@SolidGame_basic: I actually read the TC's post and the statements are well thought out arguments which is nice to see consider what usually counts for most OP's here in SW. Lets break it down shall we.
Consoles are still more cost effective. For $400, you're not simply getting hardware. You're getting the ecosystem that comes with the console and console communities are just as good, if not better, than PC (modding is a nice idea, but that's pretty niche). You also get a controller which itself costs around $50 or such. Yes you do pay have to pay for online now but with PS+ you get an incredible deal with plenty of value (and let's face it, if you game on PC you're spending quite a bit of money on hardware and games anyway.)
1. Granted consoles are cheaper but that $400 is not really buying you a lot of stuff. Yes, its a Blu-ray player but they cost less than $50 now, yes it can play music but so can my stereo system, yes it can play Netflix but so can my TV now. Having a console with all these features is pretty much moot now as every device under the sun can be used as a "entertainment" system. What I buy consoles for, is games and at the moment I see nothing on consoles that I can't play on PC. Sure there will be console exclusives coming and thats great and all but for you to try and argument against hermits to drop their PC's and embrace consoles, its a pretty weak starting point.
2. Lets talk about communities. Gaming communities are all personal preference. I for example will not play with a "try hard" gaming clan because I hate their playstyle. On PC I can pick and chose which communities I invest my time in. On consoles, you either have to know your friends in advanced so to speak or have a go at the random public matches to find people to play with. Now, I'm not saying that you can't find good people on PSN and XBL as evidenced back in my 360 days where I made a good number of long term gaming teammates from random games but I had to wade through a lot of shit to find those diamonds.
3. Modding is not niche. Next.
You're also guaranteed a system that can play the games that you buy. With PC, there's always that chance that a) it wasn't properly optimized for PC b) you're hardware can't handle it or your computer has some internal/software issues c) the game that you bought was not even complete to begin with (which happens way more often on PC than console).
1. Playing a game is different from actually being able to enjoy it. Playing a racer at 30FPS is not something I consider to be enjoyable. Remember, you are arguing with hermits who most likely play games at much higher FPS and settings than consoles can provide.
2. If you are into PC gaming you should know your specs. Thats like saying you forgotten what type of fuel your car takes everytime you fill it up. Its buyer beware, remember to check your users manual to see what fuel you should be putting in.
3. You have a point with the uncompatibilty issues though, a PC has a lot of more going on under the hood compared to a console so there will be problems. They tend to manifest more the older the install of Windows you have. Most gamers reformat once a year.
4. Early access is 100% buyer beware. You are not required to spend money on early access things. Next
By far the greatest reason why consoles still trump PC is that you don't need to be online to play a game. I can play a campaign without needing an internet connection. How is that 95% of PC games now require steam/drm? I can't even access story mode unless I log into steam in most cases. Even when you buy a physical copy it still requires access to steam or some other platform like origin or uplay.
1. If the offline is so trumpteded, why has both Sony and MS made nearly all their features online based? I do not always need to be connect when using Steam, Steam only requires internet access to play a game if you haven't played it previously or something, I've never had that issue myself.
2. XBL and PSN are DRM. You are playing your game in their own online world. You are using PSN or XBL servers. Next
There's also the whole "steam sales" thing. Consoles, especially PS4, have already come around to their own sales and many games can be found cheap about a month after release. PS+ also gives you an additional discount and you also get a couple a free games that are, for the most part, still pretty recent.
1. The sales on both XBL and PSN have paled in comparision to Steam but Steam has more competition to contend with where as the consoles are control exclusively by MS and Sony respectively. PSN+ is great, I have it myself but you can't hid behind it as a means to serve your argument. To gain access to the greater discounts or even any discount at all on games you have to be a PSN+ member. I don't need a paid membership to Steam to access the great discounts come sale time.
And finally, console and console games are what typically drive the industry. When do most developers start shifting gears on new game development? Around console cycles, not PC. And with the success of PS4, and to some extent X1, you will have developers focusing on consoles first. I mean, look at what happened with Watch_Dogs. It'll be the same thing with other games as well. I bet Grand Theft Auto 5 will be very similar between PC and next gen consoles.
1. Consoles have gens, its always been this way. That allows devs to mix it up with the new tech whilst still pushing the old stuff. I much prefer it though compared to what is used to be like on PC. The stereotype of having to upgrade every 6 months actually held water, now I can have a video card that lasts years instead of months.
Well, there you have it @SolidGame_basic I had a go at breaking down your arguments in a logical and controlled fashion. I look forward to hearing your response.
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