Console Peeps: why dismiss entire genres?

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#101 dobzilian
Member since 2012 • 3409 Posts

@freedomfreak said:

I'll weigh in by saying I don't.


You always been the top contributor to these boards.

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#102  Edited By freedomfreak
Member since 2004 • 52566 Posts
@dobzilian said:

You always been the top contributor to these boards.

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#103  Edited By locopatho
Member since 2003 • 24300 Posts

Because MMOs and MOBAs rely on people co operating and people are fucking horrendous.

Because RTS games are rarely about strategy, they're just click fests.

Because adventure games have you jumping through ridiculous illogical hoops to progress the story.

I game on PC, I love the RPGs and indie games especially, but MMO, MOBA, RTS and adventure are quite horrible genres imo.

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#104 OhSnapitz
Member since 2002 • 19282 Posts

@jg4xchamp said:

@OhSnapitz said:

I'm glad you mentioned "Choice" because at the end of the day.. Choice is why consolers choose playing on consoles instead of PC.

And it's not really all encompassing to mention that (SOME) Consolers dismiss certain genre's on the PC, when (MOST) PC gamers dismiss the entire console catalog of exclusives because of personal preference and or elitism.

If I can't play Killzone SF, Second Son, MLB the Show 14, ect..ect.. on the PC, acknowledge that "Hey you know what, you guys do have some pretty good games that I can't play". If Not, don't expect the same from the Consolers.

Here is the difference. Individual games, as in exclusives vs console fans completely dismissing entire genres.

No one on the PC side tends to go oh look all the PS4 gets is shooters and a yearly sports franchise. They do the system wars thing where they tell you the game is shit without playing it. See, difference. The latter (dismissing a game without playing it) is an everybody thing, but the genre thing, that's definitely one sided. still equates to dismissing.

Besides.. Last gen when games like Mario Galaxy were winning awards I witnessed a few herms dismissing the platformer genre and boy oh boy did they dismiss the Fighting game genre BEFORE they started getting the Street fighters of the world. So no.. It's not one sided.

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#105  Edited By X_CAPCOM_X
Member since 2004 • 9625 Posts

The same strategic maneuvers useful in RTS games are utilized in arcade fighting games and action games; the part that you're forgetting is that they occur at a much (much) faster pace in these genres (an exception is competetive starcraft, where the quicker player wins). Ex: Anubis: ZOE (ZOE2) on extreme mode. Try it out.

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#106 Zen_Light
Member since 2010 • 2143 Posts

I've seen plenty of hermits dismissing all things Nintendo and just about anything Japanese. I've seen them dismiss Infamous and Uncharted, Destiny, Disgaea, Tales games, Red Dead Redemption and GTA V (before the PC announcement of course).

Sorry but a lot of PC gamers are not open minded about games that aren't on PC.

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#107  Edited By hehe101
Member since 2011 • 734 Posts

I dont like full RPG games and MMO's usually, just becaue the graphics are normally bad and the combat is very stale (dark souls is my example)

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#108  Edited By delta3074
Member since 2007 • 20003 Posts

I love most genres Except time management, Sports games and niche games like singstar, i think us Console gamers really don't know what they are missing sometimes, i would love to see some MMO's or Space RPG's (not sure what the correct name for that genre is ,sorry)

Ibought both my Xbox and my 360 based on the fact that it had a lot of PC titles like Gothic 4, risen, Half life 2, chronicles of riddick, doom 3, Left4dead 2, Metro 2033 , torchlight and last but not least Darkstar one.

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#109 The_Last_Ride
Member since 2004 • 76371 Posts

so you say there are no RPG's, no puzzle, rythm, fighting, platformers, MOBA's, Stealth, Horror, Survival, Sport, etc games?

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#110  Edited By dobzilian
Member since 2012 • 3409 Posts

@freedomfreak: When can you kick my butt on MK8 Freedom? I'm in need of some competition.

Please no touching my head, I have just been accidentally knee'd in the face lol.

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#111 StormyJoe
Member since 2011 • 7806 Posts

@jg4xchamp: My one point, and this is my opinion, is: playing games on a PC sucks shit, and I am not going to do it.

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#112 freedomfreak
Member since 2004 • 52566 Posts
@dobzilian said:

When can you kick my butt on MK8 Freedom? I'm in need of some competition.

