Well, until someone provides some REAL evidence that Withcer 2 will not look stunning on consoles, it is rather pointless posting these PC pics from bad ports
Mass Effect 2, Alan wake and Gears 3 prove that Witcher 2 can look stunning on 360, that is all there is to it
Until proven otherwise, why even bother trying to bash console version, when you have not even seen it yet and considering they will take their time making, a whole year as you suggest
Not that makes any difference, graphics are not everything and the only thing that matters is that Withcer2 is confirmed for consoles, that makes PC gaming even more obsolete to me, Diablo 3 is next, they are hiring for Diablo3 console development right now
We already provided proof in the Metro 2033 pictures. ME2? Average. Alan Wake? Not even 720p if I remember right. Gears 3? So far nothing but bullshots. Gears 1 looked way better on PC than 360. The tech is old, there's nothing left to see on consoles.
Witcher 2 hasn't been confirmed for consoles. They've only stated their engine is multiplatform. CD Projekt stated that if they cannot get the experience they want for The Witcher 2, which obviously points to the visual effects among other things, it will not be ported. CryEngine 3 is also multiplatform and they ran levels of Crysis on it (And it didnt even look nearly as good as PC) but does that mean Crysis is being ported to consoles? No. They are also NOT hiring console devs for Diablo 3. They've only stated hiring for Diablo-related products, something along the line of that.
Mass Effect 2 looks stunning, 9.5/10 graphics in IGN on 360 and PC
Alan Wake has vastly better effects and bigger spaces than Metro 2033
Gears 3 has gameplay videos out actually
Withcer 2 is 100% confirmed for consoles, like 10 times now, and in this thread too
The Diablo 3 jobs are in Diablo 3 section, so they are hiring for Diablo 3 port to consoles
I usually only judge once I have played the games on platforms I talk about, so I'll have to wait for Christmas to talk about this or see some really good comparisons. ME2 is nothing spectacular and from what I've seen a bit overated.
Vastly better effects? You've clearly never even touched or seen a video of Metro 2033 on PC.
Witcher 2 is not 100% confirmed for consoles. You're assuming things way to early. Witcher 2 could be used as test subjects for a game they have planned for consoles, and doesn't it seem fitting that they'd hire people for a Diablo-related in I don't know...the Diablo section?
That said, I can't wait for The Witcher 2 on PC. I'll have my GTX 470 (maybe even 2!) which better be able to run this thing smoothly. Also I'm gonna pre-order the Collector's Edition.
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