So yes it was going to happen, I don't see why it is being seen as a fairy tale.xscrapzx
As far as i know it was confirmed to be a 1h max length demo of the said game.
Anyways, CliffyB does make alot of sense in some areas and so does TotalBiscuit but using TB's own words "let me shoot that full of holes for you".
For the people that didn't see TB's 30 min vid, here are his major points:
- Game (europe equivalent to Gamestop) pushes it's workers to aggressively try and make sales of used games OVER new ones because they get almost ALL of the cut.
-He claims people compare dvd's/blurays and cd's to used games and makes very solid points about artists not relying on the cd copies for most of the income but royalties instead (among other things) also movies making most of the investment back in the box office with bluray sales comming as a plus.
It's true that game sales is the primary income source for publishers/devs, but most of them put their greed before the consumer.
I'm a pc gamer, and yet i'm forced to buy a console to play alot of games. Why? Because apparently it's the platform with the biggest ammount of piracy, even thou the second hand market i also little to non-existent.
It also has the best game selling services (Steam, GoG, ...) providing alot of games with GUARANTEED income for pub/devs.
Not like cd/dvd's which can be run on whatever player we buy for them, they also try to reach as much countries as possible... So right there game companies are shooting themselves in the foot by opting not the enter potentially profitable markets. (I can understand studios subsidized by sony/ms, but what about console multiplats?)
So they go to consoles and then realize "oh no, used games sales are the devil's plot!"
So what do they do to combat that? Online passes! On-disc DLC!
NO! Why don't you give us sweet deals like steam does, games at such great prices that people would rather buy them new than used!
Why is it that the pc doesn't have a second hand market but consoles do? Perhaps it's because console companies and devs can't communicate well enough to provide GOOD value that makes the consumer want to buy the product new rather than used...
Do you know how many times i see rock band dlc at discounted prices? very LITTLE and that's only because Harmonix (RB dev) bother themselves to do so. If there were sales on that very frequently on psn i would have probably spent alot more money on that...
Then there are country policies... why is it that RB discs in US are different than EU? If i buy dlc in the US store i can't use it in my game... making us unable to benefit from all discounts... steam sales are for everyone!
And lastly why aren't there insane summer sales like steam does... steam still sells old games, if Sony could get some servers selling digital copies of games like Valkyria Chronicles or MGS4 etc... at irresistible prices they could still be cashing in on that...
In my eyes it's console companies and game devs who are at fault here, why are you trying to bully us around with "24h check in" every day or preventing us to borrow our physical disc? Why aren't you making digital deals SO FRICKIN GOOD that we'd rather buy it online than at the store? If you can make exclusive dlc for gamestop (god... i hate that) then why aren't you giving us so much more from buying from YOU!
 For the record i haven't bought used games for a while, i just wait on the games i want to drop their price and buy them new, which coupled with PS+ makes it enough for me (i also game mostly on pc).
Also LOL at "My money is on the PC, mobile and tablets for the near future."
Let us reminisce a little bit here:
Epic's Cliff Bleszinski has said that the studio is focusing on producing console titles for the time being, claiming PC gaming is currently in "disarray".
"I think people would rather make a game that sells 4.5 million copies than a million and Gears is at 4.5 million right now on the 360," he told MTV Multiplayer.
"I think the PC is just in disarray... What's driving the PC right now is Sims-type games and WOW and a lot of stuff that's in a web-based interface. You just click on it and play it. That's the direction PC is evolving into."
"For me, the PC is kind of the secondary part of what we're doing," confirmed Bleszinski. "It's important for us, but right now making AAA games on consoles is where we're at."
Bleszinski declined to name said games, refusing to be drawn on a much-rumoured sequel to the multi-million selling global hit Gears of War. However, he did say Epic is sticking to making games for the demographic it's familiar with.
"I don't want to win over [someone's] little college sister, because that's not the kind of game I do," he said. "I'm not going to make f***ing Cooking Mama."
No wonder he worked at MS, both seem very quick to change their minds...
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