Somehow I was unable to find a legit reason, so here is why:
- Easier learning curve and less punishing (with many modes having no cooldown timer for dying) Acessibility ok.
- Faster paced, can jump in a game and get several kills within a minute with matches rarely being longer then a half hour at mostAcessibility ok.
- More polish, you have to admit that the BF games tend to be rather buggy with hit detection and glitches with the wall compared to the usually polished Modern Warfare series You mean CoD? the game where you can chest/headshot someone a few times but die in 1 hit to the leg the other? Its more polished because theres barely anything to polish.... balance is awful with some things so thats not polish either.
- Better single player, a lot of people get into games for the campaign, and so far BC2's efforts have all been lacking compared to the campaigns of CoD Agreed, but we cant judge either in that department yet since this is the first Battlefield SP Campgin (NOT BAD COMPANY)
- Better co-op, while BF is amazing in MP, the co-op has been a huge downpoint. Onslaught was basically 4 redone maps against dumb bots, as compared to the well recieved Spec Ops and Zombies from the CoD franchise BF has overall better online Co-OP spec ops was just a minigame, and zombie mode isnt in this new game... just as you say "redone maps with waves of bots".
- Less individual glory, BF is amazing with friends, but not quite as much alone and doesn't reward twitch shooting or individual skill as much as planning so its for a different type of gamer really Disagree, I do amazing alone.
- Assorted other features and things (improved ranking system, more customization, perks, killstreaks, insane mode variety, etc.) 10x the costumization of BF Bad company games, I doubt there will be any gap between the 2 on this subject now.
So there you have it. A few reasons why someone might have a preference over another. Personally I love both games, and I think BF3 will be better then MW3, but so far both series have had their ups and downs. CoD4 was revolutionary and miles more fun then Bad Company 1 for me, while Bad Company 2 was much more fulfilling online then MW2 was. No need to bring out the biased hate.
I agree with some, but others are preferences that just dont go by what I consider logic.
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