Please no touching my head, I have just been accidentally knee'd in the face lol.

I'm sorry to hear about the knee reaction to the face. Must've been a real jerk.

Ah, I'd have to hook up the ol' WiiU.

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#113 Zelda187
Member since 2005 • 1047 Posts

I don't understand how RTS games and MMO's are so boring, yet these same people can play these repetitive, linear shooters like Halo and Call of Duty for years and still find them fascinating.

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#114  Edited By uninspiredcup
Member since 2013 • 62955 Posts

@locopatho said:

Because RTS games are rarely about strategy, they're just click fests.

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#115 dobzilian
Member since 2012 • 3409 Posts

@freedomfreak: Im kinda use to it being a Martial Artist and all. If I'm not battered or bruised then I dont feel normal lol.

haha fair enough.

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#116  Edited By LadyBlue
Member since 2012 • 4943 Posts

@wis3boi said:

@ladyblue said:

@AmazonTreeBoa said:
@ladyblue said:

@wis3boi said:

because they can't play them

Well that isn't close to being accurate... perhaps because they grew tired of those genres?

How can they grow tired of something they can't play? :O

Is sorcery keeping them from playing those games? :P

show me all those cool mobas and rts games on console....wait....

Completely forgot you can't own/play a pc game if you already own a console(or vice versa).

How silly of me...

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#117 Midnightshade29
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Being a pc, ps , and handheld gamer... I personally can't stand the moba genre. I can see how other console owners can see it as pointless. For one there is no actual story or's based off a damn mod for a game I thought was crap! Warcraft 3 , which I hated because of it's heroes and small group mechanics....not only have they made a genre based off the thing that made me hate wc3 ( I much preferred wc1 and 2's army of units approach to rts playing), but they made it so its online only..

Not only is the genre multiplayer only, it's team based, so you are forced to talk and cooperate with asshats on the internet. Screw that!

I don't play games to deal with people.. I have to do that all day at work. I play games to have fun, to challenge myself in a strategy game, to experience an epic tale, or to collect loads and loads of loot and gain meaningful levels.

PC has a lot of genres and games that consolites dismiss, but the mobas are rightfully dismissed and their popularity and their criminally insane fanbase and players are the scourge of the internet.

Genres that consolites should look into and would probably enjoy:

1. Space Sims -- These used to be a staple of pc gaming and were also on console back in the 90s..hell PS1 had wing commander 4 and a trilogy of games called Colony Wars.
- maybe if games like X-wing vs Tie fighter were made we would see more of this. Elite dangersous and star citizen are taking way to long to come out. These games would thrive on console, they just need to be made.

2. Simulation strategy: SimCity, Sims, Tropico, Dwarf fortress, Gnomria, Dungeon Keeper, etc... - PC is the place for this genre and some of them rock. You will not see much on console though or consolites being interested in this. How could you play dwar fortress on a console?
- although there was SimCity on SNES and PS1, you also had theme hospital on ps1 and tropic on xbox360. I don't think many consolites have experience with this genre so how can they like it?

3. Stategy - turn based: Civ 5, Xcom, Heroes of might and magic, Kings Bounty, Valkyrica chroniclesetc... : This genre is liked by some consolites...but there needs to be more of them on console period. I love, this genre, but I would love to be able to play it on the couch as well. Xcom shows that it can be done for the PC prespective.
- lets not forget that the consoles have this genre in spades in the form of SRPGS... games like Tactics Ogre, Disgaea, FF Tactics, Jeanne Darc, vandal harts etc.. are all console only. There just is limited access to Western styled games..although Civ did have a cut down version and Xcom showed console that it could be viable to have western turn based strategy on Console. This genre had a definite shot of being shown more love!

4. Real Time Strategy: Warcraft, StarCraft, Command and Conquer, Age of Empires, Rise of nations, etc... --- Big time pc genre with limited console exposure... Allthough WarCraft 2 was on the PS1 and Sega Saturn and were amazing on console. Red alert 3 was on PS3/360 and was pretty good as well, and then there was the middle earth rts. A shame that star wars: empire at war was never ported as that could of gotten console peeps into rts.
-This genre can be done on console, it just needs to have reworked controls like red alert 3.

