[QUOTE="Plagueless"] Your point that PS3 is more powerful is pure theory. Yes, the Cell should have potential to be better, but reality is that multiplat devs dont see the point in making the PS3 version look better when the 360 version is the better seller ofthe two. Also, the GPU in the 360 is not the same as the ps3's: the 360 uses unifed shader architecture for textures and vertex, while ps3 has dedicated shaders fo those purposes. In short, that means the 360 can use more power for textures or vertex when needed unlike the Ps3. Its kinda funny because the 360 does the same thing with its gpu that the ps3 does with the cell: rerouting power.
The 360 may be better tapped-out due to being a more efficient design but it's not more powerful. The reason why the graphics don't look much better on the PS3 is simply that it's GPU is nothing special and the GPU just happens to be more important for the graphics. But in raw power the PS3 is undoubtly more powerful.
Raw power equals Memory (Ram) CPU, and GPU. 360 wins two of those catagories but not by much. How is PS3 more powerful again? The 360 and PS3 are called the HD twins for a reason. They are probably the most alike consoles (in terms of power) in recent memory. Sorry, but until I see an exclusive PS3 game that absolutley blows Crysis 2 and Gears 3 out of the water, your argument is purely guesswork. In theory the PS3's cell should more than make up for its outdated memory and GPU, but as I said before there has not been a game that sets a graphical benchmark that the 360 couldn't reach. Cows have been saying that the ps3 has better graphics and more power for half a decade and its still not reality. lmao ok crysis 2? really, what worst game to pick. first of all crysis 2 wasnt even all that on PC ,let alone on consoles....i had a xbox and ps3 side by side both paying crysis 2, and there was NO DIFFERENCE, besides the fact ps3 had better lighting in certain areas and the suit looked somewhat better. theres actually a a site that has the game on both consoles side by side showing u which is better. and please dont say gears bro, i like gears and i think it looks good but callin it graphic king? lmao makes me laugh uncontrollably...and sorry to burst ur graphic king bubbles, but theres more than ONE game on ps3 that makes those games on xbox look bad.
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