeaEpisode_EveWhoever pays $40 for a BD is not a good shopper :?. that's a silly retort. just because you can find them cheaper in some places / online doesn't negate the fact that HMV / Walmart, and many other big box retailers charge 39.99 for newer titles, sometimes more.
[QUOTE="Episode_Eve"][QUOTE="mlbslugger86"]no, charging 40 dollars for Blu-ray Movies was a terrible Idea3picuri3Whoever pays $40 for a BD is not a good shopper :?. that's a silly retort. just because you can find them cheaper in some places / online doesn't negate the fact that HMV / Walmart, and many other big box retailers charge 39.99 for newer titles, sometimes more. It's not silly. And correlating with your arguments, who are the ones mostly buying blu-ray? Gamers right? Most of them hardcore, and most of them don't always buy overpriced movies at Blockbuster, Best Buy, etc.
[QUOTE="LittleHands134"]I agree. Not to mention Blu-Ray reads games a bit slower, making us need those installs. Blu-Ray movies are nice, but I would prefer my games without the installs.110millionNo, I've actually had longer load times on 360 games 99% of the time, even on the PS3 games that don't have installs, I never notice any sort of long load times, ever. I own both systems and it's definitely slower on the PS3. Trying doing the monthly installs the PS3 has. It's takes 15-20 to install the update, while on the XBox 360 it's less then 5 mins. It only took about 5 mins for the XBox Experience. i can only imagine how long HOME is going to take. So you either don't have an XBox 360 or you're lying. Anyone who owns both systems, know the truth.
And to stay on topic, the Blu-Ray was a good idea, but it was added at the wrong time. Sony brought it to market too soon. If there was no HD-DVD, I don't think Sony would have put the Blu-Ray in the PS3. They did that specifically to compete with HD-DVD and win the format battle. So they won the battle, but they are losing the war right now. Even though Blu-Ray movie sales has increased some DVD is still the dominate format and I don't see that changing for awhile. I still buy new released DVD's for $15 or less on DVD.
I disagree about Blu Ray being a terrible idea. Last time I checked it won the format wars and is the only High Definition DVD format available. Nearly 80% of Blu Ray players are also PS3s. Further many developers are jumping aboard the PS3 because of Blu Ray in terms of its storage advantages and its effictiveness against piracy (so far).
Honestly, if I were to point to a problem with the PS3 in terms of its hardware its the Cell processor. There nothing wrong with it in terms of its ability to function properly, but it was just an unnecceasary feature that also drove up the price of the PS3 and delayed its launch for nearly a year after the 360.
[QUOTE="110million"][QUOTE="LittleHands134"]I agree. Not to mention Blu-Ray reads games a bit slower, making us need those installs. Blu-Ray movies are nice, but I would prefer my games without the installs.XanderZaneNo, I've actually had longer load times on 360 games 99% of the time, even on the PS3 games that don't have installs, I never notice any sort of long load times, ever. I own both systems and it's definitely slower on the PS3. Trying doing the monthly installs the PS3 has. It's takes 15-20 to install the update, while on the XBox 360 it's less then 5 mins. It only took about 5 mins for the XBox Experience. i can only imagine how long HOME is going to take. So you either don't have an XBox 360 or you're lying. Anyone who owns both systems, know the truth. Home doesn't take long at all to download and install. But the 360 updates and installs are much faster. Software and firmware is MS's bread and butter. But 110 Million has a point to an extent. Games like Uncharted, R&C, and R2 have virtually no load times.
[QUOTE="mlbslugger86"]no, charging 40 dollars for Blu-ray Movies was a terrible IdeaEpisode_EveWhoever pays $40 for a BD is not a good shopper :?.
hey, its new york, its like we pay extra for everything....
we have to pay 5 dollars in sales tax for games....
This has already been settled, HD-DVD lost to Blu-Ray, so Sony made the RIGHT choice and MS made the WRONG choice.
