COD fans, what keeps you from switching to Battlefield?

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#51 -Renegade
Member since 2007 • 8340 Posts

just wondering, seems to me that battlefield is superior in every category, from graphics to gameplay to realism. maybe im wrong, can you give specifics?

In Battlefield the matches take to long. One match can go over 30 minutes or more I mean come on. It takes too long to get to the action most of the time in Battlefield. You spend more of your time getting to the action then actually being in it. Gunplay is not as good in Battlefield, feels to floaty for my taste. Honestly Battlefield just isn't that fun.
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#52 BodyElite
Member since 2009 • 2678 Posts
Why can't you just play both? Not everyone is a fanboy... Ill give you reasons: 60 fps means smooth gameplay Twitch/fast shooter meaning it's all about reflexes and accuracy It's simple and in this case equals to more addicting
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#53 ChubbyGuy40
Member since 2007 • 26442 Posts

[QUOTE="Merex760"]Teamwork is needed in Battlefield. Good luck with that on consoles.VanDammFan

good luck with that on any platform dude..

Play on PC. Teamwork is just the nature of the platform.

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#54 BodyElite
Member since 2009 • 2678 Posts
They use the word "casuals" because when talking about a mega popular game, apparently only casuals play it... Battlefield isn't ultra popular, so I'm guessing only the hardcore and L33T players play it :roll: COD sells 10x's more than any BF game for a reason no matter what you hardcore'ers say on teh internetz
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#55 ChubbyGuy40
Member since 2007 • 26442 Posts

They use the word "casuals" because when talking about a mega popular game, apparently only casuals play it... Battlefield isn't ultra popular, so I'm guessing only the hardcore and L33T players play it :roll: COD sells 10x's more than any BF game for a reason no matter what you hardcore'ers say on teh internetzBodyElite

Black Ops = 25 mil

Bad Company 2 = Approaching 9 million.

Sales =/= quality.

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#56 BodyElite
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[QUOTE="Merex760"]Teamwork is needed in Battlefield. Good luck with that on consoles.ChubbyGuy40

good luck with that on any platform dude..

Play on PC. Teamwork is just the nature of the platform.

When I play CS:S or Crysis only 1 or 2 people have mics... What kind of teamwork is that? :roll:
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#58 ChubbyGuy40
Member since 2007 • 26442 Posts

What?? 25+ million people don't buy a game because it sucks now... You fanboys talk out of your a**esBodyElite

*Says fanboys talk out of their asses*

*says CoD sells x10 more than any Battlefield*

Nice fail logic.

Do you have proof everyone enjoys each copy bought?

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#59 Grawse
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[QUOTE="Merex760"]Teamwork is needed in Battlefield. Good luck with that on consoles.VanDammFan

good luck with that on any platform dude..

What are you talking about? In BC2 my teammates knew I was the biggest noob and would baby me with health and ammo :D. 360 players neglect you the whole time for their epic quest to raise their k/d.

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#60 bobbetybob
Member since 2005 • 19370 Posts
I play both, DUN DUN DUUUUUUN.
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#61 gamer620
Member since 2004 • 3367 Posts

just wondering, seems to me that battlefield is superior in every category, from graphics to gameplay to realism. maybe im wrong, can you give specifics?

How does this still get lost on people? All hate aside, CoD and Battlefield play to different styles. CoD is a fast paced arena style shooter with less teamwork involved(games can easily be won by a single person if they are good enough) where as battlefield plays out at a much slower pace with far more reliance on team work(good luck winning matches on a crappy team). 90% of the people who play CoD can't get into the different styles offer by a BF title, likewise with BF gamers playing a CoD game. Personally I like both styles though and will be buying both games (BF3 for my PC and MW3 for 360)
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#62 dotWithShoes
Member since 2006 • 5596 Posts

just wondering, seems to me that battlefield is superior in every category, from graphics to gameplay to realism. maybe im wrong, can you give specifics?