5. Point and click adventure style: Kings Quest, Police quest, Liesure suite larry, Broken Sword, Longest Journey etc... Great genre, great games, and they are popular with consolites too.. Just look at walking dead... There just needs to be more of them. Consolites have limited exposure to this genre so of course they don't get it.
-More games like The longest journey and it's sequel please... it's a damn shame that that dev became an MMO developer and hasn't made a quality single player game since Dreamfall.. What were they thinking... following the greed gets you buried..just look at crytek or the thousand of dead mmo devs.

MMOs and Mobas need to die, or at least be scalled back. We don't need tons of games in this genere... It's saturated like FPS is on Console. A new moba gets announced weekly it seems. How many can people play? They will just go back to dota or lol anyway...just like mmo players went back to wow.

PC devs are putting to many resources into making mmos and mobas when they could be making games from the 5 genres listed!? It's messed up!

Final thought: Thank god for kickstarter!!! Many genres like party based rpgs are making a comeback on it as fans want them. Publishers keep pushing for multiplayer only crap mmos and mobas but there is enough of them. Divinity original sin shows us that success can be made if you just listen to your fans and make a game in a genre that is loved and under-represented. I think consolites would love these games too, if they were ported to console... of course the controls may be an issue but it is doable. I remember Baldur's gate being advertised in magazines in the 90s for never happened...but it could of been. A lot of games on kickstater are getting vita ports as stretch goals... that is enticing and I hope more do similar things.

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#118 osirisx3
Member since 2012 • 2113 Posts

i love visual novels and you can only get them on pc. In japan you can get them in consoles but its very rare in the west.

without pc there would be no School days or clannad for me.

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#119 ShepardCommandr
Member since 2013 • 4939 Posts

because they suck

MMOs and MOBAs suck period.

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#120 R4gn4r0k
Member since 2004 • 49127 Posts

@wis3boi said:

because they can't play them

Ho ho ho ho!!!!!

There we have it.

Last gen: cows: "Lololol, nobody cares about resolution"

This gen: cows: "What ? Xbone can't reach 1080p ? Worthless system"

"What? Paying 50 dollars again for an upressed game ? Don't mind if I do"

A fanboy will only care about something once he has it. When a competing system has something they don't, it's basically useless to them.

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#121 jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64057 Posts
@The_Last_Ride said:

so you say there are no RPG's, no puzzle, rythm, fighting, platformers, MOBA's, Stealth, Horror, Survival, Sport, etc games?


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#122 Cloud_imperium
Member since 2013 • 15146 Posts

Dude , they don't have those genres . They can't play them , so those don't count . Once half decent game from those genres arrive on consoles then it is the best thing ever .

I simply can't wait for The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 , sequel to one of the best AAA point and click adventure in ages .

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#123  Edited By Blabadon
Member since 2008 • 33030 Posts

Why the **** are you people quoting the entire damn OP, it's hard enough reading that shit once

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#124 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29845 Posts

@system-reboot said:


can anyone summarize it?

Sorry, Sniper, these forums don't allow us to type in crayon.

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#125 Gue1
Member since 2004 • 12171 Posts

@ShepardCommandr said:

because they suck

MMOs and MOBAs suck period.

MMO's in particular are the biggest and most pointless time wasters ever made. Just one infinite grindfest with often extremely simplistic gameplay.

I played a bit of DCUO, PSO and WoW and while I liked it at first the novelty wore off after a few weeks. I don't know how people can play that shit for years and not get bored of it.

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#126 Boddicker
Member since 2012 • 4458 Posts

I don't dismiss any genres simply because if they exist there must be fans out there. Well, some of them may be creepier than others (anime dating sims) but they got fans, damnit!!!!!!

I'm one of the console gamers that enjoys strategy games more than most and I hope this gen will not disappoint. I'm more of TBS kind of guy (like XCOM) but I'm down for an occasional RTS.

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#128 happyduds77
Member since 2012 • 1688 Posts

Is it forbidden to not enjoy a certain genre?

