Bah why'd you bring back this thread to page 1?
And it's fun feeding the trolls. It's always funny to see how they think their opinions are facts and how they jump to conclusions and ignore the facts.
There are only three facts
1. Withcer2 is confirmed for consoles
2. We have no idea how it will look
3. Games like Mas Effect 2, fable 3, Gears 3, Alan wake, Rage, Crysis 2 etc look stunning on xbox 360
These are the facts, now everything else is in the assumption and opinion region
The WITCHER 2 hasn't been confirmed for consoles, only tested on. After the PC version is done and shipped, then we might see some news about the console version.
We know it won't look nearly as good as the PC version.
They look stunning...for the 360. PC has those visuals years ago, and at higher resolutions, textures, ect.
You managed to completely derail another good topic with your nonsense. Good job.
They said they will make it for consoles, so that is confirmation
"I want to tell you we're doing everything we can to make sure one day The Witcher 2 will be released on the current generation of consoles."
We know it will look better on PC, but it could be slightly like Mass Effect 2 or Rage,so would not matter at all
Mass Effect 2 got 9.5/10 in graphics on 360, so is one of the best looking games this generation by IGN
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