I mean seriously we all know RTS's on consoles are instant fail mix:
Command & Conquer (N64)- 7.6
Command & Conquer (PS1)- 8.2
Command & Conquer (SATURN!!)- 9.2
Command & Conquer: Red Alert (PS1)- 7.6
Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars (360)- 8.7
Starcraft 64 (N64)- 8.4
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders- 8.5
Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes- 8.2
The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth II (360)- 8.3
Average Score: 8.3
And note that with the exception of the two KuF titles, these are all more-or-less quick-and-dirty PC-to-console overly-hyphenated ports. So why exactly can't a game like Halo Wars, an RTS built exclusively with consoles in mind by a quality developer, work out again?
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