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#129  Edited By strangeisland
Member since 2009 • 1153 Posts

they are ignored because some games don't have the bro crowd marketing ads, or the high budget cg tv spots or the flashy awards

this game right now has probably more players than every console exclusive combined

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#130  Edited By wis3boi
Member since 2005 • 32507 Posts

@ladyblue said:

@wis3boi said:

@ladyblue said:

@AmazonTreeBoa said:
@ladyblue said:

@wis3boi said:

because they can't play them

Well that isn't close to being accurate... perhaps because they grew tired of those genres?

How can they grow tired of something they can't play? :O

Is sorcery keeping them from playing those games? :P

show me all those cool mobas and rts games on console....wait....

Completely forgot you can't own/play a pc game if you already own a console(or vice versa).

How silly of me...

this thread is about console fanboys who dont just not like a genre, but dismiss it entirely as if it were notcounted.

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#131 lostrib
Member since 2009 • 49999 Posts

Not sure how much longer they can keep disregarding something like Dota 2 which just had the International 2014 with $5mil to the winning team and ESPN is showing interest in broadcasting more matches

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#132 The_Last_Ride
Member since 2004 • 76371 Posts

@jg4xchamp said:
@The_Last_Ride said:

so you say there are no RPG's, no puzzle, rythm, fighting, platformers, MOBA's, Stealth, Horror, Survival, Sport, etc games?


the OP says that consoles don't have any of the genre's i posted.

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#133 locopatho
Member since 2003 • 24300 Posts

@uninspiredcup said:

@locopatho said:

Because RTS games are rarely about strategy, they're just click fests.

It's true. Turn based are real strategy. The best RTS players are ranked by their "commands per minute" for **** sake. The effective strategies are obvious, it's just who can click faster. Lame.

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#134 PurpleMan5000
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@locopatho said:

@uninspiredcup said:

@locopatho said:

Because RTS games are rarely about strategy, they're just click fests.

It's true. Turn based are real strategy. The best RTS players are ranked by their "commands per minute" for **** sake. The effective strategies are obvious, it's just who can click faster. Lame.

Well, there also is the whole element of recognizing your opponent's strategy and reacting.

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#135  Edited By CrownKingArthur
Member since 2013 • 5262 Posts
@PurpleMan5000 said:

@locopatho said:

@uninspiredcup said:

@locopatho said:

Because RTS games are rarely about strategy, they're just click fests.

It's true. Turn based are real strategy. The best RTS players are ranked by their "commands per minute" for **** sake. The effective strategies are obvious, it's just who can click faster. Lame.

Well, there also is the whole element of recognizing your opponent's strategy and reacting.

depends on the game a bit as well. supreme commander as an rts has lots of ways to minimise the player's micromanagement, so you can focus on overall strategy.

btw that's a really good game if you are into rts and haven't played it. goes on sale on steam all the time.

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#136  Edited By AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

Because for all their chest beating and complaining about casuals and stuff the simple truth is that console gamers like simple accessible games made for casual audience. There are console players with different tastes, but they're in minority and they have better things to do than troll on SW, things like playing their games.

Meanwhile typical console fanboy has plenty of time on his hands, because the big budgeted/ridiculously expensive to market games (and those are the only nes they care about) aren't released often. Gotta fill the days,weeks and months between them somehow.

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#137  Edited By LadyBlue
Member since 2012 • 4943 Posts

@wis3boi said:

@ladyblue said:

@wis3boi said:

@ladyblue said:

@AmazonTreeBoa said:
@ladyblue said:

@wis3boi said:

because they can't play them

Well that isn't close to being accurate... perhaps because they grew tired of those genres?

How can they grow tired of something they can't play? :O

Is sorcery keeping them from playing those games? :P

show me all those cool mobas and rts games on console....wait....

Completely forgot you can't own/play a pc game if you already own a console(or vice versa).

How silly of me...

this thread is about console fanboys who dont just not like a genre, but dismiss it entirely as if it were not counted.

Not a single thing about a genre or games not counting(just checked op).

Either way what does that have to do with the post you replied to? To argue against that any individual can own a console, & PC and not enjoy some of those genres listed in the op is wrong.

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#138  Edited By HalcyonScarlet
Member since 2011 • 13838 Posts
@wis3boi said:

@ladyblue said:

@wis3boi said:

@ladyblue said:

@AmazonTreeBoa said:
@ladyblue said:

@wis3boi said:

because they can't play them

Well that isn't close to being accurate... perhaps because they grew tired of those genres?

