This is getting ridiculous....Gears 3 already looks far more impressive than i ever imagined this gen consoles could handle! Well, good news if true.
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Not really surprising - now what would be news is Cliffy claiming Epic maxed out 360 with Gears 3. :o :P
AAAHHHH snap 360 about to go Super Saiyan.
But seriously if thats the case then why doesn't Gears 3 look far better than the PS3 Exclusives? Not saying it doesn't look good but if Cliffy can pull more out of the 360 then why not do it, especially when you had 3 or 4 extra months of polish you could have put on it?
pfftt super saiyan is nothin when your up against and
considering GT and Buu saga are not canon, Super perfect cell is the most powerful DBZ character
just saiyan, maybe make PS3 imperfect cell, hehe
[QUOTE="HaloinventedFPS"]considering GT and Buu saga are not canonIronBass
Of course they are.
no, its a fact GT isnt
most fans now agree Buu saga isnt
no, its a fact GT isntHaloinventedFPS
Not true, that's a common misconception based on Toriyama not having much to do with it. But he actualy had a massive participation in GT, as a writter, character designer and supervisor.
most fans now agree Buu saga isntHaloinventedFPS
Good for them (if true). Things don't stop being canon because some fans don't like them, though.
[QUOTE="HaloinventedFPS"]no, its a fact GT isnt
Not true, that's a common misconception based on Toriyama not having much to do with it. But he actualy had a massive participation in GT, as a writter, character designer and supervisor.
most fans now agree Buu saga isntHaloinventedFPS
Good for them (if true). Things don't stop being canon because some fans don't like them, though.
Toriyama didnt want to do Buu saga, its full of plot holes because of how much toriyama just didnt care anymore, in the past he forgot like a couple of characters, but it didnt have any plotholes
and the Editors kept messing around with Buu saga, Gohan was supposed to beat Buu (there is rough drawings of him killing Buu), but the Editors said fans wanted Goku, so Toriyama made Vegito, Editors then said no just Goku, then we got Spirit bomb killing Kid Buu, lol
Toriyama didnt want to do Buu saga, its full of plot holes because of how much toriyama just didnt care anymore, in the past he forgot like a couple of characters, but it didnt have any plotholesand the Editors kept messing around with Buu saga, Gohan was supposed to beat Buu (there is rough drawings of him killing Buu), but the Editors said fans wanted Goku, so Toriyama made Vegito, Editors then said no just Goku, then we got Spirit bomb killing Kid Buu, lol
That's common in most works of fiction. Nothing of that changes anything.
[QUOTE="HaloinventedFPS"]Toriyama didnt want to do Buu saga, its full of plot holes because of how much toriyama just didnt care anymore, in the past he forgot like a couple of characters, but it didnt have any plotholes
and the Editors kept messing around with Buu saga, Gohan was supposed to beat Buu (there is rough drawings of him killing Buu), but the Editors said fans wanted Goku, so Toriyama made Vegito, Editors then said no just Goku, then we got Spirit bomb killing Kid Buu, lol
And? That's common in most works of fiction. Nothing of that changes anything.
Buu Saga sucked, it changes alot of things
Cell saga was so damn good and Toriyama really gave it his best, was his swansong, but since Dragonball was like 40% of the whole Anime/manga market at the time, Toei forced him once more to milk it, not to mention GT
Buu Saga sucked, it changes alot of thingsThe status of canon of something isn't based on people liking it or not.Cell saga was so damn good and Toriyama really gave it his best, was his swansong, but since Dragonball was like 40% of the whole Anime/manga market at the time, Toei forced him once more to milk it, not to mention GT
The status of canon of something isn't based on people liking it or not.[QUOTE="HaloinventedFPS"]Buu Saga sucked, it changes alot of things
Cell saga was so damn good and Toriyama really gave it his best, was his swansong, but since Dragonball was like 40% of the whole Anime/manga market at the time, Toei forced him once more to milk it, not to mention GT
Dragonball Kai ended at Cell Saga
and Toriyama said GT isnt canon
that enough for you?