HDTV's are becoming more and more commonplace, everybody has them now, but there's no sense in having one unless you can watch HD movies on them, that's where the genious of Sony really is, they knew before the hype that Blu-Ray would win the format battle.
Whoever pays $40 for a BD is not a good shopper :?.[QUOTE="Episode_Eve"][QUOTE="mlbslugger86"]no, charging 40 dollars for Blu-ray Movies was a terrible Ideamlbslugger86
hey, its new york, its like we pay extra for everything....
we have to pay 5 dollars in sales tax for games....
Having recently moved to NY I know what you're saying :P. It does suck, that's why I shop on Amazon.[QUOTE="XanderZane"][QUOTE="110million"] I own both systems and it's definitely slower on the PS3. Trying doing the monthly installs the PS3 has. It's takes 15-20 to install the update, while on the XBox 360 it's less then 5 mins. It only took about 5 mins for the XBox Experience. i can only imagine how long HOME is going to take. So you either don't have an XBox 360 or you're lying. Anyone who owns both systems, know the truth. Episode_EveHome doesn't take long at all to download and install. But the 360 updates and installs are much faster. Software and firmware is MS's bread and butter. But 110 Million has a point to an extent. Games like Uncharted, R&C, and R2 have virtually no load times.
That's really good to know that HOME is quick to download, as I will be doing that tonight. Some PS3 games have minimal load times, but not all. EA games take forever to load, while games like HSG5 are pretty quick. Most of the multiplat titles load faster on the 360 however. Exclusives seem to load faster then multiplats on both systems.
This has already been settled, HD-DVD lost to Blu-Ray, so Sony made the RIGHT choice and MS made the WRONG choice.
HDTV's are becoming more and more commonplace, everybody has them now, but there's no sense in having one unless you can watch HD movies on them, that's where the genious of Sony really is, they knew before the hype that Blu-Ray would win the format battle.
How did M$ make the wrong choice. They used Samsung's HD-DVD and made an add-on for the XBox 360. When it failed, they unloaded the inventory. It had pretty much NO EFFECT on XBox 360 sales like Blu-Ray is having on the PS3. Actually M$ made the RIGHT choice by not putting HD-DVD into their XBox 360.
The fact remains more people are still buying DVD's and upscale DVD players then Blu-Ray. Also both the PS3 and XBox 360 upscales DVD's to 1080p on HDTV's, so Blu-Ray isn't even necessary. So Sony is still the loser right now. What's worse is their PS3/Blu-Ray player is being outsold 5:1 by the Wii and 2:1 by the Xbox 360 this holiday.
Home doesn't take long at all to download and install. But the 360 updates and installs are much faster. Software and firmware is MS's bread and butter. But 110 Million has a point to an extent. Games like Uncharted, R&C, and R2 have virtually no load times.[QUOTE="Episode_Eve"][QUOTE="XanderZane"] I own both systems and it's definitely slower on the PS3. Trying doing the monthly installs the PS3 has. It's takes 15-20 to install the update, while on the XBox 360 it's less then 5 mins. It only took about 5 mins for the XBox Experience. i can only imagine how long HOME is going to take. So you either don't have an XBox 360 or you're lying. Anyone who owns both systems, know the truth. XanderZane
That's really good to know that HOME is quick to download, as I will be doing that tonight. Some PS3 games have minimal load times, but not all. EA games take forever to load, while games like HSG5 are pretty quick. Most of the multiplat titles load faster on the 360 however. Exclusives seem to load faster then multiplats on both systems.
What devs need to do is make the PS3 the lead platform. Factor 5 warned the industry years ago, and it's becoming a trend. That's the best way to get the greatest optimization for both platforms.[QUOTE="XanderZane"][QUOTE="Episode_Eve"] Home doesn't take long at all to download and install. But the 360 updates and installs are much faster. Software and firmware is MS's bread and butter. But 110 Million has a point to an extent. Games like Uncharted, R&C, and R2 have virtually no load times.Episode_Eve
That's really good to know that HOME is quick to download, as I will be doing that tonight. Some PS3 games have minimal load times, but not all. EA games take forever to load, while games like HSG5 are pretty quick. Most of the multiplat titles load faster on the 360 however. Exclusives seem to load faster then multiplats on both systems.
