Intro: Listen I know, usually when PC gamers make threads it comes with an overpowering feeling of elitism. And trust me a Champ thread is twice as elitist, because I'm twice as obnoxious. But I'll make my best attempts to meet you half way. For instance: I being the honorable champion that I am do the too long; didn't read part, before my actual OP.
You people: Um you only do that, because you write long ass novel posts that probably should have been condensed to 3 sentences anyway.
That doesn't invalidate my glorious decision making. So **** you.
So Too long; not reading Champ's shit: Why is it that you completely dismiss the PC genres like MMOs, strategy games, mobas, point n clicks, etc?
Now with those of you who don't have the attention span of a 5 year old, I'll get more into why I want to ask this question.
Actual OP: See what I mean by drawing this out way fucking longer than I should? right? anyway.
When it comes to the usual console vs PC garbage of PC gamers being elitist dick twinkies (lets be real: you are), and console fans being ignorant bitch muffins (lets be real: you are): when all else fails the console fans will go to the age ol "the only exclusives the PC gets are RTS games, Mobas, MMO's, point and clicks" and it's like...the PC guys never need to actually diss your exclusives this way.
In contrast the PC guys don't need to point out the disgusting majority of Playstation/Xbox exclusives fall into action games or racing games. Yes every now and then exceptions like Viva Pinata and Valkyria Chronicles happen. But otherwise it's a whole lot of shooting dudes in the face and vrom vrom, extra lap. With no disrespect intended to a terrific game like The Last of Us or....well no, just The Last of Us.
So for the slightly less ignorant why dismiss these games, when a majority of your exclusives fit a similar comfort food genre?
I've gone the extra step and set up your responses "well those PC genres just aren't any good".
Um why? Is it the complexity? is it the part where they have genuine depth to gameplay? is it the part where they are built for longer investment times than one n done flavor of the month spectacles? Because as gaming enthusiasts, specifically the type that dissed the Wii for leaving the "hardcore" for the "casual" should you not appreaciate games with depth? should you not appreciate rich game design? should you not respect value for the dollar in terms of longevity of these games?
"Yeah but they are boring"
Why though? Because they aren't straight forward action games? They are less about reflex (RTS's noted, calm down) and more about ...thinking? You have to play on a more lateral level than you are used to? The gaming enthusiast who was bothered by shitty "casuals ruining gaming industry' don't like games where the player is demanded to think?
"I like games with stories"
So you dismiss an entire genre that has the most consistent and some of the best (if not the absolute best) story writers in the medium in point and click games? Because fundamentally speaking the point and click adventure genre is built to tell a story, and thus has the most organic writing in a video games. And it can't be a lack of love for this genre, because I know The Walking Dead/Wolf Among Us got love.
It can't be "lack of gameplay" because the ones that had crossover success on consoles, are the ones with less adventure gameplay. To the point where the gameplay part is borderline non existent. Sure the average adventure game can be far from special (1954 Alcatras and Richard and Alice are good examples of average), but in between you still get something genuinely cool like the Blackwell Epiphany, Deponia, or Kentucky Route Zero.
And when that fails: "Yeah, but that's all the PC has"
Okay whoa, let's not mistake the PC for a platform that is irrelevant to a vast majority of developers like the WiiU. It gets a lionshare of all the important third party Triple A multiplats, it's got a larger selection of indie games, downloadable only games, and niche games that either are less prominent on consoles (Horror games for instance) or games that can't be done on consoles without stripping away the depth from those games (the aformentioned strategy games, mobas, mmos, etc).
So yeah, why dismiss a bunch of clearly well designed games?
For the record this isn't a why don't you PC thread. That one is fucking easy. More expensive buy in and lack of interest in PC, which is whatever you don't want to game on a platform that gives the consumer genuine choice, flexibility, and options.
Dismissing entire genres based entirely on preference though? seems really misguided given the gap in gameplay depth.
I wait my just deserts and my lolchampthreads.
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