Just curious with all the graphics talk, we forget gameplay. And I know this would be harder to debate but still would be nice.
My votes for MGS4.
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Just curious with all the graphics talk, we forget gameplay. And I know this would be harder to debate but still would be nice.
My votes for MGS4.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 or Demon's Souls
The reason graphics king is usually talked about and not this is because of how subject to opinion this is. Graphics on the other hand are not, you can define one game as being technically superior to another, gameplay is all opinion.
Good god no, MGS4 is no where near gameplay king its the most overrated game so far this gen. Also you made a forget graphics lets talk MGS thread the otherday so why the need for another?
trololol You wouldn't know by playing it :lol:. Seriously fantastic game and the gameplay's pretty fun, but I don't get why it would be the king. Uncharted 2 is clearly better as a 3rd person shooter, and if I want to play with stealth Arkham Asylum is much more fun.It has gameplay?
Uncharted 2 is gmeplay king. running, jumping, climbing, excellent cover system, great hand to hand combat, seemless animations, run and gun or aim or blind fire, shoot while hanging from a ledge, stealth. pretty much the best gameplay this gen. it makes mostly every other games gameplay seem horrid, especially red dead and gta4(since they are 3rd person and have cover)
MGS4s gameplay (the whole 2 hours of it) was pretty mediocre imo. If immersion is a part of gameplay, than Stalker wins.
MGS4 gameplay king? Wow, my faith in the rest of the gaming community is lost. Give me SSIV, SMG2, MP Trilogy, anything that actually relies on gameplay for its appeal. :|
MGS4 has so many different ways to do everything, and there all great.
SMG 2 has, without a doubt, the best level design. The only thing to dethrone it would be another nintendo game.
God of War 3 (my personal favorite) is really good. I dont think about it has a hack n slash, but its own unique fighting system. It is nothing compared to stuff like Bayonetta. The boss design is amazing, and the puzzles are good ( too repetive in 3, great in 1)
Well technically MGS4 is story king, voice acting king and cutscene king. prolly gameplay king too :D !
Well technically MGS4 is story king, voice acting king and cutscene king. prolly gameplay king too :D !
Sorry, Story King would go either to Alan Wake, or Mass Effect.
Fallout: New Vegas...........Or Just Cause 2...........Or Magicka...........or Europa Universalis 3: Divine Wind. Those are my choices.
unfortunately though we can't quantify the technical abilities of a game there for its still subjective and really depends on our subjective tastes. Like kz3 really sort of looks like an oil painting, if you like it its a gorgeous game, if not, its a blurry mess.Super Mario Galaxy 2 or Demon's Souls
The reason graphics king is usually talked about and not this is because of how subject to opinion this is. Graphics on the other hand are not, you can define one game as being technically superior to another, gameplay is all opinion.
It has gameplay?
But seriously, no. Crysis, Halo: Reach and Gears of War have some of the most satisfying gameplay of any game I've played this generation.
Uncharted 2 is gmeplay king. running, jumping, climbing, excellent cover system, great hand to hand combat, seemless animations, run and gun or aim or blind fire, shoot while hanging from a ledge, stealth. pretty much the best gameplay this gen. it makes mostly every other games gameplay seem horrid, especially red dead and gta4(since they are 3rd person and have cover)
and yet its still a corridor shooter, i think the open world games win by default by giving you an open world game to play in.
LMFAO!!! at MGS4 being the "gameplay" king......................... That games blows horse cockadoodledoo first of all. I remember being cornered by about 10 dudes shooting at me and killing them all and running away like it was nothing. Dude moves like a 300 year old woman and the story was only good for learning how to cook eggs! One of the most OVER RATED games in human history! Anyone who likes it should play Russian Roulette instead because they'd really enjoy that. / rant
I can't choose a winner because there are so many possible choices, but neither can SW if they're voting for MGS. Unbelievable...