What devs need to do is make the PS3 the lead platform. Factor 5 warned the industry years ago, and it's becoming a trend. That's the best way to get the greatest optimization for both platforms. Factor 5 went under because of this approach. yet another silly argument, hehe. there is no way in hell people are going to shift priorities to lead on the 3rd place console after half the generation is over. none. companies with this strategy already in place might continue - but don't expect other companies to shift to this strategy as PS3 multiplat sales have proven it a bit useless.I was joking, and yeah you're right for the most part, Blu Ray is not betamax. but you're insane if you think Blu Ray is going to replace DVD. Digital Distribution could eventually do it but not for a long time. The uptake of Blu Ray is far slower than DVD ever was. It only applies to a minority who have HDTV's and even then few will see much difference between it and an upscaled DVD. It has a much smalelr selection than DVDs and isn't as cheap for the most part. The fact that Blu Rays are tied to a huge failure like the PS3 is not much of a boon(and yes it's a failure, i've explained that to you very clearly). Blu Rays will not never replace DVDs. They can exist alongside DVD's as a secondary format but DVDs will remain the premiere format until something people actually want comes along[QUOTE="MarloStanfield"][QUOTE="TREAL_Since"] UMD didn't have any other reasons outside of PSP games to exist (movies and music made no sense). People could watch UMD quality movies from their Memory Stick Duo. Betamax failed because American consumers were more fond to VHS, while European consumers preferred Betamax. But both Betamax and VHS were more similar in quality then they were different. Blu-ray has no competition of its same quality (HDDVD is dead). DVD can't last forever, just like VHS couldn't. Eventually something will become the format standard over DVD. Right now BR looks to be it. It will take awhile longer though. BR offers something that nothing else on the market offers.dr_octagon
"A minority who have HDTV's"? Look around you. You see people buying CRT televisions anymore? Didn't think so. This "minority" as you call it is quickly becoming the majority, especially with the Digital Transition coming in less than 70 days.
About the selection of movies on Blu Ray - Yeah, I guess you weren't there when everyone was waiting for their favorite movies to be put on DVD like 8 years ago. That took a long time...funny I don't see you bringing that up.
Whatever dude. Have fun with the puny 480p limit of the DVD format. Anyone who buys upscaling technology is paying more money to sit on the fence because they're too stupid to get with the times.
you're dead wrong. HDTV set owners are still in the vast minority. do some research.[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="Episode_Eve"] It's not silly. And correlating with your arguments, who are the ones mostly buying blu-ray? Gamers right? Most of them hardcore, and most of them don't always buy overpriced movies at Blockbuster, Best Buy, etc.Episode_Everight, i agree with you on that. a) only a fragment of the PS3 install base is savvy, even if it is a million or more. b) BRD are far too expensive at retail. not a good combo for pushing an optical format. it's still a silly argument any way you paint it. you're trying to claim that the millions of cows with PS3s are a) hardcore, and b) savvy. logic dictates that your sweeping generalizations are incorrect. I think it's safe to say that millions of PS3 owners are hardcore and/or savvy. There are tens of million PS3s out there. Some fragment of that base is can fall under that description. But maybe if retail prices weren't ridiculously high at a stores, BD would gain more momentum. DVD was in the same price range in its early age too.
right, only a fragment (even if its millions) and BRD is too expensive at big box. not a winning combo.