How does this still get lost on people? All hate aside, CoD and Battlefield play to different styles. CoD is a fast paced arena style shooter with less teamwork involved(games can easily be won by a single person if they are good enough) where as battlefield plays out at a much slower pace with far more reliance on team work(good luck winning matches on a crappy team). 90% of the people who play CoD can't get into the different styles offer by a BF title, likewise with BF gamers playing a CoD game. Personally I like both styles though and will be buying both games (BF3 for my PC and MW3 for 360)

CoD TDM games can easily be won by one person, but not against a good team of players. I played 2-3 games tonight where the top guy on the other team was 28-10(around that each time), and every time they lost .. by alteast 10-15 kills. Good team work out does lone wolf gameplay anyday.
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#63 GTSaiyanjin2
Member since 2005 • 6018 Posts


just wondering, seems to me that battlefield is superior in every category, from graphics to gameplay to realism. maybe im wrong, can you give specifics?


How does this still get lost on people? All hate aside, CoD and Battlefield play to different styles. CoD is a fast paced arena style shooter with less teamwork involved(games can easily be won by a single person if they are good enough) where as battlefield plays out at a much slower pace with far more reliance on team work(good luck winning matches on a crappy team). 90% of the people who play CoD can't get into the different styles offer by a BF title, likewise with BF gamers playing a CoD game. Personally I like both styles though and will be buying both games (BF3 for my PC and MW3 for 360)

I agree with everything you said.... but you could play COD and use teamwork, but the game it self does not force you to do so. In Bf you pretty much have to use teamwork for the game to fuction which is all good till you meat you teamates :x I do like BF though once you find a good server with balanced teams it can be a lot of fun and a good change of pace from COD.

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#64 ofx360
Member since 2003 • 729 Posts

Switching? Why can't i play both? :o

I must be ripping another dimension open with that crazy suggestion....

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#65 chaoz-king
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just wondering, seems to me that battlefield is superior in every category, from graphics to gameplay to realism. maybe im wrong, can you give specifics?


call of duty stomps all over battlefield.

my point exactly, you cant give me a specific detail. have you played BF?

It's like asking why someone likes Coke over Pepsi. Half the answers will be "Because X is better than X" the other half will be "Because" Does there really need to be a reason why someone likes something over something else.
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#66 DragonfireXZ95
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It's mainly the vehicles I don't like. There's no work other than running there first at the beginning of the game and even if you die you spawn off back at the start and wait for it to pop back again trying to beat out anyone else happening to be waiting for it too, leading you to get kills in the 200 range and above while every one else has under 80. There are no-vehicle servers but that's just dull. COD put in killstreaks and at least you have to work for them (except for W@W with the stupid tanks) while also adding the threat of having vehicles able to devestate a team. Also there's way more game modes (even with the added gamemodes in BC2 it's still far less than half of what COD offers). Litterally the only good points are the number of players and the sizes of the maps.

Um, that's what your squad is for. You spawn on them, it's called using your team and providing teamwork yourself. If you whore vehicles, then you're kicking the fun out of the game yourself.
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#67 razgriz_101
Member since 2007 • 16875 Posts

battlefield is the same thing as call of duty. conquest is full of a bunch of spawn killer campers and such. not realistic, not even close. battlefield woul'dnt even be where it is now if it weren't for call of duty.


go play some of the old BF2 servers, Spawn killing is most definately not tolerated.Pretty sure theres a few on BC2 that enforce the same rules.

Battlefield 2 was before Call of Duty and was the big mutiplayer FPS of its time.

CoD has actually copied quite a few things from Battlefield one cause say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery ;)

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#68 dream431ca
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I'll put in my 2 cents why I like Bad Company 2 better:

Destruct able Environments: The match changes as you play. As the environment changes, you need to change your tactics, which helps a lot with keeping the match interesting and the immersion factor up.

Rush Mode: This mode defines Battlefield. It's the best mode IMO that combines both teamwork and very exciting matches. This mode alone is worth playing Battlefield.