MGS4 gameplay king? Wow, my faith in the rest of the gaming community is lost. Give me SSIV, SMG2, MP Trilogy, anything that actually relies on gameplay for its appeal. :|
Hes got the right idea.
And what really bugs me about this is that you have MGS2, a game with great gameplay and MGS3, a game with good/decent gameplay, but people on SW always ignore those (especially MGS2) and praise MGS4 instead.
MGS4 is not good at being an action game. MGS4 is not good at being a shooter. And the most sad part of it all is it is not even designed well as a stealth game.
At least in MGS2 and MGS3 the areas were obviously built with stealth gameplay in mind. At least in MGS2 every game mechanic had its place in the game (the same could be said of 3 had it not been for the branch hanging shoot mechanic lol). At least these games had guards placed about the areas in ways that lend the games a puzzle solving nature to those who play stealth. At least these games provide some unique objectives unlike the constant point a to point b layout of MGS4. At least MGS2 and MGS3 gave us inventive boss battles rather than the generic ass shoot-em-up bosses of MGS4. At least all the gadgets and weapons of 2 and 3 had uses unlike half the crap you get in MGS4.
This is MGS4.
Want to play as a shooter? Continually head shot everyone until you pass the point of infinite respawn. Text Drebin for guns and ammo if you somehow manage to run low.
Want to play stealth? Crawl, crawl, crawl...... oops did an enemy get suspicious? Wait 2 seconds...*camo changes*... continue crawling.
The level design really wasn't built well around the idea of octocamo and basically infinite ammo and suppressors.
/half rant.
Just curious with all the graphics talk, we forget gameplay. And I know this would be harder to debate but still would be nice.
My votes for MGS4.
MGS4 did not have gameplay for me
You either crawled or shooted in some linear coriddors, was like doom with crawling
Halo Reach >>> Crysis 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MGS4 for me
Just curious with all the graphics talk, we forget gameplay. And I know this would be harder to debate but still would be nice.
My votes for MGS4.
MGS4 did not have gameplay for me
You either crawled or shooted in some linear coriddors, was like doom with crawling
Halo Reach >>> Crysis 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MGS4 for me
Had you not said corridors I would agree. Besides the final chapter, MGS4 had some fairly open areas. There are hardly any areas in the game that don't offer multiple routes.
Basically if you think it is Doom with crawling then you have not played the game.
And you can see from my above post that I DO NOT LIKE THE GAME. But there is no need for you to BS.
I would call MGS4 the gameplay king, but there's just so little time to actually exercise all your abilities in the game. The whole game should have been like the first two acts, with all that interaction and opportunity to create chaos on a battlefield. if you want to experience that again, you have to trudge through the last 3 acts, go through cutscenes and unksippable credits, and then start the game over, and hope it lasts longer, but it won't. :(
Is that a joke? Even the gameplay parts aren't that great. She shooting is clunky and the stealth elements aren't up to par with something like Splinter Cell... First person is awkward and basically a gimmick, and the parts where the game pretty much forces you into combat really show how clunky the shooting is.Just curious with all the graphics talk, we forget gameplay. And I know this would be harder to debate but still would be nice.
My votes for MGS4.
Good. SMG2 is winning, as it should be. The lack of Demon's Souls over Halo Reach saddens me though, significantly better gameplay.
I love these threads. It's always the same cast of characters: some Valve shooter, some Mario clone with gameplay that has barely changed since Mario 64, Halo, etc.
My gameplay king is Assassin's Creed 2 on console or Shogun 2 on PC.
Yeah Super Mario Galaxy 2 has totally not changed at all since Super Mario 64 :roll: /sarcasm it's markedly different, There's a galaxy called Throwback Galaxy that is a replica of the first level of SM64 and it feels completely out of place.I love these threads. It's always the same cast of characters: some Valve shooter, some Mario clone with gameplay that has barely changed since Mario 64, Halo, etc.
My gameplay king is Assassin's Creed 2 on console or Shogun 2 on PC.
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