[QUOTE="HaloinventedFPS"]and Toriyama said GT isnt canon
He never said that.
Dragonball MMO doesnt count GT, its not canon
and Toei pretty much said screw you to Buu saga with Kai
Dragonball MMO doesnt count GT, its not canonand Toei pretty much said screw you to Buu saga with Kai
And? None of both say anything about it being canon or not (especially because both came out more than a decade later than GT).
The 360 has been pretty been maxed out since 2007, optimization of the game code will not allow the console to keep on getting better and better. Both consoles are resource and hardware limited. Having only 512mb of total memory and only 256mb for both video and system use really limits in what they can do. Consoles with their limited resources have to make dev's into doing a lot of compromises its a juggling act in what stays and what goes. In Gears 2 they had to lower LOD on locus and use 2d objects at distances to help offset the use of the new lighting used in the game. For Cliffy B and the others who believe that consoles haven't reached their limit or been maxed out need a reality check about their consoles abilities .
i really wish this gen would die already, they cant do anything else that will wow people on a piece of 6 year old hardware, the annoying thing is that these consoles are holding everyone back (pc games do look great but could look so much better if a new gen would just start, same goes for the scale of games)
I don't care what so-called corners they cut, or if there isn't any FXAA(whatever that is). The game looks very good and runs very smoothly. That's all I ask for. This developer gets my attention, even if it is BS.
I would hope so, cuz gears3 doenst look very impressive to me..and yea ahhh those jaggies!!!anything on 360 wouldn't look imperssive to you please don't try to claim your opinion is any less biased as the rest of us and isn't sourced from the fact your prefered system is the ps3.killzowned24
[QUOTE="killzowned24"]I would hope so, cuz gears3 doenst look very impressive to me..and yea ahhh those jaggies!!! WilliamRLBakeranything on 360 wouldn't look imperssive to you please don't try to claim your opinion is any less biased as the rest of us and isn't sourced from the fact your prefered system is the ps3. most 360 exclusives are either subhd or jagfests or both..hard to be impressed!!! screen above is just fugly.
:lol: at ppl who listen to developers saying "not maxed out" 6 years into this gen :lol: :lol: :lol:silversix_
As opposed to listening to random forum goers with zero development experience? :?
anything on 360 wouldn't look imperssive to you please don't try to claim your opinion is any less biased as the rest of us and isn't sourced from the fact your prefered system is the ps3. most 360 exclusives are either subhd or jagfests or both..hard to be impressed!!! screen above is just fugly. You have some pretty high standards then, because the game looks great. Then again, I'm not sure if you've actually seen it in motion?I'm pretty sure if this game was on the PS3 you would be loving it. No need to hate on a good looking game, regardless if it isn't on your preferred system.[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"][QUOTE="killzowned24"]I would hope so, cuz gears3 doenst look very impressive to me..and yea ahhh those jaggies!!! killzowned24
I'm sorry, but i don't belive this, i mean, if it isn't Maxed Out yet...then why GEOW3 doesn't look better?
DVD9 on 360 is maxed out. iwasgood2uNow that is true and is one of the biggest issues with the 360.
The thing is that it does look better. You have to actually play it, or actually see it in motion to realize the improvements. It might not be a giant leap forward, but the lighting, particle effects, etc. look much better.I'm sorry, but i don't belive this, i mean, if it isn't Maxed Out yet...then why GEOW3 doesn't look better?
[QUOTE="godzillavskong"][QUOTE="iwasgood2u"]DVD9 on 360 is maxed out. clone01Now that is true and is one of the biggest issues with the 360. how so? can you explain how DVD delivers less graphical experience than blu-ray? Not sure, but I've read in multiple magazines where devs stating that they may have to cut back on textures, or compress them more to fit on the discs, due to the storage constraints of the 360.
[QUOTE="madsnakehhh"]The thing is that it does look better. You have to actually play it, or actually see it in motion to realize the improvements. It might not be a giant leap forward, but the lighting, particle effects, etc. look much better.I'm sorry, but i don't belive this, i mean, if it isn't Maxed Out yet...then why GEOW3 doesn't look better?