Better GFX and Sound: Now, some people may think I'm grasping at straws when I point out Battlefield has better GFX and sound, but the truth is, these both help the immersion, especially the sound. The sound is phenomenal. Everything sounds great and will change where you are on the battlefield. I also like when your team and the enemy team yells and reacts to situations that are happening on the Battlefield. That also helps the immersion quite a lot.

Vehicles: Vehicles provide a lot more ways you can take the fight to the enemy and are also fun to blow up with C4 :D There is nothing more satisfying then sneaking up behind a tank, planting 2 C4 charges then... BOOM!! Never gets old.

Teamwork is rewarded: In Battlefield, you get points whenever you help your team. Whether it be reviving team mates, giving team mates ammo, reparing vehicles or even just spotting enemies, you will get points that add to your rank. You don't even need to fight, and you might make it close to the top of the point list just by helping your team.

Dog Tags: I don't care what people say, Dog Tags are a great reward for knifing someone. In Battlefield 3, the dog tags will be customizable, so when you get someones dog tags, it feels more personal.

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#69 Spellingiscool
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Spawn killing/baserape.
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#70 Lucianu
Member since 2007 • 10347 Posts

That silky, gold, baby powder smooooth 60 frames per second, man.

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#71 ChubbyGuy40
Member since 2007 • 26442 Posts

That silky, gold, baby powder smooooth 60 frames per second, man.


I play on PC. What is this measly 60FPS you speak of? Have the consolites yet to reach 120FPS yet?

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#72 jjccjj92
Member since 2010 • 641 Posts


That silky, gold, baby powder smooooth 60 frames per second, man.


I play on PC. What is this measly 60FPS you speak of? Have the consolites yet to reach 120FPS yet?

Anything past 60 fps is superfluous.

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#74 ChubbyGuy40
Member since 2007 • 26442 Posts

Anything past 60 fps is superfluous.


No it's not. It makes the picture even more natural and smooth. A must in fast-paced games like FPSes.

Plus there's be no point in 120hz displays if over 60FPS was unnecessary.

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#75 Messiahbolical-
Member since 2009 • 5670 Posts
God the Battlefield fans just don't give up, do they? Battlefield could be the most realistic, tactical, teamwork oriented, and graphically amazing game on the planet but CoD games just have that extra fun factor that keeps us coming back for more. Don't you get it? CoD isn't supposed to be realistic. It's pure, simple arcade-style action. And most people find that FUN. I want to PLAY a game, not a simulation. I WANT to just run off and do my own thing, I couldn't care less about having uber-teamwork with a bunch of random people I've never met. I just want to find people and kill them. Plain and simple. That's why I love COD. It's fast paced, fun, over the top, addicting, and it's simply the best of it's kind as far as arcade style FPS goes.
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#76 WreckEm711
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The fact that COD is a huge bundle of fun exploding with monkey bombs and zombies? It's just fun, get over it, that's why it sells.

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#77 ChubbyGuy40
Member since 2007 • 26442 Posts

God the Battlefield fans just don't give up, do they? Battlefield could be the most realistic, tactical, teamwork oriented, and graphically amazing game on the planet but CoD games just have that extra fun factor that keeps us coming back for more. Don't you get it? CoD isn't supposed to be realistic. It's pure, simple arcade-style action. And most people find that FUN.

I want to PLAY a game, not a simulation. I WANT to just run off and do my own thing, I couldn't care less about having uber-teamwork with a bunch of random people I've never met. I just want to find people and kill them. Plain and simple. That's why I love COD. It's fast paced, fun, over the top, addicting, and it's simply the best of it's kind as far as arcade style FPS goes.Messiahbolical-

Give up on what? Pointing out the obvious flaws in it's ancient gameplay and how gullible their fans are for buying the same thing for a third time? Battlefield isn't supposed to be realistic either.

Good, so play Battlefield. Battlefield isn't a simulation. ArmA 2 is a simulation.

