Why would they lie though? And you have it the wrong way around - they used to develop for one platform and are now developing for three (excluding their agreements with MS which have their own reasons). So they did what you suggest.
Independent dev's prefer PC because they are able to make money with little risk. When they become sucessful enough they move onto multi platform development, and their games become a shadow of their previous selves. That's just the way it is. I don't care if Cervat Yerli (who moaned about PC piracy in 2008 for Crysis when 2 years later it had sold almost 5million copies) or Mark Rein (who's last PC exclusive game was UT2k4, which sold well) try and blame piracy for their non PC centric games not selling well on PC. If UT3 was PC only, and developed without the gigantic anchor that is console development, than it would have sold appropriately.
I like how Crysis sales keep going up with each topic. They were at 3 million at 05.2010 (here) and I doubt they have exceeded 4 million since then. The initial sales (the ones at full price, which metter the most) were disappointing (link). Now, I don't say the game didn't turn out profitable, but considering its qualities, it didn't earn as much as it deserved.
Certain developers understand this, and that's why your seeing DICE putting the effort required in to make a great selling PC game with BF3. Try and compare what we know about BF3 to EPIC's **** Gears of War PC port.
GeoW port on PC is flawless. You may dislike the game, but there aren't any problems with its PC version.
Crysis didn't hit DD (you know, the most important part of PC sales these days) for a year after it came out. It didn't go on sale on steam until 2009. That was it's first sale. The majority of Crysis sales have come full price. Without console license fee's.
Frictional recently came out and said that the PC indie scene was so good to them that they were considering not even trying to go into the console scene...
and Gears of War is not flawless... It's a console game. It was a year old console port on PC. Where are all the threads on how poorly the 1year old PS3 port of ME2 sold on system wars? oh that's right, it doesn't fit into the BS assumption that PC gaming is dying because of piracy...
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