[QUOTE="dr_octagon"][QUOTE="MarloStanfield"] I was joking, and yeah you're right for the most part, Blu Ray is not betamax. but you're insane if you think Blu Ray is going to replace DVD. Digital Distribution could eventually do it but not for a long time. The uptake of Blu Ray is far slower than DVD ever was. It only applies to a minority who have HDTV's and even then few will see much difference between it and an upscaled DVD. It has a much smalelr selection than DVDs and isn't as cheap for the most part. The fact that Blu Rays are tied to a huge failure like the PS3 is not much of a boon(and yes it's a failure, i've explained that to you very clearly). Blu Rays will not never replace DVDs. They can exist alongside DVD's as a secondary format but DVDs will remain the premiere format until something people actually want comes along3picuri3
"A minority who have HDTV's"? Look around you. You see people buying CRT televisions anymore? Didn't think so. This "minority" as you call it is quickly becoming the majority, especially with the Digital Transition coming in less than 70 days.
About the selection of movies on Blu Ray - Yeah, I guess you weren't there when everyone was waiting for their favorite movies to be put on DVD like 8 years ago. That took a long time...funny I don't see you bringing that up.
Whatever dude. Have fun with the puny 480p limit of the DVD format. Anyone who buys upscaling technology is paying more money to sit on the fence because they're too stupid to get with the times.
you're dead wrong. HDTV set owners are still in the vast minority. do some research.The vast majority, eh? Yeah - here's my research. Go to any electronics store or website. You see any CRT Televisions for sale?
Hmm, I think with a more bulky and less advanced technology they might break down and need to be replaced, don't you think? Or did you think a CRT television is going to last forever?
I don't even know people who own a TV set that's ten years old.
Have you ever heard of "planned obsolesence"? How bout you research that phrase and get back to me on that.
[QUOTE="Episode_Eve"][QUOTE="XanderZane"]What devs need to do is make the PS3 the lead platform. Factor 5 warned the industry years ago, and it's becoming a trend. That's the best way to get the greatest optimization for both platforms. Factor 5 went under because of this approach. yet another silly argument, hehe. there is no way in hell people are going to shift priorities to lead on the 3rd place console after half the generation is over. none. companies with this strategy already in place might continue - but don't expect other companies to shift to this strategy as PS3 multiplat sales have proven it a bit useless. Lol, what are you talking about. Factor 5 suggested that multiplat titles and/ports be developed that way. I think the know more about development than you. They didn't make any 360 games. They made a bad game on the PS3. Look at Burnout Paradise for example (there's more). It was a lead PS3 project know it looks and plays identical on both platforms...that's the point I and F5 was getting at.That's really good to know that HOME is quick to download, as I will be doing that tonight. Some PS3 games have minimal load times, but not all. EA games take forever to load, while games like HSG5 are pretty quick. Most of the multiplat titles load faster on the 360 however. Exclusives seem to load faster then multiplats on both systems.
[QUOTE="Episode_Eve"][QUOTE="XanderZane"]What devs need to do is make the PS3 the lead platform. Factor 5 warned the industry years ago, and it's becoming a trend. That's the best way to get the greatest optimization for both platforms. Factor 5 went under because of this approach. yet another silly argument, hehe. there is no way in hell people are going to shift priorities to lead on the 3rd place console after half the generation is over. none. Factor 5 lost money because Lair sales were lackluster and they didn't break even.That's really good to know that HOME is quick to download, as I will be doing that tonight. Some PS3 games have minimal load times, but not all. EA games take forever to load, while games like HSG5 are pretty quick. Most of the multiplat titles load faster on the 360 however. Exclusives seem to load faster then multiplats on both systems.
PS3 as the lead platform means this: If a company is making a multiplatform game, makes the lead platform the PS3, it's more time efficient and cost effective. Porting from the PS3 to 360 is easier than porting from the 360 to PS3. In the end you see both versions the exact same quality wise with less time and money spent possible. Devil May Cry 4, Burnout Paradise, and Mirrors Edge are few examples.
Ultimately Factor 5's idea of PS3 as lead platform is a logical process for multiplat game development.
[QUOTE="Episode_Eve"][QUOTE="XanderZane"]What devs need to do is make the PS3 the lead platform. Factor 5 warned the industry years ago, and it's becoming a trend. That's the best way to get the greatest optimization for both platforms. Factor 5 went under because of this approach. yet another silly argument, hehe. there is no way in hell people are going to shift priorities to lead on the 3rd place console after half the generation is over. none.That's really good to know that HOME is quick to download, as I will be doing that tonight. Some PS3 games have minimal load times, but not all. EA games take forever to load, while games like HSG5 are pretty quick. Most of the multiplat titles load faster on the 360 however. Exclusives seem to load faster then multiplats on both systems.