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#78 Lucianu
Member since 2007 • 10347 Posts

God the Battlefield fans just don't give up, do they? Battlefield could be the most realistic, tactical, teamwork oriented, and graphically amazing game on the planet but CoD games just have that extra fun factor that keeps us coming back for more. Don't you get it? CoD isn't supposed to be realistic. It's pure, simple arcade-style action. And most people find that FUN. I want to PLAY a game, not a simulation. I WANT to just run off and do my own thing, I couldn't care less about having uber-teamwork with a bunch of random people I've never met. I just want to find people and kill them. Plain and simple. That's why I love COD. It's fast paced, fun, over the top, addicting, and it's simply the best of it's kind as far as arcade style FPS goes.Messiahbolical-

Its also casual and laughably easy, even a 5 year old can maintain a solid k/d ratio. Basically a game for casuals, just like Wii Sports.

Play for fun all you desire, its your time afterall. But don't compare the infinitely superior Battlefield to it.

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#79 Messiahbolical-
Member since 2009 • 5670 Posts

Its also casual and laughably easy, even a 5 year old can maintain a solid k/d ratio. Basically a game for casuals, just like Wii Sports.

Play for fun all you desire, its your time afterall. But don't compare the infinitely superior Battlefield to it.

Who the hell cares? It's a game. I couldn't care less about my kill death ratio, how "easy" it is, how "casual" it is... it's a f***ing game. I play it to have fun. I never claimed I wanted to be this "pro gamer"(what a joke :roll: ) that all of you Battlefield fanboys claim you are for playing it over CoD. lol Seriously... the fanboyism in some of these posts is ridiculous. Have you all lost track in what the whole point in gaming is? You play what you find fun, and I'll play what I find fun.
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#80 Lucianu
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Who the hell cares? It's a game. I couldn't care less about my kill death ratio, how "easy" it is, how "casual" it is... it's a f***ing game. I play it to have fun. I never claimed I wanted to be this "pro gamer"(what a joke :roll: ) that all of you Battlefield fanboys claim you are for playing it over CoD. lol Seriously... the fanboyism in some of these posts is ridiculous. Have you all lost track in what the whole point in gaming is? You play what you find fun, and I'll play what I find fun.Messiahbolical-

Then why are you angry at me for? If you didn't care, then you would have admiting to the fact that its a casual game just like Wii Sports, which it is. Wii Sports might require more skill though, i don't know for certain. I'm not a Battlefield fanboy, i'm just seeing, with my own eyes, what the vastly superior game will be.

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#81 Messiahbolical-
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Give up on what? Pointing out the obvious flaws in it's ancient gameplay and how gullible their fans are for buying the same thing for a third time? Battlefield isn't supposed to be realistic either.

Good, so play Battlefield. Battlefield isn't a simulation. ArmA 2 is a simulation.

I don't care if the gameplay is "ancient" or outdated, how "gullible" I am for buying the "same thing"(FALSE) for coming on 5 years straight in a row now. When will you Battlefield fans realize this? We like CoD because it's fun. Plain and simple. We don't want a COMPLETELY different game every single time a new one comes out, we want the same old CoD gameplay we've played and loved at it's base but upgraded. What's wrong with that? Final Fantasy did that for 10 games straight, Mario did that until 3D Mario games came out, Sonic did it for years... etc. So many game franchises do that and nobody complains about it unless it's CoD or Madden. Why change the core gameplay that people love? Sonic and Final Fantasy changed the core gameplay and most people hate them now because of it. lol
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#82 Messiahbolical-
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Then why are you angry at me for? If you didn't care, then you would have admiting to the fact that its a casual game just like Wii Sports, which it is. Wii Sports might require more skill though, i don't know for certain. I'm not a Battlefield fanboy, i'm just seeing, with my own eyes, what the vastly superior game will be.