I'm not saying that it looks bad, i'm sure it looks great , however, how can he say that the console is not maxed out, i found that completely stupid, i mean, after 3 games they still cannot max out the console? what is holding them back? is he saying that he knew that the console has more power yet he didn't use all that power for GEOW3? the final part of the trilogy, the climax of the series? yeah...more like trash talk (which is not the uncommon for Cliff B.)
[QUOTE="godzillavskong"][QUOTE="iwasgood2u"]DVD9 on 360 is maxed out. clone01Now that is true and is one of the biggest issues with the 360. how so? can you explain how DVD delivers less graphical experience than blu-ray? Also here is a article with the link at the end.( In 2008, id Software's Technical Director, John Carmack told Shacknews that their upcoming post-apocalyptic shooter, Rage, will look worse on the Xbox 360 than on the Playstation 3 version due to the amount of compression needed to fit the entire game on not just one disc, but two. Carmack then went on to say that they could not feasibly get the game onto three discs because the resulting royalty fees would simply be too high. Xbox 360 exclusive Lost Odyssey was stretched across as many as 4 DVDs. Since each DVD can hold around 9GB, that amounts to roughly 36GB in total, something that could easily have been fit onto one Blu-ray disc.) Read more at Suite101: Is the Xbox 360 crippled by its use of DVD?: Has Microsoft Shot Itself in the Foot by Staying with an Old Format? |
[QUOTE="clone01"][QUOTE="godzillavskong"] Now that is true and is one of the biggest issues with the 360. godzillavskonghow so? can you explain how DVD delivers less graphical experience than blu-ray? Also here is a article with the link at the end.( In 2008, id Software's Technical Director, John Carmack told Shacknews that their upcoming post-apocalyptic shooter, Rage, will look worse on the Xbox 360 than on the Playstation 3 version due to the amount of compression needed to fit the entire game on not just one disc, but two. Carmack then went on to say that they could not feasibly get the game onto three discs because the resulting royalty fees would simply be too high. Xbox 360 exclusive Lost Odyssey was stretched across as many as 4 DVDs. Since each DVD can hold around 9GB, that amounts to roughly 36GB in total, something that could easily have been fit onto one Blu-ray disc.) Read more at Suite101: Is the Xbox 360 crippled by its use of DVD?: Has Microsoft Shot Itself in the Foot by Staying with an Old Format? |
Uhm PC games are on DVDs :?
[QUOTE="clone01"][QUOTE="godzillavskong"] Now that is true and is one of the biggest issues with the 360. godzillavskonghow so? can you explain how DVD delivers less graphical experience than blu-ray? Also here is a article with the link at the end.( In 2008, id Software's Technical Director, John Carmack told Shacknews that their upcoming post-apocalyptic shooter, Rage, will look worse on the Xbox 360 than on the Playstation 3 version due to the amount of compression needed to fit the entire game on not just one disc, but two. Carmack then went on to say that they could not feasibly get the game onto three discs because the resulting royalty fees would simply be too high. Xbox 360 exclusive Lost Odyssey was stretched across as many as 4 DVDs. Since each DVD can hold around 9GB, that amounts to roughly 36GB in total, something that could easily have been fit onto one Blu-ray disc.) Read more at Suite101: Is the Xbox 360 crippled by its use of DVD?: Has Microsoft Shot Itself in the Foot by Staying with an Old Format? | That's a storage issue, not a graphics issue. How does that explain that PC has superior graphics?
anything on 360 wouldn't look imperssive to you please don't try to claim your opinion is any less biased as the rest of us and isn't sourced from the fact your prefered system is the ps3. most 360 exclusives are either subhd or jagfests or both..hard to be impressed!!! screen above is just fugly.[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"][QUOTE="killzowned24"]I would hope so, cuz gears3 doenst look very impressive to me..and yea ahhh those jaggies!!! killzowned24
Meh. Gears of War 3 is still the best looking game on a console by a pretty decent margin.