Only Sony 1st party developers can do that at this point. Most developers use the XBox 360 as the lead or they make both versions at the same time. The main reason the XBox 360 is the lead is 1) It has more consoles on the market. 2) 360 gamers seem to buy more games. 3) It's much easier to get the Xbox 360 done and out on time, then the PS3 version. Getting the game done faster means you get profits faster and spend less on development.
TREAL_Since you do realize that it takes longer to make the PS3 version, which mean developers spend more money to make that game on the PS3. It still takes time to rework the code for the XBox 360 version as well. In the time it takes to make the PS3 version, the XBox 360 version could be on retail shelves making money.
I think it's safe to say that millions of PS3 owners are hardcore and/or savvy. There are tens of million PS3s out there. Some fragment of that base is can fall under that description. But maybe if retail prices weren't ridiculously high at a stores, BD would gain more momentum. DVD was in the same price range in its early age too.[QUOTE="Episode_Eve"][QUOTE="3picuri3"] right, i agree with you on that. a) only a fragment of the PS3 install base is savvy, even if it is a million or more. b) BRD are far too expensive at retail. not a good combo for pushing an optical format. it's still a silly argument any way you paint it. you're trying to claim that the millions of cows with PS3s are a) hardcore, and b) savvy. logic dictates that your sweeping generalizations are incorrect.3picuri3
right, only a fragment (even if its millions) and BRD is too expensive at big box. not a winning combo.
The point is you said millions is a silly assumption, which it istn't. I guess it wasn't a winning combo for DVD then neither.[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="Episode_Eve"] What devs need to do is make the PS3 the lead platform. Factor 5 warned the industry years ago, and it's becoming a trend. That's the best way to get the greatest optimization for both platforms.TREAL_SinceFactor 5 went under because of this approach. yet another silly argument, hehe. there is no way in hell people are going to shift priorities to lead on the 3rd place console after half the generation is over. none. Factor 5 lost money because Lair sales were lackluster and they didn't break even.
PS3 as the lead platform means this: If a company is making a multiplatform game, makes the lead platform the PS3, it's more efficient and cost effective. Porting from the PS3 to 360 is easier than porting from the 360 to PS3. In the end you see both version the exact same with less time and money spent possible. Devil May Cry 4, Burnout Paradise, Mirrors Edge are few examples.
Ultimately Factor 5's idea of PS3 as lead platform is a logical process for multiplat game development.
doesn't change the fact that the majority of PS3 multiplats pale in comparison to 360 sales - making this a bit silly and redundant, hence some developers outright canning PS3 version of games. it just doesn't make sense imo... in a perfect world where the PS3 wasn't third and doing poorly in sales for most games (not consoles) it just doesn't make good business sense.[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="Episode_Eve"] I think it's safe to say that millions of PS3 owners are hardcore and/or savvy. There are tens of million PS3s out there. Some fragment of that base is can fall under that description. But maybe if retail prices weren't ridiculously high at a stores, BD would gain more momentum. DVD was in the same price range in its early age too.Episode_Eve
right, only a fragment (even if its millions) and BRD is too expensive at big box. not a winning combo.
The point is you said millions is a silly assumption, which it istn't. I guess it wasn't a winning combo for DVD then neither. i guess you're really confused as to how DVD started.[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="Episode_Eve"] What devs need to do is make the PS3 the lead platform. Factor 5 warned the industry years ago, and it's becoming a trend. That's the best way to get the greatest optimization for both platforms.XanderZaneFactor 5 went under because of this approach. yet another silly argument, hehe. there is no way in hell people are going to shift priorities to lead on the 3rd place console after half the generation is over. none.
