Honestly, I see so much BS in this thread.
I get it when people say they don't like the games that are on Vita. Fine, it's their own opinion, they are intitled to it. I just don't get it when some people claim the launch lineup is crap as a FACT.
People complaining the Vita only has "ports/remakes/console experiences", while at same time claiming the 3DS has none of that.... Seriously?
- Super Street Fighter IV 3D
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
- Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D
- Mario Kart 7
These are the 3DS top rated games here on GS.... and guess what? They are all one of the following: a)ports; b)remakes; c)console experiences.
Yet, behold the hiprocisy at it's damn finest, this is all good and fine when the 3DS does it. However the Vita gets bashed for having a console like Uncharted, console like Wipeout, ports of Rayman, UMvC3, etc...
Heck, some posters above are going to great lengths to justify that while the 3DS games are not ports/remakes/console experiences (when they are) the Vita games are only that.
Seriously just stop the BS. You guys are bashing the Vita for the exact same flaws you find on the 3DS.
I think it is merely that some of the games are merely ports that provide no additional content that makes it vastly different. I will agree that Uncharted cannot be thrown into this category but Rayman, Wipeout (incorporates many tracks from Wipeout Fury), and UMvC3 are blatant ports straight(ish) from the PS3. Despite this, I find that Rayman would be more preferable in a portable setting. I adjusted the list you made based on your "classifications". You are not going to find a console experience that is exactly like Super Mario 3D Land (Super Mario Galaxy plays nothing like SM3dLand). Even with the remakes that are on the 3DS, they are not at the very least ports of the game from their respective consoles. Metal Gear Solid and LoZ Oot have been remade and updated while including new features not found in the original versions. I think people are looking for games that can only be found on the Vita, that is the problem. Some of games that have been released for the Vita that have console counterparts have had features that obviously should have been kept, but instead have been stripped out in order to release them sooner. I have to be influenced that I will be able to take something special away from the Vita that I CANNOT get or already have from the Ps3 (which is what will justify a purchase from me). I hope you see what I am trying to say.
Fine, even if we don't count Mario 3D Land as a console like experience, OoT is still a remake, SSFV is a port and Mario Kart 7 is a console like experience ( actually the term I was looking to use in my original post was "inferior console like" experience but whatever). And the other top rated 3DS games on that list were also ports/remakes/console like experiences. No one can really claim that the 3DS has one top game that you can't really find somewhere else, just like the Vita.
OOT 3DS is better than the original. MK7 is a "console experience" but it's the best MK to date.Meanwhile in Vita land Wipeout is 30fps rather play 1080p 60fps smoothness on the PS3 Fury tracks. Uncharted is worse than any PS3 Uncharted game.
Vita games just seem to be inferior in some way compared to the console counterparts.
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