The hidden power of the consoles emerges again? Think it's disheartening it's 2011 and people still play in 720 at barely 30 fps. And there's years of the same more to come. I guess the "Consoles have hidden power and are constantly evolving" is something console only owners can cling too.. GeneralShowzer
Some of us just don't care. I'm more than happy with my 720 resolution and 30 fps :P
And I'm still impressed by the graphics that newer console games have to offer.
Also here is a article with the link at the end.( In 2008, id Software's Technical Director, John Carmack told Shacknews that their upcoming post-apocalyptic shooter, Rage, will look worse on the Xbox 360 than on the Playstation 3 version due to the amount of compression needed to fit the entire game on not just one disc, but two. Carmack then went on to say that they could not feasibly get the game onto three discs because the resulting royalty fees would simply be too high. Xbox 360 exclusive Lost Odyssey was stretched across as many as 4 DVDs. Since each DVD can hold around 9GB, that amounts to roughly 36GB in total, something that could easily have been fit onto one Blu-ray disc.) Read more at Suite101: Is the Xbox 360 crippled by its use of DVD?: Has Microsoft Shot Itself in the Foot by Staying with an Old Format? |[QUOTE="godzillavskong"][QUOTE="clone01"] how so? can you explain how DVD delivers less graphical experience than blu-ray?NoodleFighter
Uhm PC games are on DVDs :?
Thats not an issue since Pc's install games on the harddrive so they can compress the data and return the file to its normal state. The problem with the 360 is they have to design the game to solely run off the disc since people have no hdd's or no space to install.[QUOTE="NoodleFighter"][QUOTE="godzillavskong"] Also here is a article with the link at the end.( In 2008, id Software's Technical Director, John Carmack told Shacknews that their upcoming post-apocalyptic shooter, Rage, will look worse on the Xbox 360 than on the Playstation 3 version due to the amount of compression needed to fit the entire game on not just one disc, but two. Carmack then went on to say that they could not feasibly get the game onto three discs because the resulting royalty fees would simply be too high. Xbox 360 exclusive Lost Odyssey was stretched across as many as 4 DVDs. Since each DVD can hold around 9GB, that amounts to roughly 36GB in total, something that could easily have been fit onto one Blu-ray disc.) Read more at Suite101: Is the Xbox 360 crippled by its use of DVD?: Has Microsoft Shot Itself in the Foot by Staying with an Old Format? |
Uhm PC games are on DVDs :?
Thats not an issue since Pc's install games on the harddrive so they can compress the data and return the file to its normal state. The problem with the 360 is they have to design the game to solely run off the disc since people have no hdd's or no space to install.the 360 uses 3DC texture compression it can uncompress texture files just as well as the PC can from disc the only thing installing games to any HDD does is optimise load times for said textures, the only real difference between DVD 9 on 360 and PC is space but this has been adressed with the new disc format the 360 uses which means the disc can hold the same 8gb amount of Data that PC dvd's holdanything on 360 wouldn't look imperssive to you please don't try to claim your opinion is any less biased as the rest of us and isn't sourced from the fact your prefered system is the ps3. most 360 exclusives are either subhd or jagfests or both..hard to be impressed!!! screen above is just fugly. *laughs hard* quite a few ps3 exclusives seem to be subhd, and have jaggies as well.[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"][QUOTE="killzowned24"]I would hope so, cuz gears3 doenst look very impressive to me..and yea ahhh those jaggies!!! killzowned24
For me, I think this is it.. Uncharted series, Gears of War is about the best we're going to get from this console. Consoles need better AA and frame rate higher than 30fps. At least in the 40-50fps but we won't see that until next gen maybe? I don't know. Gears of War 3 would look and PLAY so damn good if it was 60fps. It's too choppy for my taste considering I'm mainly a PC gamer. It's just something I have to get adjusted to whenever I game on the consoles. Even then, I don't let it get to me because playing console exclusives is soooo worth it.
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