"In short, then, Xbox 360 benefits from a 25 per cent resolution boost over the PlayStation 3 version of the game. That's a pretty stark statistic, and while it is true that the action generally looks clearer and not quite so blurred on the Xbox 360, it's also the case that when the game is in full flow, the amount of post-processing effects in play, including camera and object-based motion blur, tends to equalise the visuals somewhat. Quite why there is a resolution difference at all is intriguing."
"there is an overall feeling that the image on Xbox 360 is cleaner and crisper."
"By and large, the look of the game is entirely consistent between both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. However, there do appear to be some isolated instances where lighting appears bugged or flawed in the PS3 version, as the brace of shots above demonstrates."
The increased performance and resolution indicates that the Xbox 360 is the preferred platform for Crysis 2,
Do people even read their own links?
Do people even read their own links?
exactly, the cows are in MAD damge control this morning. after 2 years of 360 is maxed out remarks and '' 360 will never have a game on par with uncharted 2 or killzone'' the CRYTEK engine comes and owns them. this is too funny.....It's funny how fun selective reading can be
In these situations, it seems that it is the Xbox 360 version that has the most difficulties, though there's no mistaking that both platforms seem to lag badly in much the same areas. Interestingly, the really poor-performing sections do seem isolated to specific areas in the campaign, and from the hive infiltration level onwards things seemed to improve, but it's quite difficult to believe that those areas of the game got through QA without someone, somewhere raising the red flag.
The key to progression through these troublesome areas is to employ stealth rather than a balls-out frontal assault, but in a game that places so much weight on presenting different tactical strategies for potential flashpoints, it's disappointing that it's technical issues that are effectively narrowing down the available options. In conclusion, it's fair to say that Crytek has done enough to prove that Crysis can run on consoles - either of them in fact - and certainly the issues the game has in terms of bizarre glitches, performance drops, geometry pop-in and such-like are hardly exclusive to one platform. On balance, 360 has the edge in terms of visuals and general performance, but PS3 more than holds its own, bettering the Microsoft platform in some areas.
Besides that The green is what i've been saying all along, The blue is what I like doing, just throwing on armor and just ripping shi up.
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