How can they grow tired of something they can't play? :O

Is sorcery keeping them from playing those games? :P

show me all those cool mobas and rts games on console....wait....

Completely forgot you can't own/play a pc game if you already own a console(or vice versa).

How silly of me...

this thread is about console fanboys who dont just not like a genre, but dismiss it entirely as if it were notcounted.

Lets be honest, console fanboys like to conveniently dismiss the PC in general. If they had it their way this would be console wars.

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#139 wis3boi
Member since 2005 • 32507 Posts

@HalcyonScarlet said:
@wis3boi said:

@ladyblue said:

@wis3boi said:

@ladyblue said:

@AmazonTreeBoa said:
@ladyblue said:

@wis3boi said:

because they can't play them

Well that isn't close to being accurate... perhaps because they grew tired of those genres?

How can they grow tired of something they can't play? :O

Is sorcery keeping them from playing those games? :P

show me all those cool mobas and rts games on console....wait....

Completely forgot you can't own/play a pc game if you already own a console(or vice versa).

How silly of me...

this thread is about console fanboys who dont just not like a genre, but dismiss it entirely as if it were notcounted.

Lets be honest, console fanboys like to conveniently dismiss the PC in general. If they had it their way this would be console wars.

we've had people seriously suggest that in the past

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#140 jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64057 Posts

@The_Last_Ride said:

@jg4xchamp said:
@The_Last_Ride said:

so you say there are no RPG's, no puzzle, rythm, fighting, platformers, MOBA's, Stealth, Horror, Survival, Sport, etc games?


the OP says that consoles don't have any of the genre's i posted.

There is no way anyone who has a basic understanding of english, could get that from the op. Try again. :/

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#141 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 25387 Posts

@jg4xchamp said:

It's a boredom simulator. A truly unique experience in gaming.

Is Half Life 2 a unique game as in the only boredom simulator? Was Mafia 2 and Dragon Age: Origins removed from history? :P

@locopatho said:

Because RTS games are rarely about strategy, they're just click fests.

Now, I do prefer TBS over RTS. But this statement is just redicilous

"Because FPS games are rarely about shooting they are just point and clicks"

  1. in a good RTS, you will not be only clicking to issue commands, instead you will use your Keyboard a lot as well to quickly issue construction orders, use certain abilities, select specific units and quickly navigate the map and your interface.
  2. It is still strategy first, you issuing commands faster than me wont mean squat when my army of archers counters and utterly destroys your more well microd army of footmen.
@lostrib said:

Not sure how much longer they can keep disregarding something like Dota 2 which just had the International 2014 with $5mil to the winning team and ESPN is showing interest in broadcasting more matches

Correct me if I am wrong, but I have been hearing about some 11 million dollar DOTA 2 tournament too. Maybe that was the total prize pool for that tourney.

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#142  Edited By lostrib
Member since 2009 • 49999 Posts

@Maroxad said:

@lostrib said:

Not sure how much longer they can keep disregarding something like Dota 2 which just had the International 2014 with $5mil to the winning team and ESPN is showing interest in broadcasting more matches

Correct me if I am wrong, but I have been hearing about some 11 million dollar DOTA 2 tournament too. Maybe that was the total prize pool for that tourney.

Same tournament: The International 2014. The overall prize money was close to 11 million dollars, the 1st place team got 5 million, 2nd got ~1.5 Mil, 3rd got ~1 million, 4th got ~800K, etc with 14th place got ~21K. Of course this is per team, and a team is 5 people.

And the way the International prize pool worked was the initial prize pool was 1.6 Million dollars. Through purchases of the TI4 compendium, an extra 9.3 million dollars was added.

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#143 RoboCopISJesus
Member since 2004 • 2225 Posts

They see the aaa-aa games count and panick, their best effort is to completely dismiss certain genres so maybe PC isn't in such a distant lead.

@locopatho said:

@uninspiredcup said:

@locopatho said:

Because RTS games are rarely about strategy, they're just click fests.

It's true.

Too obvious.

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#144 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 25387 Posts

@lostrib said:

@Maroxad said:

@lostrib said:

Not sure how much longer they can keep disregarding something like Dota 2 which just had the International 2014 with $5mil to the winning team and ESPN is showing interest in broadcasting more matches

Correct me if I am wrong, but I have been hearing about some 11 million dollar DOTA 2 tournament too. Maybe that was the total prize pool for that tourney.

