I am not trying to prove the point that just because LBP is AAA that it disqualifies your opinion, which is what you think I am saying. You misinterpreted that entirely. I dont even know why you were responding to the AAA comment since it was for Bioshockz and not you. And you lost the point of the media point. I used the media to show that the scores didn't entail the floaty mechanics to be a big deal. There is nothing wrong with that. If you can't find specific LBP examples of review bias then your analogies cannot be used because they make general statements pertaining to reviews. It has nothing to do with LBP, which is what we are discussing.
You responded to W1NG in the context that it was presented, but you STILL appealed to authority because it was FACTUAL. I also appealed to the media to show factual, statistical evidence that the high review scores of LBP entailed that the floaty mechanics were not a big enough issue to deteriorate the score. You were not forced to appeal to popular authority. You could have stated it doesn't matter what others say about the floaty mechanics and that since W1NG found the mechanics to be fine, it was fine.
When W1NG asked who found it floaty, sure you said a lot of people did, but that's because it is factually true. The same way what I said was factually true. It's not petty-- it relates to the point that you try to disregard my comment on how gameplay didn't affect LBP by ignoring the fact that LBP is AAA. I did NOT use LBP's AAA status to knock off your opinion which is what you claimed. So if YOU are going to use other people, there is no reason why I can't use other people-- NOT to knock off your opinion, but to prove that floaty mechanics do not have a correlation on overall score. I understand what you are saying about context--- but you cannot then disregard my comment on AAA score.
It proves that it had no correlation on the gameplay mechanics. "Who cares if I CITED another source when I don't use it in myargument to begin with?" You didn't use it in your argument, I never said it did, but it proves your argument. the point? Citing other sources other than your own does not disregard the point you are trying to make. You claim that it does.
If you admit that I responded to him in the context presenteds then you are being petty. Its not an issue, there was no other way to respond that would not be trolling or irrelevant. It was the only response that could be given. As long as I didn't personally use it to prove my point, its not an issue. The differene between my comment and yours is I never integrated others opinions into mine. You integrated reviews (other peoples opinons) into yours. There is no 2 ways about it you admit it in this post, so I am confused as to what you are going on about? I also notice that you are no longer using that double standrad bull brap which atleast is good. Again, reviews that do not entail LBP can still be used because the reviewers don't just have then lose credibilty based on reach review. Its an ongoing process, the LBP reviews could all be legit, I'll admit that (I don't think many of them are bias) but the way the media presents reviews and information makes me skeptical on whether they are to be trusted. The fact is, my point is that the media isbias, not that the LBP reviews were all botched. They could be, they could not be, none of us can prove it, I'm saying cting reviews like they are a source of fact and meshing it into your own opinion is rather weak.
Your opinion needs to be from what you experienced, not from what others experienced and problems the reviewers didn't have or dock marks for is not enough of a reason to say its not a big deal. It would be my turn to prove it was a big deal but I've been arguing with you so much I haven't gottne to doing that. Though if all you are trying to prove is that the floaty mechanics had no coreelation on the review scores you're right, they didn't, that's what I have a problem with. They didn't find it a problem I did, so where does that leave us if you are not trying to discredit my opinion? That's why I really am of the mind that you were trying to discredit my opinion, you cited AAA so many times and said, it wouldn't score AAA if it were a problem. Well, obviously I thought it was a problem so that is a direct discreditng of my opinion because you are putting the reviews higher than my opinion or else we are arguing nothing.
So yeah, your analysis is still flawed because I never used the cite in MY personal argument. You did several times.
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