Trust me, I'm not angry at you and I don't care if CoD is the most casual franchise on the planet. I'm just tired of reading the same things over and over by these Battlefield fanboys everywhere I go. They're all over the internet spamming lately... on Youtube, gaming forums, CoD forums, chat rooms, even on Facebook. I've never seen another franchise with this much fanboyism before. It's just getting really annoying to the point where it makes me not want to get Battlefield 3, a game that I was really excited for at one point in time, just because I'm so tired of hearing about it and how "superior" it is to CoD.
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#83 LustForSoul
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The difference is that in COD you can jump in and play, no big hassle over learning the control. The maps are small so those aren't hard to remember. Also faster gameplay. You can hook up and jump in, that's what sells COD.
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#84 Lto_thaG
Member since 2006 • 22611 Posts

Actually,I can enjoy both although I prefer COD.

What's this switching crap?Like I'm in some camp.

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#85 trasherhead
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COD is a more arcade experience that still offer some depth, making it more approachable. Simple as that.
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#86 Monkey_N1nga
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my point exactly, you cant give me a specific detail. have you played BF?


yep i play battlefield, but the experience just does not measure up to call of duty. heres why.

1) matches take no longer than 10 minutes(quick accesible and i can just play and stop whenever)

2)battlefield does not take more skill, in fact no game takes any skill. just becoming comfortable with how the game feels and controls. i easily adapted my cod game to battlefield.Always top 3 on the scoreboard.

3)customization is way better and easier to do.silencer on whatever gun, not just for certainn guns.

4) Gameplay just feels better, smooth and quick.

5)no teammate aspect on most modes. I don't have to rely on my teammates.

6)search and destroy is fast paced and exciting to play. you never know whats going to happen.

7)Doesn't try to do things it can't, such as try to be too realistic. its an arcade military shooter, fast paced and addictive.

ok so cod takes less skill, since your #7 point says try to be too realistc. um i like realism. i dont like fake and bs respawns and bs shooting. i like to think about tactics, i dont like to run and gun like a mindless zombie. ok thanks

hey, you got your reply why are you still whining? No one cares about your opinions, he was just straightening the facts.
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#87 razgriz_101
Member since 2007 • 16875 Posts

Actually,I can enjoy both although I prefer COD.

What's this switching crap?Like I'm in some camp.


i like both aswell, but there are some parts of CoD that do need drastic overhauls and im very vocal bout that :P

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#88 bobbetybob
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That silky, gold, baby powder smooooth 60 frames per second, man.


I play on PC. What is this measly 60FPS you speak of? Have the consolites yet to reach 120FPS yet?

He was joking. And good luck getting 60 FPS on BF3 without running it on low. And 120hz displays are for 3D by the way, 2 x 60 = 120.
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#89 ShoTTyMcNaDeS
Member since 2011 • 2784 Posts

Two different games. CoD is fast paced run and gun whereas BF games are far more diliberate and team oriented. I play both, but it really depends on what kind of gaming mood Im in. The big issue I have with BF games is there always seems to be a few guys on your team that are far too self absorbed and forget their roles. I hate when an Assault or a Medic wont drop ammo or health packs. All they are interested in is getting kills or objectives.

CoD...Faster paced gameplay, Tons of unlocks, Killstreaks and Perks keep it fresh

BF....Big battlefields, vehicles that can turn the tide, environmental destruction

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#90 Birdy09
Member since 2009 • 4775 Posts

battlefield is the same thing as call of duty. conquest is full of a bunch of spawn killer campers and such. not realistic, not even close. battlefield woul'dnt even be where it is now if it weren't for call of duty.

The Irony.
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#91 lunatic0495
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I find it amazing that some people here are using hit detection as a strike against BF! COD/MW has some of the worst hit detection I have ever seen across all FPS'. I like and play both games. At one point I preferred COD, but now I prefer BF but still enjoy and play both. Both have pluses and minuses but when debating try and keep the argument realistic. If your a COD fanboy and call out BF on hit detection you are delusional. Hit detection is the most glaring problem with the COD/MW series IMO.

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#92 firefluff3
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[QUOTE="tommyas"]CoD takes almost no skill (faster reflexes arent skill in my book). CoD is easier and more accessible to casuals.ChubbyGuy40

Having sharp reflexes are a sign of skill and improve your performance in everything.

