I've been gaming my whole life practically, since I was 5 or 6 anyway, and I really like the wiimote (I'm 25 now btw). All I can say is that it is an experience. Instead of pushing around the cursor with a stick, you're pointing at the screen. I slam anyone who says it's a gimmick, but who knows? It just feels like something really special. It's just an easier way of controlling, it feels like you're interacting with the game more closely. That wording is wrong somehow, but it's something like that.
I cannot stress enough that you have to play a truly wii-pointer-centric game to understand it. I would recommend playing trauma center. It's a game that nobody here disses because they know it's a great game. The only thing is that it isn't a graphics showcase, although it doesn't have to be by any means. Very simple gameplay, and it shows off the pointer beautifully.
As for motion sensing, I'm not completely sold. If there's a gimmick to the wiimote, it is the motion sensing. It is accurate and fun for some things though. It doesnt register quick, harsh motions well, but it is 1:1 with tilting and position recognition. A good game that illustrates this is SSX.
Ultimately, I think motion sensing has hardcore appeal, but only if it complements controls. It would be non essential, but satisfying, like strangling people in Godfather. Remember that previews of Manhunt 2 were absolutely glowing about how amazing an experience it is, and I believe that same principle can be applied to many other games as well.
well that was long, didn't expect that...
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