Only Sony 1st party developers can do that at this point. Most developers use the XBox 360 as the lead or they make both versions at the same time. The main reason the XBox 360 is the lead is 1) It has more consoles on the market. 2) 360 gamers seem to buy more games. 3) It's much easier to get the Xbox 360 done and out on time, then the PS3 version. Getting the game done faster means you get profits faster and spend less on development.
True. But for companies that want their multiplat games out on the same day, the same quality, and least money spent, making the PS3 lead platform is better.Sony had to to complete with HD-DVD in the format war. Plus, every Sony system post-PSOne has debuted a new media standard.SpruceCabooseUmm, DVD was nearly 4 years old by the time the PS2 released, hardly a "new" standard. In fact, bluray would have been about the same age DVD was if it launched NEXT gen, and the tech would have been mature enough to give a speed increase in addition to its capacity increase. That's one thing I personally always said when the "blu is/isn't needed" threads over the past few years, is that Sony went with bluray a generation too soon.
[QUOTE="Episode_Eve"][QUOTE="3picuri3"]The point is you said millions is a silly assumption, which it istn't. I guess it wasn't a winning combo for DVD then neither. i guess you're really confused as to how DVD started. All I'm referring to is the initial price point. It was pretty high. Similar to BR prices.right, only a fragment (even if its millions) and BRD is too expensive at big box. not a winning combo.
[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="Episode_Eve"] The point is you said millions is a silly assumption, which it istn't. I guess it wasn't a winning combo for DVD then neither.Episode_Evei guess you're really confused as to how DVD started. All I'm referring to is the initial price point. It was pretty high. Similar to BR prices. and guess what - it offered a more significant visual improvement, got rid of the old unreliable tape formats, and didn't require an HDTV. you sure do like picking out these little points without considering the larger picture. that's twice in this thread in 2 pages where you really oversimplify / generalize.
[QUOTE="Episode_Eve"][QUOTE="3picuri3"] i guess you're really confused as to how DVD started. 3picuri3All I'm referring to is the initial price point. It was pretty high. Similar to BR prices. and guess what - it offered a more significant visual improvement, got rid of the old unreliable tape formats, and didn't require an HDTV. you sure do like picking out these little points without considering the larger picture. that's twice in this thread in 2 pages where you really oversimplify / generalize. Simplified in my post. I know the benefits/advantages of DVD were greater than that of BD. I never meant to imply they weren't. I've said that before too. All I was talking about was the price. Simple, yet not all encompassing.
[QUOTE="TREAL_Since"][QUOTE="3picuri3"] Factor 5 went under because of this approach. yet another silly argument, hehe. there is no way in hell people are going to shift priorities to lead on the 3rd place console after half the generation is over. none.3picuri3Factor 5 lost money because Lair sales were lackluster and they didn't break even.
PS3 as the lead platform means this: If a company is making a multiplatform game, makes the lead platform the PS3, it's more efficient and cost effective. Porting from the PS3 to 360 is easier than porting from the 360 to PS3. In the end you see both version the exact same with less time and money spent possible. Devil May Cry 4, Burnout Paradise, Mirrors Edge are few examples.
Ultimately Factor 5's idea of PS3 as lead platform is a logical process for multiplat game development.
doesn't change the fact that the majority of PS3 multiplats pale in comparison to 360 sales - making this a bit silly and redundant, hence some developers outright canning PS3 version of games. it just doesn't make sense imo... in a perfect world where the PS3 wasn't third and doing poorly in sales for most games (not consoles) it just doesn't make good business sense. Now it's about sales? I never mentioned sales. I was just explaining the idea of making PS3 the lead platform for multiplat games.Funny you are thinking for me. Please don't do it. Because I think it's not a huge failure does not mean I think it's a huge success.TREAL_Sinceyou fail to admit that the majority of people are perfectly comfortable with DVD upscaled and don't think BRD is a significant step up. that's a critical point against your argument -- look up some focus group reports or consumer surveys and you'll see exactly why BRD might NEVER take over.