I also have no idea why you guys talk of Battlefield as it's some really complex, chess-like game or something. You aim at dudes, pull the trigger, repeat. The end.

CoD = let autoaim do the work, pull the trigger, very VERY imbalanced.

Battlefield = have to aim with no auto aim to help you, small hitboxes that aren't stupidly large to compensate for auto-aim or controllers, bullet spread, bullet travel, bullet weight, normalized weapons so no one has a big advantage.

Battlefield doesn't take much thought, but in comparison with the thought CoD? It might as well be a complex game of chess for CoD players. Have to focus on objectives and teamwork? NOOO I WANT TEH KILLSTREAKS!!!

I love BF but the hit detection was terrible.

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#93 viper-kid
Member since 2007 • 811 Posts

THe BF fans got there reason and now whining how BF is beter. Who gives a damn COD will continue to stomp BF and people will continue they feel is better unlike you forum dwellers. This was a thread to bash COD not find reasons why its better, notice BF fans are answer even though its not your question. But anyway go on WASDIE mod me as anything against BF is illegal so f it. Corrupt like the british police.

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#94 Lucianu
Member since 2007 • 10347 Posts

Trust me, I'm not angry at you and I don't care if CoD is the most casual franchise on the planet. I'm just tired of reading the same things over and over by these Battlefield fanboys everywhere I go. They're all over the internet spamming lately... on Youtube, gaming forums, CoD forums, chat rooms, even on Facebook. I've never seen another franchise with this much fanboyism before. It's just getting really annoying to the point where it makes me not want to get Battlefield 3, a game that I was really excited for at one point in time, just because I'm so tired of hearing about it and how "superior" it is to CoD.Messiahbolical-

Its hype before release, it'll go down after that. Play what you wanna play without listening to what people think. Its your experience that matters, man.

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#95 AmazonTreeBoa
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Most of the people replying here haven't even played Battlefield. The closest they have come to playing Battlefield is playing the Bad Company games. So they have no clue what Battlefield really is.

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#96 razgriz_101
Member since 2007 • 16875 Posts

THe BF fans got there reason and now whining how BF is beter. Who gives a damn COD will continue to stomp BF and people will continue they feel is better unlike you forum dwellers. This was a thread to bash COD not find reasons why its better, notice BF fans are answer even though its not your question. But anyway go on WASDIE mod me as anything against BF is illegal so f it. Corrupt like the british police.


as i've said in a few topics you just keep fighting the good fight champ :roll:

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#97 Messiahbolical-
Member since 2009 • 5670 Posts

Most of the people replying here haven't even played Battlefield. The closest they have come to playing Battlefield is playing the Bad Company games. So they have no clue what Battlefield really is.

You do realize that Bad Company IS Battlefield... right? :|
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#98 starjet905
Member since 2005 • 2079 Posts

Battlefield 2 was before Call of Dutyrazgriz_101


Most of the people replying here haven't even played Battlefield. The closest they have come to playing Battlefield is playing the Bad Company games. So they have no clue what Battlefield really is.


You do realize that Bad Company IS Battlefield... right? :|

This. BF fanboys act like BC is not part of the BF series just so they can keep saying that CoD keeps rolling out sequels every year.

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#99 John_Read
Member since 2009 • 1214 Posts
Arma 2 and Ro2 would be better choice for realism not BF
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#100 razgriz_101
Member since 2007 • 16875 Posts



Most of the people replying here haven't even played Battlefield. The closest they have come to playing Battlefield is playing the Bad Company games. So they have no clue what Battlefield really is.


You do realize that Bad Company IS Battlefield... right? :|

This. BF fanboys act like BC is not part of the BF series just so they can keep saying that CoD keeps rolling out sequels every year.

In its current form of multiplayer(Cod4 was the big step for CoD) it was 2 years before CoD.

A few ideas were directly taken ffrom BF2,the biggest one being the EXP system and the whole idea of challenges ;)

Also most of the newer Cod's directly have took lifts from UT (domination) and counter strike (search and destroy).

It imitates instead of innovates most of the time.