Same tournament: The International 2014. The overall prize money was close to 11 million dollars, the 1st place team got 5 million, 2nd got ~1.5 Mil, 3rd got ~1 million, 4th got ~800K, etc with 14th place got ~21K. Of course this is per team, and a team is 5 people.

And the way the International prize pool worked was the initial prize pool was 1.6 Million dollars. Through purchases of the TI4 compendium, an extra 9.3 million dollars was added.

Ahh ok, understood. That certainly was a lot extra money added to the price pool

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#145 FireEmblem_Man
Member since 2004 • 20389 Posts

@Motokid6 said:

@ladyblue said:

@wis3boi said:

show me all those cool mobas and rts games on console....wait....

Completely forgot you can't own/play a pc game if you already own a console(or vice versa).

How silly of me...

The chances of a console-primary gamer owning a gaming pc are slim to none. The chances of a pc gamer owning a console? very high.

Your logic is flawed... I was once a primary console gamer, owning all consoles last gen until I realized that an Xbox and Playstation are nothing more than a watered down PC that share a lot of third party games that I was once interested and was turned off by fanboy wars of the two. PC gaming has changed my gaming life and I have a better LTD solution of playing the games I want.

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#146  Edited By X_CAPCOM_X
Member since 2004 • 9625 Posts

@lostrib said:

@Maroxad said:

@lostrib said:

Not sure how much longer they can keep disregarding something like Dota 2 which just had the International 2014 with $5mil to the winning team and ESPN is showing interest in broadcasting more matches

Correct me if I am wrong, but I have been hearing about some 11 million dollar DOTA 2 tournament too. Maybe that was the total prize pool for that tourney.

Same tournament: The International 2014. The overall prize money was close to 11 million dollars, the 1st place team got 5 million, 2nd got ~1.5 Mil, 3rd got ~1 million, 4th got ~800K, etc with 14th place got ~21K. Of course this is per team, and a team is 5 people.

And the way the International prize pool worked was the initial prize pool was 1.6 Million dollars. Through purchases of the TI4 compendium, an extra 9.3 million dollars was added.

That's a lot of money, however a handful of fighting games and other RTS's such as starcraft deserve more prize money in their respective toruneys simply off of game design principles and the amount of discipline required imo.

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#147  Edited By AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

@X_CAPCOM_X said:

That's a lot of money, however a handful of fighting games and other RTS's such as starcraft deserve more prize money in their respective toruneys simply off of game design principles and the amount of discipline required imo.

Not really. MOBAs tourneys deserve that money far more.

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Member since 2004 • 9625 Posts

@AdrianWerner said:

@X_CAPCOM_X said:

That's a lot of money, however a handful of fighting games and other RTS's such as starcraft deserve more prize money in their respective toruneys simply off of game design principles and the amount of discipline required imo.

Not really. MOBAs tourneys deserve that money far more.

Any game where grinding is a requirement is automatically disqualified from that statement - the amount of time you play shouldn't directly improve your chances of winning. Only tedious practice should win a game.

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#149 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

@X_CAPCOM_X said:

@AdrianWerner said:

@X_CAPCOM_X said:

That's a lot of money, however a handful of fighting games and other RTS's such as starcraft deserve more prize money in their respective toruneys simply off of game design principles and the amount of discipline required imo.

Not really. MOBAs tourneys deserve that money far more.

Any game where grinding is a requirement is automatically disqualified from that statement - the amount of time you play shouldn't directly improve your chances of winning. Only tedious practice should win a game.

Well, good thing then there's no grinding of this kind in those MOBAs.

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#150 jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64057 Posts

@X_CAPCOM_X said:

@AdrianWerner said:

@X_CAPCOM_X said:

That's a lot of money, however a handful of fighting games and other RTS's such as starcraft deserve more prize money in their respective toruneys simply off of game design principles and the amount of discipline required imo.

Not really. MOBAs tourneys deserve that money far more.

Any game where grinding is a requirement is automatically disqualified from that statement - the amount of time you play shouldn't directly improve your chances of winning. Only tedious practice should win a game.

So you're ignorant about Dota, nice.