"A minority who have HDTV's"? Look around you. You see people buying CRT televisions anymore? Didn't think so. This "minority" as you call it is quickly becoming the majority, dr_octagon
yeah but it's still the minority, and it is only that minority (around 35%) who would even notice any sort of difference with Blu Ray so you're starting off with a third of the market before you've sold one movie player
Yeah, I guess you weren't there when everyone was waiting for their favorite movies to be put on DVD like 8 years ago. That took a long time...funny I don't see you bringing that up.
Blu Ray sales currently account for around 4% of the disc based sales in the USA, PS3 is the worst selling current gen console in the USA. Explain to me how and why Blu Ray support is going to reach DVD like levels within 8 years. Especially given the failure of the PS3 and the rise of digital distribution
Whatever dude. Have fun with the puny 480p limit of the DVD format. Anyone who buys upscaling technology is paying more money to sit on the fence because they're too stupid to get with the times.dr_octagon
and what would you call someone who puts their faith in a useless, unpopular movie format because they're in love with a Japanese electronics company?
[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="TREAL_Since"] Factor 5 lost money because Lair sales were lackluster and they didn't break even.doesn't change the fact that the majority of PS3 multiplats pale in comparison to 360 sales - making this a bit silly and redundant, hence some developers outright canning PS3 version of games. it just doesn't make sense imo... in a perfect world where the PS3 wasn't third and doing poorly in sales for most games (not consoles) it just doesn't make good business sense. Now it's about sales? I never mentioned sales. I was just explaining the idea of making PS3 the lead platform for multiplat games. of course you didn't - you took a look at it through the looking glass without considering the outside circumstance affecting such a business decision. you generalized, i expanded the argument to illustrate those outside factors - which cut down your argument.PS3 as the lead platform means this: If a company is making a multiplatform game, makes the lead platform the PS3, it's more efficient and cost effective. Porting from the PS3 to 360 is easier than porting from the 360 to PS3. In the end you see both version the exact same with less time and money spent possible. Devil May Cry 4, Burnout Paradise, Mirrors Edge are few examples.
Ultimately Factor 5's idea of PS3 as lead platform is a logical process for multiplat game development.
[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="dr_octagon"]you're dead wrong. HDTV set owners are still in the vast minority. do some research."A minority who have HDTV's"? Look around you. You see people buying CRT televisions anymore? Didn't think so. This "minority" as you call it is quickly becoming the majority, especially with the Digital Transition coming in less than 70 days.
About the selection of movies on Blu Ray - Yeah, I guess you weren't there when everyone was waiting for their favorite movies to be put on DVD like 8 years ago. That took a long time...funny I don't see you bringing that up.
Whatever dude. Have fun with the puny 480p limit of the DVD format. Anyone who buys upscaling technology is paying more money to sit on the fence because they're too stupid to get with the times.
The vast majority, eh? Yeah - here's my research. Go to any electronics store or website. You see any CRT Televisions for sale?
Hmm, I think with a more bulky and less advanced technology they might break down and need to be replaced, don't you think? Or did you think a CRT television is going to last forever?
I don't even know people who own a TV set that's ten years old.
Have you ever heard of "planned obsolesence"? How bout you research that phrase and get back to me on that.
Dude, HDTV's still are only in about 33% of households(and only a fraction of those are 1080p, which is where you'll get the most benefit from bluray). It'll be lucky to be at 50% by the time the NEXT gen comes. The longer this takes, the more of the potential market that will be eaten away by DD.[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="dr_octagon"]you're dead wrong. HDTV set owners are still in the vast minority. do some research."A minority who have HDTV's"? Look around you. You see people buying CRT televisions anymore? Didn't think so. This "minority" as you call it is quickly becoming the majority, especially with the Digital Transition coming in less than 70 days.
About the selection of movies on Blu Ray - Yeah, I guess you weren't there when everyone was waiting for their favorite movies to be put on DVD like 8 years ago. That took a long time...funny I don't see you bringing that up.
