You remember this pic right?
MGS4 being the posters child for every PS3 justification - One being Blu-ray's extensive space for long cinematic cutscenes and massive worlds. This was a funny pic because it was often ridiculed on 360 that the DVD just wouldn't support a game like MGS4.
So then MGS4 releases:
Start-up: 8 Minutes
Act 2: 3 Minutes
Act 3: 3 Minutes
Act 4: 2 Minutes
Act 5: 1 Minute
Now I personally don't care about installs, I'm a PC gamer, but wouldn't a 5 sec Disc swap would of been faster and less painful than a 3 minute install? The only legitimate argument against discswapping are interruptions between gameplay. Sure an intermission between ACTs was a good break because they all had a sense of closure, But thats what Pro-discswappers have been arguing:
A developer making a "Good" game isn't going to make you change a disc like, right before a boss fight. They would end the disc off, similar to the ACTs in MGS4.
Mypoint: if you're ok with MGS4 installs, then you're ok with Disc swapping and vice versa.
Note: Benefits of BR VS DVD are not the focal point of this thread, so just stay off the topic.
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