I'll put in my 2 cents why I like Bad Company 2 better:
Destruct able Environments: The match changes as you play. As the environment changes, you need to change your tactics, which helps a lot with keeping the match interesting and the immersion factor up.
Rush Mode: This mode defines Battlefield. It's the best mode IMO that combines both teamwork and very exciting matches. This mode alone is worth playing Battlefield.
Better GFX and Sound: Now, some people may think I'm grasping at straws when I point out Battlefield has better GFX and sound, but the truth is, these both help the immersion, especially the sound. The sound is phenomenal. Everything sounds great and will change where you are on the battlefield. I also like when your team and the enemy team yells and reacts to situations that are happening on the Battlefield. That also helps the immersion quite a lot.
Vehicles: Vehicles provide a lot more ways you can take the fight to the enemy and are also fun to blow up with C4 :D There is nothing more satisfying then sneaking up behind a tank, planting 2 C4 charges then... BOOM!! Never gets old.
Teamwork is rewarded: In Battlefield, you get points whenever you help your team. Whether it be reviving team mates, giving team mates ammo, reparing vehicles or even just spotting enemies, you will get points that add to your rank. You don't even need to fight, and you might make it close to the top of the point list just by helping your team.
Dog Tags: I don't care what people say, Dog Tags are a great reward for knifing someone. In Battlefield 3, the dog tags will be customizable, so when you get someones dog tags, it feels more personal.
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