Whatever dude. Have fun with the puny 480p limit of the DVD format. Anyone who buys upscaling technology is paying more money to sit on the fence because they're too stupid to get with the times.
The vast majority, eh? Yeah - here's my research. Go to any electronics store or website. You see any CRT Televisions for sale?
Hmm, I think with a more bulky and less advanced technology they might break down and need to be replaced, don't you think? Or did you think a CRT television is going to last forever?
I don't even know people who own a TV set that's ten years old.
Have you ever heard of "planned obsolesence"? How bout you research that phrase and get back to me on that.
yea...that's not real research. do some. HDTV adoption is in the minority in the US. it will grow, of course. Blu-ray is an unknown IMO, however. idunno how long it will survive or if it's here for the long run as a core consumer brand. we'll all see.and TReal: relative to the success of the PS2 and PSOne, the PS3 amounts to abject failure. You can't look at the sales figures of the console and its games in some kind of weird vacuum. You have to look at it based on where it's come from. The PlayStation bloodline is a transcendent one that sells in the hundreds of millions. The PlayStation console brand has never known the situation it's in, with developers stepping away, gamers buying less games and the system stuck solidly in 3rd place. Saying the PS3 is successful is like saying the N64 was successful. Sure it had great games, but its deals, design and market approach cost Nintendo dearly, as it lost all the marketshare it used to enjoy and almost killed the console in the following generation. Were it not for the strength of the Nintendo 1st party team, Nintendo and its GameCube would have been Dreamcasted.
[QUOTE="TREAL_Since"][QUOTE="3picuri3"] doesn't change the fact that the majority of PS3 multiplats pale in comparison to 360 sales - making this a bit silly and redundant, hence some developers outright canning PS3 version of games. it just doesn't make sense imo... in a perfect world where the PS3 wasn't third and doing poorly in sales for most games (not consoles) it just doesn't make good business sense.3picuri3Now it's about sales? I never mentioned sales. I was just explaining the idea of making PS3 the lead platform for multiplat games. of course you didn't - you took a look at it through the looking glass without considering the outside circumstance affecting such a business decision. you generalized, i expanded the argument to illustrate those outside factors - which cut down your argument. I think the sole and initial argument was and still is: making PS3 the lead platform for multiplats would make both versions look and run better/the same. Also giving the devs an easier more efficient process if they want them to release on the same day. There are other reasons for them not to borrow this idea, but some have and its worked out for them.
[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="dr_octagon"]you're dead wrong. HDTV set owners are still in the vast minority. do some research."A minority who have HDTV's"? Look around you. You see people buying CRT televisions anymore? Didn't think so. This "minority" as you call it is quickly becoming the majority, especially with the Digital Transition coming in less than 70 days.
About the selection of movies on Blu Ray - Yeah, I guess you weren't there when everyone was waiting for their favorite movies to be put on DVD like 8 years ago. That took a long time...funny I don't see you bringing that up.
Whatever dude. Have fun with the puny 480p limit of the DVD format. Anyone who buys upscaling technology is paying more money to sit on the fence because they're too stupid to get with the times.
The vast majority, eh? Yeah - here's my research. Go to any electronics store or website. You see any CRT Televisions for sale?
Hmm, I think with a more bulky and less advanced technology they might break down and need to be replaced, don't you think? Or did you think a CRT television is going to last forever?
I don't even know people who own a TV set that's ten years old.
Have you ever heard of "planned obsolesence"? How bout you research that phrase and get back to me on that.
go find me something other than 'do they still sell CRT' to prove this to me, because a) yes, my local BB and Futureshop do still sell CRT, so does Walmart, and b) your logic fails to account for the many many many people (vast majority) that still own / are happy with their CRTs :) thanks. planned obsolescence only works when people agree to adopt new technology - but again, you seem to like to simplify things so likely didn't consider grandparents still use a 40 year old set. in my last apartment i had a massive wooden 32year old CRT with a built in LP player / radio tuner / speakers. sorry mate, those CRT last a LONG time.
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