Some of you people are just taking this way to personally. What is Sony? A brother? Father? Neither. They are a company, a business - just like Nintendo, Microsoft, Dell, Apple, Honda, Nissan, Toyota, Holden, Ford, Canon, Logitech. They are all good businesses, because of events like this. They aren't here to hold your hand and to play Halo against you. Any other company would do the same if they were smart enough, which they are. Why don't any of you get mad at Microsoft for getting Devil May Cry on the Xbox 360? It's not STEALING its business and as someone else has said, if you don't like the way the world works, then i guess your either just to young or you believe that it's a nice fairytale where the good guy wins, unfortunetly the world isn't split between white and black its all a shade of grey, there isn't a bad guy or good guy, there is just business (atleast when it comes to this topic and arguement).
Good move by Sony, I'm not that interested in the game, though it must suck for those who don't get to play it, in PAL territory (to those who don't own a PS3). Doesn't change the fact that it's a smart move by Sony though.
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